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'''Fjorden''' is a theocratic nation state on [[Sel]]. The people of Fjorden are called the Fjordell.{{book ref|elantris|2}}
'''Fjorden''' is a theocratic nation state on [[Sel]].

Strict and militaristic, Fjorden is the dominant country of the continent. About three hundred years ago, their leader, the Wyrn, converted to the Derethi religion, and within a generation all of Fjorden had done likewise. Now, instead of sending troops across the continent, Fjorden sends priests, and it's said that much of Fjorden's vast power comes from conversions obtained—or forced—by them.{{glossary ref|Elantris|F}}
Strict and militaristic, Fjorden is the dominant country of the continent. About three hundred years ago. Wyrn Wulfden the First converted to the Derethi religion, and within a generation all of Fjorden had done likewise. Now, instead of sending troops across the continent, Fjorden sends priests. It is said that the conversions obtained—or forced—by these priests have granted Fjorden more power than even the First Empire once held. {{book ref|Elantris|Glossary}}

== Geography and Ecology ==
== Geography and Ecology ==
Fjorden exists on [[Sel]]. To the east or Arelon separated by the Atad (Aonic name)/Dathreki(Fjordell name) mountains. {{book ref|Elantris|Glossary}}
Fjorden and its client states encompass the vast majority of the continent of [[Sycla]], with the only other state being [[Arelon]]. Among these states, Fjorden is by far the largest.{{map ref|Sycla}}

=== Fjorden ===
=== Cities ===
Fjorden nation has many fortified cities. {{book ref|Elantris|8}}
Though Fjorden lies along the shore of the [[Sea of Fjorden]], the nation doesn't seem to control many large islands. To the west, Fjorden is bordered by the [[Dathreki Mountains]] (or Atad, as they are known to the Arelenes).{{map ref|Arelon}} At least two large rivers run through Fjorden.{{map ref|Sycla}} Fjorden has a cold climate. It sometimes gets so cold in the winter that trees freeze and explode.{{book ref|Elantris|14}}

=== Notable Features ===
The [[Aberteen]] is a flower found and favoured in Fjorden.{{glossary ref|Elantris|A}} The [[Sea of Fjorden]], which lies next to the nation, contains many species of fish. One such species is the [[kike]].{{glossary ref|Elantris|K}}
Fjordell’s tend to have dark black hair and are very wide of build. {{book ref|Elantris|Glossary}}
Ambition is a cardinal Fjordell attribute. {{book ref|Elantris|21}}

=== Fjordell Empire ===
== History ==
The working class lived for centuries under the Fjordell feudal system, and they were treated worse than farm animals. They were raised to it. People in ancient
The Fjordell Empire has very diverse geography. [[Hraggen]] contains a large mountain range, while [[Hrovell]] is bordered to the south by mountains. All the southern nations in the Fjordell empire are bordered by a large desert. Svorden has control over a large group of islands to the west of the peninsula.{{map ref|Sycla}}

Fjorden didn’t know better—to them, the feudal system was the only system.{{book ref|Elantris|8}}
=== Notable cities ===
* [[Widor]] - The capital city of Fjorden. The Wyrn resides in a palace called the Zigareth in Widor.{{map ref|Sycla}}
* [[Seraven]] - The most important city in [[Svorden]]. Seraven is an important harbor, being located on the [[Sea of Fjorden]]. It is also the northernmost point in the entire Fjordell empire.{{map ref|Sycla}}
* [[Fellavoo]] - A city in the north of [[Duladel]]. It is located close to both [[Arelon]] and Fjorden.{{map ref|Sycla}}
* [[HaiKo]] - A city located in the north of [[JinDo]]. Haiko is built against the shore of the same river as Widor.{{map ref|Sycla}}
* [[Gmordsom]] - The largest city in Hraggen.{{map ref|Sycla}}
* [[Velf]] - An important city in Geant. Velf is located at the mouth of an important river.{{map ref|Sycla}}

Over three hundred years ago, Fjorden nearly conquered all of Sycla/Opelon—only Arelon, with the help of Elantrian magic, stood against it. The Old Empire, or First Empire, fell because of administrative problems—it conquered more than it could hold. {{book ref|Elantris|Glossary}}
== Government ==
=== Theocracy ===
Fjorden is a theocracy. Its state religion is [[Shu-Dereth]].{{book ref|elantris|3}}

After the Elantrian fall, Fjorden started pushing the boundaries of its influence again, this time instigating the collapse of the Duladen Republic. {{book ref|Elantris|8}}
Fjorden seems to be ruled by [[Wyrn (title)|Wyrn]].{{book ref|Elantris|3}} The Fjordell empire isn't a true empire, but rather a collection of nations united by their belief in a single religion, Shu-Dereth. Each of these nations has its own ruler, although all of them are Derethi.{{book ref|Elantris|9}}{{map ref|Sycla}} Shu-Dereth teaches that Wyrn is the highest priest, prophet, and Jaddeth's chosen. Due to this, the Derethi obey his every command, which means that he essentially rules the empire.{{book ref|Elantris|3}} The Fjordell priests have a very tight grip on the Derethi nations; no king rules east of the Dathreki Mountains unless he has professed allegiance to Shu-Dereth, and the most desirable and lucrative governmental positions always fall to those who were diligent in their worship of Jaddeth.{{book ref|Elantris|9}}

After the fall of Duladen, Fjorden started expanding their by first attempting conversion into [[Shu-Dereth]] and submitting to Fjoden or by sending armies that would destroy every living being in the cities.{{book ref|Elantris|3}}
The [[skaze]], [[Splinter]]s of [[Dominion]], also have a direct influence on Fjordell politics.{{book ref|elantris|3}}{{wob ref|4641}}

For the next three hundred years, ever since Fjorden adopted the Derethi religion, the Wyrns have been blatantly altering their country’s own histories and literature to make it seem as if the empire has always been a manifestation of divine purpose. As Fjorden became religious, they can’t have it sounding like their greatest historical king was a pagan, so the priests went through and rewrote all of the poems.{{book ref|Elantris|43}}
==== Territories ====
While Fjorden itself doesn't directly rule over other territories, the Fjordell Empire consists of many different kingdoms.{{map ref|Sycla}}

* [[Svorden]] - A kingdom in the eastern part of the Fjordell empire, considered to be the cultural epicenter of the east.{{book ref|Elantris|9}}{{map ref|Sycla}}
The Wyrns are more powerful now than they were centuries ago, even at the height of the Old Empire’s power. {{book ref|Elantris|5}}
Just before the restoration of [[Elantris]], they started on a quest to convert/conquer [[Arelon]] and [[Teod]]. First by sending Hrathen to Arelon with a small deadline to convert and submit them {{book ref|Elantris|3}}; then by sinking Iadon’s merchant fleets and supporting financially [[Trelii]] who would already be converted when he becomes the new King {{book ref|Elantris|15}}. And in Teod, by pushing King Eventeo to convert under the threat of invasion, removing their ambassadors {{book ref|Elantris|18}} and finally with the threat of killing Sarene.
* [[Hrovell]] - A nation in the rural southeast of the Fjordell Empire.{{glossary ref|Elantris|H}}{{map ref|Sycla}}
* [[Geant]] - A nation in the east of the Fjordell Empire. Its people have become almost indistinguishable from the Fjordell.{{map ref|Sycla}}{{glossary ref|Elantris|S}}
* [[Hraggen]] - A nation in the Fjordell Empire. It is located to the south of Fjorden.{{map ref|Sycla}}
* [[Jaador]] - A nation in the southern part of the empire. The people are ethnically [[JinDo]], although much of their culture has been replaced by that of the Fjordell.{{map ref|Sycla}}
* [[Jindo]] - A nation in the Fjordell empire.{{map ref|Sycla}} When the Fjordell began expanding, the JinDo, preferring peace to fighting, outwardly converted to [[Shu-Dereth]] and joined the empire.{{book ref|Elantris|14}}
* [[Duladel]] - A kingdom in the west of the empire, they joined the Fjordell Empire after a bloody revolution, which ended with the foundation of a pro-Fjordell monarchy.{{map ref|Sycla}}

During the restoration of Elantris, the Fjordell were casted out of Areleon {{book ref|Elantris|62}} and latter of Teod. {{book ref|Elantris|63}}
=== The Wyrns ===
==== Political significance ====
Fjorden is ruled by a [[Wyrn (title)|Wyrn]]. It appears that the Wyrn can do whatever he wishes inside Fjorden. Wyrn doesn't directly rule the other Derethi kingdoms, but he holds significant influence in them. Wyrn can command the Fjordell monasteries, including [[Dakhor]], to carry out certain tasks for him.{{book ref|Elantris|57}}

=== Government ===
The Wyrns live in the Zigareth, a palace located in the Fjordell city of [[Widor]].{{glossary ref|Elantris|Z}}

The second Fjordell empire was governed by a militaristic theocracy, the national religion of [[Shu-Dereth]] commanded its followers to adhere to a rigid chain of command with with the leader of both the church and empire (who was believed to commune directly with their god, Jaddeth) at its head. {{book ref|Elantris|12}}
==== Religious significance ====
The title Wyrn is also the title of the highest priest in the Derethi religion.{{Glossary ref|Elantris|W}} It is believed that only Wyrn is holy enough to commune directly with [[Jaddeth]].{{book ref|Elantris|8}} This, combined with the strict Derethi chain of command, makes each Derethi serve Wyrn. Because of his position as Jaddeth’s prophet, Wyrn holds great influence within all the Derethi nations.{{book ref|Elantris|3}}

Wyrn is Title of the Fjordell emperor. It is also a religious title, indicating the highest priest in the Derethi religion. His official title is ‘Regent of all Creation,’ referring to his state of rulership until Jaddeth rises to build his Empire. He lives in the Zigareth, a palace in Widor. {{book ref|Elantris|Glossary}}
Wyrn is also the [[Shu-Dereth#Organization & Hierarchy|hroden]] of many important priests, such as the Gyorns.{{book ref|Elantris|12}}

The Derethi founders realized the power of religion. They decided that if they could get the nations of the East to believe in a single religion–with that religion centered in Fjorden–they would have power equal to, or even greater than, the power of the Old Empire. At the same time, they wouldn’t have to worry about rebellion–or even bureaucracy. The people of the other nations would govern themselves, but would give devotion, loyalty, and money to Fjorden. {{book ref|Elantris|Annotations 33}}
==== Titles ====
The Wyrns have numerous titles. Known titles are: Emperor of Fjorden, Prophet of Shu-Dereth, Ruler of Jaddeth's holy kingdom, and Regent of all Creation.{{map ref|Sycla}} This last title refers to their state of rulership until Jaddeth rises from his throne.{{Glossary ref|Elantris|W}} Some priests also refer to him as their master.{{book ref|Elantris|12}}

=== Military ===
=== Foreign Policy and International Relationships ===
==== Arelon ====
The Fjordell have bad relations with the Arelene people.{{book ref|Elantris|3}} This is mainly because of the difference in religion. The Arelenes worship both [[Shu-Korath|Domi]] and the [[Elantrians]], which makes the Fjordell see them as pagans. Besides that, the Fjordell have repeatedly attempted to conquer Arelon with little to no success, which contributes a great deal to their hatred of Arelon.{{book ref|Elantris|7}}

Ten years after the [[Reod]], Wyrn sent some of his fiercest warrior monks from the Dakhor monastery to invade Arelon and slaughter the Arelene people. He got them into Arelon without anyone noticing, and at Wyrn's command, they began slaughtering the Arelenes, both nobles and commoners alike.{{book ref|Elantris|58}} This invasion was eventually stopped, but it significantly worsened the relations between the Fjordell and the Arelenes.{{book ref|Elantris|62}}
| The pagan nations of Arelon and Teod have been blackened scars upon my land for long enough.

| Words of Jaddeth, Lord of all Creation, through his servant Wyrn Wulfden the Fourth, Emperor of Fjorden, Prophet of Shu-Dereth, Ruler of Jaddeth’s Holy Kingdom, and Regent of all Creation. {{book ref|Elantris|3}}
|The day Teod fell beneath Fjorden's glory would be a joyous day indeed.
|[[Hrathen]]{{book ref|elantris|6}}
==== Teod ====

For Fjorden, Religion and war are almost the same thing. {{book ref|Elantris|20}} Where Fjorden rules, Shu-Dereth teaches. {{book ref|Elantris|21}}
The Fjordell also have antagonistic relations with the [[Teod|Teo]]. The Fjordell view the Teo as their archenemies and historical rivals. Many Fjordell also assume that there is no hope for the Teo. This isn't actually Derethi doctrine, however. Instead, it is a simple justification that infuses Fjorden's historical enemies with theological hatred.{{book ref|Elantris|6}}

The military serves Wryn and will crush entire civilizations for it. {{book ref|Elantris|3}}
Ten years after the [[Reod]], the Fjordell began invading Teod, sailing straight to [[Teoras]].{{book ref|Elantris|62}} This invasion was stopped, as [[Elantris (city)|Elantris]] was restored and an army of [[Elantrians]] arrived at Teoras.{{book ref|Elantris|62}} The invasion significantly worsened the relations between the Teo and the Fjordell.

The Derethi priests were trained in the infamous monasteries of Fjorden, where they were required to undergo vigorous physical training. They become warrier monks {{book ref|Elantris|31}}{{book ref|Elantris|50}}
==== The Rose Empire ====
The Fjordell view the people of the Rose Empire as barbarians, calling them the Rose barbarians.{{map ref|Sycla}} It seems that they don't interact much with these peoples. Svorden is known to have diplomatic relations with the Rose Empire, although in recent years these relations have become somewhat strained.{{tes ref|12}} There is a Gyorn who essentially functions as an ambassador stationed in the [[Imperial Seat]].{{tes ref|98}}

The prayers and incantations used to create Dakhor monks were secret; even the gyorns didn’t know them. A few months after a boy was initiated into the Dakhor order, his bones started to grow and twist, adopting strange patterns. Somehow, each of those patterns gave its bearer abilities, such as heightened speed and strength. {{book ref|Elantris|58}}
== Military ==
==== Armies ====
Fjorden itself only has a basic defense force, while the other nations in the Fjordell empire have far larger armies. Due to the strict Derethi chain of command, these armies are also under Wyrn's command.

== Culture and Social Structure==
Strict and militaristic, the Fjordell live by the Shu-Dereth. The Fjordell will do anything to carry themselves higher. That is a very Fjordell thing to do—ambition was the one emotion Jaddeth would accept as readily as devotion. {{book ref|Elantris|3}}
|The pagan nations of Arelon and Teod have been blackened scars upon my land for long enough.
|[[Wulfden the Fourth]]{{book ref|Elantris|3}}

The Fjordell God is [[Jaddeth]], and he rules through His servant Wyrn Wulfden the Fourth, Emperor and King. It was a basic tenet of Shu-Dereth that only one man could serve Jaddeth directly; the religion was very regimented, and its structure was reminiscent of the feudal government that had once ruled in Fjorden. One served those above him, who served those above him, and so on until it reached Wyrn, who served Jaddeth. Everyone served Jaddeth’s empire, but only one man was holy enough to serve God Himself. {{book ref|Elantris|8}}
These militaries will crush entire civilizations for their Wyrn.{{book ref|Elantris|3}} Their conquests are also quickly soldified by the arrival of Derethi priests, who strive to convert the entire population to Shu-Dereth.{{book ref|Elantris|21}} The Fjordell believe that "with all mankind united under Wyrn's rule, Jaddeth could rise from His throne beneath the earth and reign in glorious majesty upon the world."{{book ref|Elantris|3}} This is one of the reasons for their conquests. The Fjordell also have multiple bandit groups under their control. Ten years after the Reod, these bandits were operating in Arelon.{{book ref|Elantris|6}}

==== Warrior Priests ====
The conventional armies are augmented by Derethi priests. Derethi priests are trained in the monasteries of Fjorden, where they are required to undergo vigorous physical training. This makes all Derethi priests excellent warriors.{{book ref|Elantris|31}} Besides that, this training makes the priests into a capable force for Wyrn to use in his conquests.{{book ref|Elantris|57}}

==== Equipment and Weaponry ====
Fjordell soldiers likely use small and light spears that can be thrown.{{book ref|Elantris|6}} The common soldiers wear steel armor, most of them also carry swords. Derethi warrior monks wear red surcoats over their armor.{{book ref|Elantris|60}}

==== Navy ====
They are also wealthy enough to have a navy large enough that they could beat Teod by sheer numbers.{{book ref|Elantris|47}} Most of these ships come from [[Svorden]]. Fjorden itself lacks any real maritime strength.{{glossary ref|elantris|S}}{{book ref|elantris|20}}

== Culture ==
=== People ===
Fjordell tend to have dark black hair and be very wide of build. Fjordell are also notably tall, and some Fjordell can even rival the Teo when it comes to height.{{glossary ref|Elantris|F}}

==== Sports and Games ====
The Fjordell also spar using dueling blades. For these sparring matches, they use a special type of sword called a [[Syre]].{{glossary ref|Elantris|S}} The Fjordell also presumably play a [[Svorden|Svordish]] game called [[Leky stick]].

==== Social structure ====
The Fjordell have a very strict social structure.{{book ref|Elantris|8}} The people are expected to obey the commands of their superiors, who obey others and so forth, until the chain reaches Wyrn, who is the only man allowed to serve Jaddeth directly. Fjordell will do anything to rise in ranks—ambition is the one emotion Jaddeth would accept as readily as devotion.{{book ref|Elantris|3}}{{book ref|Elantris|21}}

==== Foods and drinks ====
The Fjordell drink Garha, a caffeine-rich drink.{{glossary ref|Elantris|G}} They may eat [[kike]], as it is found in the [[Sea of Fjorden]].{{glossary ref|Elantris|K}}

=== Language ===
Their language is called Fjordell; according to their doctrine, it's Jaddeth's own chosen tongue and thus holy, while other languages are considered profane.{{book ref|Elantris|12}} The native Fjordell accent is thick and melodic.{{book ref|Elantris|5}}

The language prefers guttural sounds. ‘U’ sounds, ‘F’ sounds, ‘H’ sounds, and ‘G’ sounds. It has a ‘Y’ sound in the form of a ‘J,’ and placed emphasis on the ‘Hr’ combination. From this language come names like Dilaf, Jaddeth (pronounced yah-death), and Sycla.{{url ref|url=https://brandonsanderson.com/books/elantris/elantris/languages-of-elantris/|text=Languages of Elantris|site=brandonsanderson.com}} The Fjordell use Hruggath as an obscene oath. This oath is often used with 'Ja,' the shortened, vulgar word for Jaddeth.{{Glossary ref|Elantris|H}}

=== Religion ===
=== Religion ===
|Lord Jaddeth can only return when all men are united beneath Fjordell rule.
| Lord Jaddeth can only return when all men are united beneath Fjordell rule.
|[[Hrathen]] to [[Dilaf]]{{book ref|Elantris|9}}
| Hrathen to Dilaf on the latter´s hate for Teos {{book ref|Elantris|9}}

Fjorden's religion is [[Shu-Dereth]], founded by Dereth. Shu-Dereth interprets Keseg's teachings to mean that all men must be united beneath the rule of one nation. Dereth taught that once all men bow before a single monarch, proving their unified nature, their god would come to live among them.{{book ref|elantris|9}} Said god is [[Jaddeth]]; only one man can serve him directly.{{book ref|elantris|8}}
Fjorden’s relition is the [[Shu-Dereth]]. The name given to the religion founded by Dereth. Shu-Dereth interpreted Keseg’s teachings to mean that all men must be united beneath the rule of one nation. Dereth taught that once all men bow before a single monarch, proving their unified nature, God would come to live amongst them.

Though Dereth's ideas were originally rejected in his native [[JinDo]], they were embraced by the Fjordell. The founders of Shu-Dereth realized the power of the religion. They decided that if they could get the nations of the East to believe in a single religion–with that religion centered in Fjorden–they would have power equal to, or even greater than, the power of the Old Empire. At the same time, they wouldn't have to worry about rebellion, or even bureaucracy. The people of the other nations would govern themselves but would give devotion, loyalty, and money to Fjorden.{{wob ref|2072}}
Though Dereth’s ideas were originally rejected in his native Jindo, they were embraced by the Fjordell. Wyrn Wulfden the First converted, and so, therefore, did most of his people. Since that time, Shu-Dereth has been the official religion of Fjorden, and has spread to all of the eastern nations. Fjorden’s militaristic society stratified and organized Dereth’s teachings into an almost martial level. {{book ref|Elantris|Glossary}}

They believe that with all mankind united under Wyrn’s rule, Jaddeth could rise from His throne beneath the earth and reign in glorious majesty. {{book ref|Elantris|3}}
Wyrn Wulfden the First converted, and so, therefore, did most of his people. Since that time, Shu-Dereth has been the official religion of Fjorden, and has spread to all of the eastern nations. Fjorden's militaristic society stratified and organized Dereth's teachings into an almost martial level.{{glossary ref|Elantris|S}}

=== Economy ===
=== Language ===
Fjordell was Jaddeth’s own chosen tongue—it was holy, while other languages are considered profane. {{book ref|Elantris|12}}
Fjorden is a rich country. It has strong trade with Teod and Arelon, as well as with all of its current territories. It is wealthy enough to use money to control foreign politics, like the support from [[Telrii]] in Arelon.{{book ref|Elantris|15}} It is also infamously known for capitalizing on other nations' chaos.{{book ref|Elantris|43}}
The native Fjordell accent is thick and melodic. {{book ref|Elantris|5}}
The language prefers guttural sounds. ‘U’ sounds, ‘F’ sounds, ‘H’ sounds, and ‘G’ sounds. It has a ‘Y’ sound in the form of a ‘J,’ and placed emphasis on the ‘Hr’ combination. From this language, we get names like Dilaf, Jaddeth (pronounced yah-death,) and Sycla. {{https://brandonsanderson.com/books/elantris/elantris/languages-of-elantris/}}

== Magic ==
The Fjordell gold coin is called Wyrning.{{glossary ref|Elantris|W}} It is stamped with the profile of the Wyrn.{{book ref|elantris|15}} The Fjordell make good wine, and they export these wines to other nations such as Arelon.{{book ref|Elantris|11}}
Although no one of Fjordell heritage nor anyone residing in Fjorden may be taken by the [[Shaod]] they do have their own magic system, known only to the Derethi priests of the [[Dakhor]] Monastery which causes their bone to grow harder and twist into what are thought to be Fjordell symbols.{{book ref|Elantris|63}}
These symbols grant the Dhakor priests various powers, most of them battle related.

=== Invested Art ===
=== Economy ===
Fjorden is a rich country. It has strong trading with Teod and Arelon as well as all the territory they already have. They are wealthy enough to use money to control foreign politics like the support from Trelii in Arelon. {{book ref|Elantris|15}} They also infamously known for capitalizing on other’s city’s chaos.{{book ref|Elantris|43}}
The Fjordell have figured out their own way to access the [[Dor]]. They do this via an art called [[Dakhor]]. This art is known only to the Derethi priests of the Dakhor Monastery. It causes their bones to grow harder and twist into what are thought to be Fjordell symbols.{{book ref|Elantris|63}} These symbols grant the Dakhor priests various powers, most of them battle related.

== History ==
For centuries, the Fjordell working class lived and died under a feudal system that treated them worse than farm animals. They did not rebel, as they were raised to it, and to them, the feudal system was the only system.{{book ref|Elantris|8}}

The original state reigning over Fjorden was the Old Empire, also known as the First Empire. Over three hundred years ago, it nearly conquered all of Opelon—only Arelon, with the help of Elantrian magic, stood against it. Eventually, the Old Empire fell because of administrative problems—it conquered more than it could hold.{{glossary ref|Elantris|F}}

About three hundred years ago, Wyrn Wulfden the First converted to the Derethi religion, and within a generation all of Fjorden had done likewise. Thus, Fjorden was reborn--this time, as a theocracy. For the next three hundred years, the Wyrns have been blatantly altering their country's own histories and literature to make it seem as if the empire has always been a manifestation of divine purpose. Poetry and lives of kings were all rewritten to remove any outdated references--after all, they couldn't have it sounding like their greatest historical king was a pagan.{{book ref|Elantris|43}}

Over the past three centuries, the Wyrns have used their new theocratic power to expand and spread, conquering numerous surrounding states by the means of religious conversion. By the time of the [[Reod]], the Wyrns were more powerful than even at the height of the Old Empire's power.{{book ref|Elantris|5}}

After the Reod and the subsequent fall of Elantris, Fjorden started pushing the boundaries of its influence again, this time instigating the collapse of the [[Duladel]] Republic. {{book ref|Elantris|8}} This was successful, albeit bloody, and after Duladel's fall, Fjorden once more set its sights on [[Arelon]], as well as their ally, [[Teod]].{{book ref|elantris|3}}

They began by sending [[Hrathen]] to attempt to convert Arelon to [[Shu-Dereth]], and thus make it submit to Fjorden. Should this prove impossible within three months, Fjorden would send armies to destroy every living being in Arelon's cities.{{book ref|Elantris|3}} They also lent financial support to [[Telrii]], an Arelene follower of Shu-Derethi who wanted to take the Arelene throne, and sank King [[Iadon]]'s merchant fleets.{{book ref|elantris|15}}

They are also wealthy enough to have a huge armada and navy, they would beat Teod by sheer numbers. {{book ref|Elantris|47}}
In Teod, in turn, they forced king [[Eventeo]] to convert under threat of invasion, and removed the Teod ambassadors in Arelon.{{book ref|elantris|18}} Finally, they threatened to kill Eventeo's daughter, [[Sarene]].
Wyrnigs is the Fjordell gold coin. {{book ref|Elantris|Glossary}}

== Trivia ==
Their plans fell through when [[Elantris (city)|Elantris]] was restored, and the Elantrians recovered their power. During the restoration, the Fjordell were cast out of Arelon,{{book ref|Elantris|62}} and later out of Teod as well.{{book ref|Elantris|63}}
It is known that beings called [[skaze]], similar to the [[seon]]s although more malevolent in nature, have an interest in Fjordell and may directly influence Fjordell politics.{{qa ref|590|45|Why did Wyrn want Elantris?|date=Jan 10th, 2011}}

== Notes ==
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