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Kenton returned to visit Lord Vey in the hope that he could find some way to get Lord Vey on his side. After being made to wait for a long time, Kenton loudly exclaimed that he expected Lord Vey to continue paying tribute to the Diem for the same reason as always. Upon hearing this Lord Vey invited Kenton into his office for a private meeting. In this meeting, Kenton pretended to know why Lord Vey had been paying tribute to the Diem and attempted to use this knowledge to blackmail Vey into voting for him. However, Vey realized that Kenton did not, in fact, know why the merchants guild had continued to pay tribute and refused to vote for him.{{book ref|ws|13|review=yes}}{{book ref|ws|14|review=yes}}
After Vey refused to vote to maintain the Diem, Kenton went to a restaurant. There he discussed the morality of blackmailing Lord Vey with Aaric and Khriss. AaricAarik felt that because Vey had a poor moral character Kenton was justified in using whatever means were necessary. Khriss stated that scholars at the [[Elisian University]] had debated whether someone is justified in committing a minor evil in pursuit of a greater good but that they had not come to a conclusion. The group was then attacked by Kerztian assassins. Kenton and Ais managed to kill most of them; one grabbed and threatened to kill Khriss if Kenton didn't surrender, but was killed by [[Jon Acron]]. Ais said she was surprised the assassins would attack that day as it violated the [[KerKor]].{{book ref|ws|14|review=yes}}
== Notes ==