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(Added a chunk of the history from my user page, but not doing the rest until i have some quotes/images to break up the text)
== History ==
Spensa lived in the [[Glorious Rises of Industry]] with her mother and [[Becca Nightshade|grandmother]], who she referred to as Gran-Gran.{{book ref|skyward|1}} Gran-Gran's mother was the "engines" of ''[[Defiant]]'', enabling its faster-than-light travel.{{book ref|skyward|45}}
Spensa went to school and did reasonably well, but occasionally skipped classes to go exploring or hunting. She skipped class on the last day of school when a sanitation worker was giving a presentation. She accidentally found an old ship in a cavern, seemingly high tech and unfamiliar in appearance. She was told she could take the pilots exam, and was confident in her knoweldcdge. To her horror, she found her pilots test to be all questions about city sanitation. she failed the test, having skipped class that day.{{book ref|skyward|5}} She sat in the exam room for hours, then picked up a blank regular test and filled it out. Cobb, her father’s old wingmate and a First Citizen, entered the room and looked over her test. He asked her some questions, and told her to show up at flight school the next day.{{book ref|skyward|6}}
Spensa accidentally finds an old ship in a cavern. Shortly afterwards, she is accepted into Captain [[Cobb]]'s Flight School class and became a member of [[Skyward Flight]]. Unable to take up residence at the school overnight because of Admiral [[Judy Ivans|Ironside]]'s fears, she stays in the cavern with the ship. After recruiting her friend [[Rodge McCaffrey|Rodge "Rigmarole" McCaffrey]] to help her, they repair the ship, which is the host of an AI known as [[M-Bot]].
Spensa went to Flight School the next day, befriending a girl named Kimmalyn.{{book ref|skyward|5}} The training room had several flight simulators, and Spensa met the rest of her flight. She instantly disliked Jorgen, who is rich and priveleged. Cobb made Jorgen flight leader, which outraged Spensa.{{book ref|skyward|9}} The cadets spent hours practicing takeoff and landing in the simulators, and afterward an alarm went off. They were called to head towards the battle because Nightmare Flight was down in the caverns. They weren’t supposed to engage in combat, just hover near the city and look threatening. But when a Krell ship went towards the city they engaged. Kimmalyn managed to snipe the Krell fighter and destroy it, and Skyward Flight went back to the surface.{{book ref|skyward|11}}
Admiral [[Judy Ivans|Ironside]] despised Spensa and thought her to be a coward like her father, and forbade her from sleeping or eating at the Flight School. Spensa was forced to sleep in her cave with the broken ship, and to make the long commute between there and the Flight School. Because she was forbidden to eat at the Flight School, Spensa was forced to hunt for rats and mushrooms in the caves to feed herself. Still, she didn’t complain, knowing that Admiral Ironsides would take any chance to see her ejected. She tried to connect power to the ship, but her light line’s power matrix was too weak.{{book ref|skyward|12}} When she arrived at flight school the next day, she found that her friend Rig was quitting.{{book ref|skyward 13}} Spensa and the other cadets spent hours upon hours practicing maneuvers before letting them try destructors, as well as teaching them to use light-lances. Spensa also discovered that her helmet contains sensors to monitor her bioreadings. They engaged in a competition with their light-lances organized by Cobb, in which Spensa and Jorgen competed fiercely. They grew angry at each other after Jorgen revealed that Spensa’s father is Chaser, the infamous coward. At the end of the day, Spensa stole the power matrix from Jorgen’s hovercar.{{book ref|skyward|15}}
== Trivia ==