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|image=Adrotagia by Marie Seeberger.jpg
|profession={{cat tag|scholars|Scholar}}
|groups={{tag|Diagram|link=Diagram (group)}}
|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
|introduced=[[Words of Radiance]]
'''Adrotagia''' is the head of King [[Taravangian]]'s scholars on [[Roshar]].{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}
'''Adrotagia''' is the head of King [[Taravangian]]'s scribes and scholars on [[Roshar]]. She is a member of the [[Diagram (group)|Diagram]].{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}

== Appearance and Personality ==
Adrotagia is an aging Kharbranthian woman.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}} She has green eyes and wispy, silvery hair that she wears in a bun.{{book ref|sa3|24}}{{book ref|sa3|107}} She shows various physical signs of her age, including liver spots and large bags under her eyes from drooping skin.{{book ref|sa3|107}}

As a scholar who is also an unbeliever, Adrotagia disapproves of people relying on faith rather than evidence.{{book ref|sa3|122}} However, she still maintains the [[Vorin]] practice of burning [[glyphwards]], which she does each morning for her deceased husband.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}} Taravangian sometimes thinks of her as "sentimental".{{book ref|sa3|122}}

She shows ruthlessness in seeing the goals of the Diagram achieved even when they involve murder, showing little regard for Taravangian's pangs of conscience whenever he is having a day of low intelligence but high compassion.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}} Despite this, Adrotagia still follows some sort of moral compass. She once objected to the idea of killing innocent children, calling Taravangian a monster for ordering it during one of his extremely intelligent but conceited days.{{book ref|sa3|i|5}}

== Attributes and Abilities ==
===Intelligence and Scholarship===
|It's perfectly possible. The likelihood of it having happened is one, as it already occurred. That is the oddity of outliers and probability, Taravangian. A day like that could happen again tomorrow. Nothing forbids it.
|Adrotagia, regarding the day of Taravangian's peak intelligence{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}
Adrotagia is an exceptionally intelligent polymath. She is an expert in interpreting and deciphering the puzzles of the [[Diagram (literature)|Diagram]], and has performed translation of complex symbols and languages that Taravangian made up on the spot, sometimes making multiple attempts if new information comes to light.{{epigraph ref|sa2|85}}{{epigraph ref|sa2|87}} She can write in [[women's script]] and is able to coordinate the use of multiple [[spanreed]]s at the same time.{{book ref|sa3|107}} She is knowledgeable regarding Rosharan architecture{{book ref|sa2|i|14}} and ancient books and poetry.{{book ref|sa3|28}}{{book ref|sa3|i|5}} She has plotted a graph tracking Taravangian's level of intelligence, proving that it falls on a logarithmic scale and that the distribution follows a normal bell curve.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}} She is able to serve as a [[stormwarden]] and can even calculate the speed and strength of the [[Everstorm]].{{book ref|sa3|122}} She has also performed experiments with [[Stormlight]], including its effects on plant growth.{{book ref|sa3|i|5}} Her age does not seem to have affected her ability to handle her various scholarly duties.

===Leadership in the Diagram===
Adrotagia is aware of all of the Diagram's activities, including the use of [[Szeth]] as an assassin{{book ref|sa2|i|14}} and the plot to undermine [[Dalinar]]'s coalition.{{book ref|sa3|107}} As one of Taravangian's most trusted advisors, she is one of the few people who knows of the king's fluctuating intelligence. Through her position in the Diagram, she generally has a high level of knowledge regarding politics and other happenings across Roshar through her close relationships with Taravangian and [[Mrall]].{{book ref|sa2|i|14}} The writings of the Diagram itself also provide her some clues about the importance of certain individuals such as [[Mraize]] and Dalinar.{{epigraph ref|sa2|85}}{{epigraph ref|sa2|87}} She performs normal scholarly duties outside of her work with the Diagram, and maintains a relatively high profile; some people who are unaware of Taravangian's condition suspect that she holds the true power of the Kharbranthian throne.{{book ref|sa3|24}}

Adrotagia presumably helps with interpreting the [[Death Rattle]]s, which are used to augment the Diagram.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}} She keeps in contact with [[Joshor]] and [[Dova]], who collect these Death Rattles. She also helps the Diagram track the locations of the known [[Unmade]] on [[Roshar]], including [[Moelach]] and [[Nergaoul]].{{book ref|sa3|107}}{{book ref|sa2|i|14}} She has a high level of knowledge regarding the various magical phenomena on Roshar, such as [[Surgebinding]], [[Soulcasting]], the [[Thrill]], and the [[Everstorm]].{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}{{book ref|sa3|122}} She oversees a group of subordinate scholars loyal to the Diagram, and sometimes enlists them to help with various tasks; some of them are based in Jah Keved after Taravangian becomes its monarch.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}{{book ref|sa3|107}}

== History ==
== History ==
Adrotagia grows up as a close personal friend of Taravangian.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}} She referrers to him as '''Vargo''' and he calls her '''Adro''', even as adults. At some point, Adrotagia is married, although her husband later dies; she still burns a [[glyphward]] for him each day.
===Early Life===
Adrotagia grew up as a close personal friend of Taravangian,{{book ref|sa2|i|14}} presumably in [[Kharbranth]]. Taravangian described her as a mischievous child, and reminisced about the trouble that they would get in together.{{book ref|sa3|107}} She referred to the king by his boyhood nickname of '''Vargo''' and he called her '''Adro''', even as adults, although she sometimes addressed him more formally as "your Majesty".{{book ref|sa3|122}} At some point, Adrotagia was married to an unknown individual, but was later widowed.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}} As Taravangian rose to power, Adrotagia became the head of his scholars and scribes. Taravangian noted that when he and Adrotagia were young, they wanted to conquer the world—or save it.{{book ref|sa3|122}}

===Taravangian, Old Magic, and the Diagram===
Adrotagia was among Taravangian's most trusted confidants and was presumably aware of his visit to the [[Valley]] when he received a boon and curse through the [[Old Magic]] of the [[Nightwatcher]]. Taravangian told Adrotagia on several occasions that he asked for "capacity" to save humanity. Because of her long, close relationship with the king, she is perhaps the person most conscious of the consequences of his request.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}} She was present on the day that Taravangian created the [[Diagram (literature)|Diagram]] and was instrumental in compiling his writings as quickly as possible.{{epigraph ref|sa2|85}}{{epigraph ref|sa2|87}} She and her team created a portable annotated version of the Diagram that was painstakingly copied from the original writings that covered walls and furniture.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}

===Jah Keved===
Along with [[Mrall]], she accompanied Taravangian to [[Jah Keved]] in the wake of that country's [[Veden civil war|civil war]]. The three of them discussed their plans, then entered the battlefield, observing the conditions and comforting some of the injured Veden soldiers. [[Szeth]] appeared and Adrotagia demanded to know why he had failed to kill Dalinar. Szeth revealed that he had seen a man ([[Kaladin]]) perform [[Surgebinding]] in the [[Shattered Plains#Warcamps|Alethi warcamps]]. Taravangian found it unfortunate that the assassin had seen Adrotagia, as he did not want Szeth to be aware of her in case he turned against his master. Taravangian and Adrotagia discussed the Surgebinder, and he was able to deduce from the Diagram that it would be a [[bridgeman]].{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}

After the assassin was sent back to his mission, Adrotagia accompanied Taravangian to speak with King [[Valam]] in his final moments. There, Taravangian would gain Jah Keved as his second kingdom.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}

===Dalinar's Coalition===
|Yes, I see this interpretation of the headboard—we must push the Blackthorn so hard that he collapses. But we'll need secrets to use against him.
|Adrotagia{{book ref|sa3|i|5}}
Adrotagia and other Diagram members accompanied Taravangian to [[Urithiru]] when the king declared that he would join [[Dalinar]]'s coalition against the [[Voidbringers]].{{book ref|sa3|24}} There, she attended both the meetings of coalition scholars—including a [[fabrial]] discussion alongside [[Jasnah]], [[Navani]], and [[Shallan]]—and (as Taravangian's head scribe) the meetings of coalition monarchs.{{book ref|sa3|44}}{{book ref|sa3|96}}

All the while, Adrotagia and the rest of the Diagram members continued to meet. She and Mrall monitored Taravangian on one of his intelligent days; he made a few minor alterations to the Diagram, shifting the group's focus to replacing Dalinar with Taravangian as the leader of the coalition, as they believed that killing him would no longer be productive. Adrotagia also worked on building a relationship with the enigmatic [[Malata]].{{book ref|sa3|i|5}} The group renewed their resolve to save Kharbranth over all else in the face of [[Odium]]'s attacks.{{book ref|sa3|i|5}} Adrotagia helped plant leaked information that would undermine Dalinar's leadership.{{book ref|sa3|107}}

Despite the Diagram's efforts, Dalinar emerged victorious in the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]]. After returning to Urithiru, Adrotagia gave a relatively unintelligent Taravangian some letters from his grandchildren, then continued to review the Diagram to try and figure out what the group's next steps should be; she remained optimistic. She was nearby when Odium appeared to Taravangian, but it is not clear if she was able to see Odium or even knew of their conversation.{{book ref|sa3|122}}

|He and Adrotagia had grown up together, and she still used Taravangian’s boyhood nickname. He liked that. It reminded him of days before all of this.
|Taravangian{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}
Adrotagia and Taravangian have been close friends since childhood and have a very good rapport. They are generally directly aligned in their goals, as both of them believe that correctly interpreting the Diagram is the key to saving humanity. Adrotagia's skills are invaluable to furthering their organization's goals and ensuring that Taravangian cannot act unwisely when he is at either end of the intelligence spectrum.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}} Taravangian is aware of Adrotagia's pragmatism and tries to avoid talking about "faith" in front of her.{{book ref|sa3|122}} Taravangian becomes more manic and egocentric when he is super-intelligent; he tends to bluntly comment on people's flaws, even Adrotagia's. He refers to her "idiocy" at one point although he immediately regrets doing so.{{book ref|sa3|i|5}}

Adrotagia, along with [[Mrall]] accompany Taravangian to [[Jah Keved]] in the wake of the [[Jah Keved war of succession]].{{book ref|sa2|i|14}} The three of them go among the soldiers, comforting them, and she is there when [[Szeth]] returns to confront Taravangian about the [[Surgebinding]] he had seen [[Kaladin]] perform. After Szeth is sent on his way, Adrotagia accompanies Taravangian when he speaks to the King [[Valam]] in his final moments.
Mrall is another of Taravangian's most trusted advisors, and Adrotagia often works closely with him. Although Mrall is a bodyguard rather than a scholar,they seem to have a cordial relationship; Adrotagia is not dismissive of his opinion, and is willing to explain her interpretation of the Diagram to him if he does not understand.{{book ref|sa3|122}}{{book ref|sa3|i|5}}

== Appearance & Personality ==
Adrotagia is an extremely intelligent woman, and while she may be a scholar, she is also one of Taravangian's most trusted advisors.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}} She knows of his fluctuating intelligence and even attempts to measure it, plotting a graph proving his random level of intelligence follows a normal distribution curve. Adrotagia also helps aid Taravangian with the [[Diagram]]. She did work on its translation and interpretation.{{book ref|sa2|e|87}} Adrotagia also presumably helps with the [[Death Rattle]]s, which were used to keep the Diagram accurate.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}} She keeps in contact with [[Dova]], the [[ardent]] who collects them. Adrotagia also keeps track of the various [[Unmade]] on [[Roshar]], more specifically [[Nergaoul]] and [[Moelach]].
Adrotagia attempts to take a mentor role with Malata since the Surgebinder quickly gains importance in the Diagram.{{book ref|sa3|i|5}} Adrotagia oversees Malata's work as a spy and also talks to her about her [[spren]], [[Spark]]. However, as Malata's power grows, she seems to become more confident; she has an independent streak and seems to get frustrated with Adrotagia and Taravangian.{{book ref|sa3|107}}

== Notes ==
== Notes ==
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