Editing Physical Realm

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{{move|Physical Realm}}
|related=[[Realmatic Theory]]
The '''Physical Realm''' is the realm of existence in the [[cosmere]] that contains what is perceivable to the physical senses.{{tes ref|12}} Of the three [[Realmatic Theory|Realms]], it is the most readily understood.

'''Astronomy''' is all the space objects in the [[cosmere]], including [[cosmere#planets|shardworlds]] and minor shardworlds, suns, stars and moons.
The cosmere is a small star cluster within a dwarf galaxy.{{wob ref|1244}}{{wob ref|11459}}

The cosmere is a fictional universe, but it can also be considered the dwarf(miniature) galaxy that contains everything mentioned here.{{qa ref|977|172|Does the Physical Realm of the Cosmere have more or less the same structure as our own?|date=2012-09}}
This article lists all the known celestial bodies in the cosmere as they appear in the Physical Realm, including planets, stars and moons.

== The Selish System ==
== The Selish System ==
The Selish System orbits a yellow star named Mashe. It has two gas giants, named Ky and Ralen, and a dwarf planet.
:''Main article:'' [[Selish system]]

The Selish system orbits a yellow star named [[Mashe]]. There are five planets in this system: two within the habitable zone, then two gas giants named Ky and Ralen, and finally an unnamed dwarf planet.
Donne is the closest planet to the sun. While it is in a habitable region, it is barren and suffers from terrible dust storms.{{book ref|au}}

=== Donne ===
Donne is the closest planet to the sun. While it is in a habitable region, it is barren and suffers from terrible dust storms.{{au ref|selish}}

=== Sel ===
:''Main article:'' [[Sel]]
:''Main article:'' [[Sel]]

The second planet from the sun, Sel is an Earth-like planet inhabited by humans and artificially created beings called [[seon]]s and [[skaze]]. The planet was the location of [[Elantris (book)|Elantris]]. Sel was dominated by the [[Fjordell Empire]], with [[Arelon]] and [[Teod]] being the only remaining free nations. All these nations (except Teod which is located on a continent to the north) were situated on the continent of Opelon (named Sycla by the Fjordell Empire).{{au ref|selish}}{{map ref|Sycla}}
An Earth-like Shardworld, Sel was inhabited by humans and artificially created beings called [[Seon]]s and [[Skaze]]. The planet was the location of [[Elantris]]. Sel was dominated by the [[Fjordell Empire]], with [[Arelon]] and [[Teod]] being the only remaining free nations. All these nations (except Teod which is located on a continent to the north) were situated on the continent of Opelon (named Sycla by the Fjordell Empire).

==== Moons ====
Sel has a single moon named Oem.{{au ref|selish}}
Sel has a single moon named Oem.

== The Scadrian System ==
== The Scadrian System ==
The Scadrian System has a yellow sun. It has two gas giants, named Aagal Nod and Aagal Uch, and two dwarf planets.{{book ref|au}}
:''Main article:'' [[Scadrian system]]

The Scadrian system has a yellow sun. It has five planets: Scadrial within the system's habitable zone; two gas giants, named Aagal Nod and Aagal Uch; and finally two unnamed dwarf planets.{{au ref|scadrian}}

=== Scadrial ===
:''Main article:'' [[Scadrial]]
:''Main article:'' [[Scadrial]]

The planet was created by the Shards [[Ruin]] and [[Preservation]]. The orbit of the planet has been changed by people using [[Investiture]]. Its size and gravitation are 1.0 cosmere standard.{{au ref|scadrian}}
The planet was created by the Shards [[Ruin]] and [[Preservation]]. The orbit of the planet has been changed by people using [[Investiture]].

== The Taldain System ==
== The Taldain System ==
The Taldain System is a binary system. The two stars in it are a weak white dwarf star surrounded by a particulate ring and a blue-white supergiant.{{book ref|au}}
:''Main article:'' [[Taldain system]]

The Taldain system is a binary system. The two stars in it are a weak white dwarf star surrounded by a particulate ring and a blue-white supergiant.{{au ref|taldain}}

=== Taldain ===
:''Main article:'' [[Taldain]]
:''Main article:'' [[Taldain]]

Taldain is a tidally locked planet.
Taldain is a tidally locked planet. It is the only planet in this system. It is kept in an unstable orbit around AisDa by the gravitational pull of Ridos, and by some other, unknown force, presumably Autonomy. This astronomically unstable orbit is known as "Wombear's Saddle".{{book ref|ws|part=ars}}

It is orbited by a single moon known as '''Nizh Da'''.

=== AisDa ===
'''AisDa''' is a blue-white supergiant star which lights the Dayside of Taldain.{{book ref|ws|part=ars}}

=== The Eye of Ridos ===
The '''Eye of Ridos''' is a weak white dwarf star surrounded by a particulate ring. It is the primary source of light and radiation for Darkside.{{book ref|ws|part=ars}}

Every seven days, it sends out a pulse of Investiture which Invests the [[Starcarved]].{{book ref|ws|part=ars}}

== The Threnodite System ==
== The Threnodite System ==
The Threnodite System has a single gas giant named Purity. The habitable zone has three planets named Monody, Elegy, and Threnody. Elegy has a single moon named Coronach.{{book ref|au}}
:''Main article:'' [[Threnodite system]]

This planetary system has four planets. The habitable zone has three planets named Monody, Elegy, and Threnody. Elegy has a single moon named Coronach. Beyond the habitable zone is a single gas giant named Purity.{{au ref|threnodite}}

=== Threnody ===
:''Main article:'' [[Threnody]]
:''Main article:'' [[Threnody]]

Threnody, the third planet in the Threnodite system, contains the [[Forests of Hell]]. It is the setting for the story [[Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell]]. It has many features that are similar to Earth, including forests, mountains and oceans. Silver seems to be a fairly common resource on the planet, but because of its importance to survival, it is still finite and valuable. It has no moon.{{au ref|threnodite}}
Threnody is the minor Shardworld that contains the [[Forests of Hell]]. It is the setting for the story [[Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell]]. It has many features that are similar to Earth, including forests, mountains and oceans. Silver seems to be a fairly common resource on the planet, but because of its importance to survival, it is still finite and valuable.

== The Drominad System ==
== The Drominad System ==
The Drominad System has four planets in the habitable zone, three of which have developed human societies. There are three gas giants.{{book ref|au}}
:''Main article:'' [[Drominad|Drominad system]]

===First of the Sun===
The Drominad system has seven planets. There are four planets in the habitable zone, three of which have developed human societies. An asteroid belt lies just beyond these planets. Then there are three gas giants. All these planets are named for their position from the sun (First of the Sun, Second of the Sun, etc.).{{au ref|drominad}}

=== First of the Sun ===
:''Main article:'' [[First of the Sun]]
:''Main article:'' [[First of the Sun]]

First of the Sun is a minor world consisting mainly of a large ocean and island systems. It has no Shards in residence.{{au ref|drominad}}
First of the Sun is a minor shardworld consisting mainly of an large ocean and island systems{{cite}}

==== Moons ====
==== Moons ====
First of the Sun has a single moon named First of the First.
First of the Sun has a single moon named First of the First.

== The Rosharan System ==
== The Rosharan System ==
:''Main article:'' [[Rosharan system]]
:''Main article:'' [[Greater Roshar]]

Greater Roshar is a planetary system containing thirteen planets. Some have life, sentient and not, others are barren. There are three planets in the habitable region and ten gas giants. The gas giants are named after Vorin numerals.{{au ref|rosharan}}
Greater Roshar is a solar system containing several planets some have life, sentient and not, others are barren. There are three planets in the habitable region and ten gas giants. The gas giants are named after Vorin numerals.{{book ref|au}}

=== Ashyn ===
:''Main article:'' [[Ashyn]]
:''Main article:'' [[Ashyn]]

Ashyn is the first planet from the system's sun.{{au ref|roshar}} It has sentient life.{{wob ref|9847}}
Ashyn is a minor shardworld{{17s ref|post|62280|Q&A at Spokane Barnes & Noble|date=2013-08-09}} That has sentient life.

The book [[The Silence Divine]] is set here.{{wob ref|9847}} The magic system involves people who gain magical powers from diseases.{{wob ref|7041}}
The book [[The Silence Divine]] is set here.{{17s ref|post|62280}} The magic system involves people who gain magical powers from diseases.{{qa ref|460|11|Yes—one is The Silence Divine, a world like ours where you gain magic by diseases|date=2009-11-07}}

Ashyn is mostly barren, with a few fertile patches.{{wob ref|9847}} It currently has no [[shard]].{{wob ref|6646}}{{wob ref|3364}}
Ashyn is mostly barren, with a few fertile patches.{{17s ref|post|62280}} It currently has no [[shard]].{{qa ref|1088|37|This is a world that does not currently have a shard.|date=Mar 22nd, 2014}}{{qa ref|1116|9|Did Ashyn ever have a shard?|date=Mar 12th, 2015}}

=== Roshar ===
:''Main article:'' [[Roshar]]
:''Main article:'' [[Roshar]]

Roshar is the second planet from the Rosharan system's sun. It has a gravity of 0.7, a year 500 days long, with each year being 1.1 earth years. The planet consists of one large super continent.
Roshar has a gravity of 0.7, a year 500 days long, with each year being 1.1 earth years. The planet consists of one large super continent.
==== Moons ====
Roshar has three moons. The first moon is Salas. It is violet, and is the smallest moon. The middle moon is Nomon, which is a bright, pale blue. And the final moon is Mishim, which is small and green.
Roshar has three moons. The first moon is Salas. It is violet, and is the smallest moon. The middle moon is Nomon, which is a bright, pale blue. And the final moon is Mishim, which is small and green.

=== Braize ===
:''Main article:'' [[Braize]]
:''Main article:'' [[Braize]]

Braize is the third planet from the sun. [[Odium]] settled on Braize, although he is still affecting [[Roshar]]. Braize is unlikely to get its own books, but scenes from [[The Stormlight Archive]] will be set on Braize.{{cite}}
[[Odium]] settled on Braize, although he is still effecting [[Roshar]]. Braize is unlikely to get its own books, but scenes from [[The Stormlight Archive]] will be set on Braize.{{cite}}

Braize is known to the [[Vorin]] people as [[Damnation]].
Braize is known to the [[Vorin]] people as [[Damnation]].

== The Nalthian System ==
:''Main article:'' [[Nalthian System]]

The Nalthian System orbits a yellow star. There are three planets in the system: [[Nalthis]], the gas giant Farkeeper the Bright, and the dwarf planet Nightstar the Hidden. Much farther from the star, there is a comet belt. There is also a [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive]] Anomaly in Nalthis' orbit.{{file ref|Starchart nalthis color.jpg|Nalthian system starchart}}

=== Nalthis ===
:''Main article:'' [[Nalthis]]

On Nalthis, [[T'Telir]] is the capital city of [[Hallandren]] and its bordering mountain state of [[Idris]]. The jungles are situated in a large valley surrounded by mountains and a sea.

==== Moons ====
A single moon named Rrendos orbits the planet.{{file ref|Starchart nalthis color.jpg|Nalthian system starchart}}

== The UTol System ==
:''Main article:'' [[UTol system]]
The UTol System orbits a red-orange star.{{book ref|yumi|2}} There are two planets in the system: [[UTol]], and [[Komashi]]. They are in dual orbit with the star.{{book ref|yumi|part=anotherepilogue}} The [[Iron Seven Waystation]] is in the vicinity of the system.{{book ref|yumi|part=anotherepilogue}}

=== UTol ===
:''Main article:'' [[UTol]]
UTol is one of the only two known planets that are known to inhabited by [[Sho Del]], alongside [[Yolen]].{{book ref|yumi|30}} It is covered primarily by oceans with relatively small land masses.{{book ref|yumi|30}}

=== Komashi ===
:''Main article:'' [[Komashi]]
Komashi is a planet that's inhabited by humans and [[hijo]].{{book ref|yumi|17}} Humanity has inhabited very little of the planet, with the two largest nations being only fifty Rosharan-miles across.{{book ref|yumi|34}}

== Other Planets ==
== Other Planets ==

=== Bjendal ===
:''Main article:'' [[Bjendal]]
:''Main article:'' [[Yolen]]

Yolen is home to three sentient races{{qa ref|1052|98|Were the original sixteen shardholders all human?|date=2014-3-21}} and was the origin of all humans in the cosmere.{{qa ref|977|198|Where did humanity originate?|date=2012-09}} The original sixteen shardholders were from Yolen.{{qa ref|1052|106|Were all the original sixteen Shardholders from Yolen?|date=2014-03-21}}
Little is known of Bjendal, and nothing is known of its peoples, or any [[Shard]]s that may be located there. It does contain a perpendicularity.{{book ref|mb7|39}}

=== Canticle ===
:''Main article:'' [[Canticle]]
:''Main article:'' [[Vax]]

Nothing is known of Vax, its peoples, or any [[Shard]]s that may or may not be located there. All that is certain is that it has a manifestation of [[Investiture]].
Canticle is a very small planet, estimated at only 322km in diameter,{{book ref|tsm|32}} but with gravity within the ranges that would be expected for larger planets, caused by its highly Invested iron core.{{book ref|tsm|19}} The surface is blasted every day by intense sunlight capable of melting the land.{{book ref|tsm|12}}

=== Lumar ===
:''Main article:'' [[Lumar]]
:''Main article:'' [[Nalthis]]

On Nalthis, [[T'Telir]] is the capital city of [[Hallandren]] and its bordering mountain state of [[Idris]]. The jungles are situated in a large valley surrounded by mountains and a sea.
Lumar is a planet of islands with twelve moons hanging in equidistant, geostationary orbits oppressively close to the surface, that drop [[aether spores]].{{book ref|tress|1}} It has a whole ecosystem beneath the surface with nothing known about it.{{book ref|tress|51}}

=== Mythos ===
:''Main article:'' [[Mythos]]

Nothing is known of Mythos, its peoples, or any [[Shard]]s that may be located there.

=== Obrodai ===
:''Main article:'' [[Obrodai]]

Little is known of Obrodai, but [[Autonomy]] has claimed it, manifested an avatar there, and warned [[Hoid]] against returning.{{epigraph ref|sa3|50}}

=== Vax ===
:''Main article:'' [[Vax]]

Nothing is known of Vax, its peoples, or any [[Shard]]s that may be located there. All that is certain is that it has a manifestation of [[Investiture]].{{book ref|elantris|part=ars}}

=== Yolen ===
:''Main article:'' [[Yolen]]

Yolen is home to three sentient races{{wob ref|7982}} and was the origin of all humans in the cosmere.{{wob ref|1244}} The original sixteen Vessels were from Yolen.{{wob ref|7982}}
A single moon orbits the planet.

== Stars and Constellations ==
== Stars and Constellations ==

{{image|Cosmere constellation map.jpg|side=center|width=1024px}}

=== Starbelt ===
=== Starbelt ===
The [[Starbelt]] is an unusually bright patch of stars in the sky of [[Threnody]].{{book ref|sfs}} It is useful for navigation in the [[Forests of Hell]] during the night; the light usually filtered through the trees fairly well.
The [[Starbelt]] is an unusually bright patch of stars in the sky of [[Threnody]].{{book ref|sfs}} It is useful for navigation in the [[Forests of Hell]] during the night; the light usually filtered through the trees fairly well.

The Starbelt is the same patch of unusually bright stars that is visible from [[Scadrial]].{{wob ref|6089}} It is visible from other worlds in the cosmere as well.{{wob ref|3363}}
The Starbelt is the same patch of unusually bright stars that is visible from [[Scadrial]].{{qa ref|727|60|There is a very bright star patch|date=17 October 2008}} It is visible from other worlds in the Cosmere as well.{{reddit ref|books|2ytg2h|cpct5rf|date=12 March 2015|text=Visible from other worlds as well.}}

=== Taln's Scar ===
=== Taln's Scar ===
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=== The Tear ===
=== The Tear ===
The [[Tear]] is a particularly bright star in the Rosharan sky. It's name comes from the single tear shed by [[Reya]] in Rosharan Mythology.{{book ref|wor|31}}
The [[Tear]] is a particularly bright star in the Rosharan sky. It's name comes from the single tear shed by [[Reya]] in Rosharan Mythology.{{book ref|wor|31 }}

=== Mashe ===
[[Mashe]] is the star around which [[Sel]] and several other planets orbit.{{au ref|selish}}

== Notes ==
= Notes =
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[[Category: Cosmere celestial bodies| ]]
[[es:Reino Físico]]

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