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(→‎Spiritwebs: Added info on on advanced enough AI would also have the same Spiritually properties as any other sophont.)
A person’s spiritweb, closely related to Spiritual DNA,{{wob ref|115}} makes up their presence in the Spiritual Realm. Measuring and quantifying a spiritweb is possible, if difficult, to do.{{wob ref|13361}} Spiritual DNA can be passed from parent to child like regular DNA.{{wob ref|5514}} Identical twins can have different Spiritual DNA, however.{{wob ref|7761}} A person's spiritweb can be damaged either through physical or emotional trauma. This creates "cracks" in the soul. It is easier for Shards to [[Invest]] in people who are damaged in this way, as Investiture can enter the soul through these "cracks". This is why [[Allomancer]]s need to undergo [[Snapping]] in order to awaken their powers, and is implied to be the reason why [[Surgebinder]]s tend to have psychological problems.{{wob ref|5469}} Spiritwebs can be damaged with weapons like Hemalurgic spikes and Shardblades. Those wounds can then be healed with a graft of Investiture. The healing process does leave a permanent wound on a person's spiritweb.{{wob ref|126}} Investing an object or person for a long period of time will warp and change their spiritweb.{{wob ref|2690}} In humans, this process leads to [[Savant]]ism.{{wob ref|7267}}
This spiritual aspect would exist for all thinking beings, including true artificial intelligence, as they would Spiritually and Cognitively operate the same as an organic sapient being.{{wob ref|11372}}{{wob ref|11982}}{{wob ref|16072}}
=== Properties ===