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=== Return to the Shattered Plains and Death ===
After Amaram's death, Ialai returned to the warcamps at the Shattered Plains; Mraize did not accompany her there.{{book ref|sa4|8}} Soon after her arrival, [[Thanadal]] was assassinated and [[Vamah]] fled, leaving her in control of the local economy.{{book ref|sa4|6}} She also became the leader of the [[Sons of Honor]], learning some secrets that she had not previously been privy to.{{book ref|sa4|7}} However, due to the loss of both Gavilar and Amaram, there was little she could do to help them recover their previous influence. She retained some followers who referred to her as the true queen of Alethkar, but the group operated more like a cult. Still, Dalinar had some concerns about letting Ialai operate unchecked with an [[Oathgate]] nearby. The other Alethi assumed that Ialai was also behind Thanadal's death. [[Shallan]] was sent to infiltrate Ialai's group, using her powers to disguise herself as a merchant named [[Chanasha]].{{book ref|sa4|4}} She was eventually able to trick Ialai's followers into taking her through a secret tunnel to a fortress near the former Sadeas lumberyards where Ialai was living.{{book ref|sa4|6}} She was sleeping in a small closet-like room and refused to leave the fortress.{{book ref|sa4|8}}
|I've fought so long. And now I’m alone … sometimes it seems the very shadows work against me.
|Ialai, to a disguised Shallan{{book ref|sa4|7}}
A noticeably frail and paranoid Ialai assumed Shallan to be a Ghostblood agent, offering her wine and engaging in some wordplay. Ialai revealed that Thanadal and Vamah had been assassinated by the Ghostbloods despite their attempts to negotiate and flee. Although Ialai was angry with Jasnah and Dalinar, she had no designs on being queen herself, believing [[Gavinor]] to be the rightful Alethi monarch. She feared assassination and decided to bunker down hoping to be left alone.{{book ref|sa4|7}} She believed that the Ghostbloods were eliminating the Sons of Honor due to their knowledge of the gods on Roshar and possibly beyond.{{book ref|sa4|7}}{{book ref|sa4|9}} Shallan's three personas were conflicted; although Veil wanted to kill Ialai, Radiant did not agree. Even when Shallan summoned a Shardblade, Ialai seemed ready to accept death.{{book ref|sa4|7}} As she was apprehended, Ialai suddenly died of poisoning; evidence pointed to foul play, but officially she was said to have killed herself.{{book ref|sa4|9}}{{book ref|sa4|10}} Before she died, Ialai gave Shallan a clue to search her quarters; Shallan then discovered her notes, in which Ialai recorded numerous attempts to contact [[Restares]].{{book ref|sa4|13}} She also displayed some limited knowledge of [[Shadesmar]] and other planets in the [[cosmere]], along with some theories about [[Thaidakar]] and [[Ba-Ado-Mishram]].{{book ref|sa4|13}}{{book ref|sa4|9}}{{book ref|sa4|24}}