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#REDIRECT [[Knights Radiant#Immortal Words]]
[[Category: Subsection redirects]]
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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
The '''Immortal Words''' were a set of oaths sworn by the [[Knights Radiant]] in order to gain their [[Surgebinding]] abilities. There were five sets of '''Ideals''' for each order, with the first being the same among all orders, making it likely that the total number of Ideals is 41.

== Purpose ==
The primary purpose of the Ideals was to serve as a guide to the Radiants for how they were to live their lives. These ideals were based off of the lessons taught in [[Nohadon]]'s book, [[Way of Kings|The Way of Kings]].{{book ref|sa1|59}} As the book had forty parables, it seems likely that each parable described an ideal of the Knights Radiant, excluding the First Ideal.{{book ref|sa1|58}}

A nascent Surgebinder speaking an ideal of his order also increases his or her ability to infuse both themselves and other objects with Stormlight, they also seem to be far more efficient. It is also important to note that simply having the ability to infuse does not make one a Radiant, they are simply a Surgebinder. Only after all the Ideals are spoken and followed does one become a Radiant. The Ideals were not simply a means to greater power, they were a way of life for the Radiants.{{book ref|sa1|59}}

== The First Ideal ==
{{quote|Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination.|The First Ideal of the Knights Radiant{{book ref|sa1|59}}}}

The First Ideal of the Knights Radiant was shared among all of the orders. Unlike the other Ideals, saying it does not seem to be a prerequisite to gaining further Surgebinding ability, as Kaladin first hears of it long after he first begins to infuse himself with [[Stormlight]].

== Ideals of the Radiants ==
After the First Ideal, the next four Ideals for each Order is different. When it is time for the next Ideal to be spoken, its words will appear in the mind of the Surgebinder.{{book ref|sa1|67}} Speaking the words will cause the Surgebinder to explode with Stormlight, accompanied by a loud cracking sound.{{cite}}

===Ideals of the Windrunners===
The Ideals of the [[Order of Windrunners]] may be tied to the divine attributes of protecting and leading, as those are related to [[Jezrien]]{{book ref|sa1|part=ars}} This idea is enhanced by the Second Ideal of the Order of the Windrunners, which has to do with protection.

{{quote|I will protect those who cannot protect themselves.|The Second Ideal of the Windrunners{{book ref|sa1|67}}}}
{{quote|I will protect even those I hate, so long as it is right.|The Third Ideal of the Windrunners{{book ref|sa2|84}}}}

===Ideals of the Skybreakers===

{{quote|I will put the law before all else.|The Second Ideal of the Skybreakers{{17s ref|7051|post|116397|text= What is the Skybreaker's Second Ideal?}}}}

===Ideals of the Edgedancers===

{{quote|I will remember those who have been forgotten.|The Second Ideal of the Edgedancers{{book ref|sa2|i|9}}}}

===Ideals of the Lightweavers===
The [[Order of Lightweavers]] acknowledge no Ideals other than the First Ideal shared by all Knights Radiant. Members of the Lightweavers do however need to speak "Truths" to advance, which is similar to the process of speaking the Ideals in other Orders. These Truths seem to be more individual than the Ideals however.{{book ref|sa2|87}}

===Ideals of the Bondsmiths===
The Ideals of the [[Order of Bondsmiths]] seems to be tied to uniting men and possibly surgebinders. They seem to be the Ideals closest connected to governance.

{{quote|I will unite instead of divide. I will bring men together.|The Second Ideal of the Bondsmiths{{book ref|sa2|89}}}}

== Notes ==
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Latest revision as of 07:57, 5 January 2021