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m (→‎Cytonic Abilities: Taln Fan, I know you're planning to work on this; I just wanted to get these things in so that there's at least something for redirects to point to)
'''Mindblades''' are pure force, formed by the mind of the user. They can be used to cut through any solid objects, but with practice, they can be Sensed and blocked by other mindblades. They are capable of affecting even materials that are resistant to advanced conventional weaponry, such as [[Telaniumtelanium]].{{book ref|elysium}} They are considered one of the more advanced cytonic abilities, and difficult to figure out on one's own.{{book ref|sky2|11}}
[[Taynix#Boomslugs|Some taynix]] are capable of generating mindblades. These taynix can be paired with cytonic technology to amplify there power, which results in a device sometimes known as a '''hyperweapon''' that can deliver devastating attacks.{{book ref|sf2|21}}
=== Concussion Bolts ===
'''Concussion bolts''' are a cytonic attack that target a person's mind. Being hit by the full force of one can leave a person stunned for minutes and give them a headache that lasts for days.{{book ref|sf2|3}}
=== FTL Travel ===