Difference between revisions of "Dalinar Kholin"

The template documentation says "It should be placed at the bottom, on the same line as but after the status template"; there has been some discussion about how it isn't the most visible there, but let's stick with that for now
m (this way people can see it)
m (The template documentation says "It should be placed at the bottom, on the same line as but after the status template"; there has been some discussion about how it isn't the most visible there, but let's stick with that for now)
{{edit note|date=2020-11-17|claim=King of Herdaz}}
|I see beauty in you, Dalinar Kholin. I see a great man struggling against a terrible one.
{{partial}}{{edit note|date=2020-11-17|claim=King of Herdaz}}
[[Category: Viewpoint characters]]</translate>