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|Delivering a payload. To Elendel. It's a weapon, right? We drop it off, then we get out of there?
|Wellid describing their mission to [[Gabria]]{{book ref|mb7|69}}
'''Wellid''' is a member of the [[Set]] on [[Scadrial]].{{book ref|mb7|69}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
Wellid's mind wanders, and he is not particularly invested in the Set's overall mission. He does not like sailing; the height of the ship's deck above the ocean surface and the crashing of the waves discomfort him. His decision to be part of the ship's crew is predicated on the idea that a warship would be the safest place for him, as he does not know that it is meant to be a suicide mission.{{book ref|mb7|69}}
== History ==
|Damn. I meant for him to find a lifeboat or somethin'.
|[[Wayne]] after Wellid goes overboard{{book ref|mb7|69}}
In {{date|348|PC}}, Wellid volunteered to be part of the crew that sailed the [[Pewternaut]] A16 from [[Bilming]] to [[Elendel]]. After a briefing, he was given a lantern and told to keep watch on the deck. Wellid was disturbed by the mists and strange sounds that he heard; opening his lantern in order to look down at the waters, he attracted [[Gabria]]'s attention and was rebuked by her. Shortly afterwards, [[Wax]] and [[Wayne]] climbed onto the deck in front of him. Wax pointed [[Vindication]] at him and interrogated him about the bomb's location. Wayne told him to get off the boat, so Wellid immediately threw himself overboard. He was wearing a life jacket, but it is unknown whether he survived.{{book ref|mb7|69}}
== Trivia ==
== Notes ==
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{{Mistborn|Era 2}}
[[category: viewpoint characters]]