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m (Began improving Urithiru.)
Upon hearing that [[Kaladin]] was free and in the tower, she went to Leshwi to plead protection for [[Lirin]] and [[Hesina]], as both Venli and Leshwi knew that the [[Pursuer]] wouldn't hesitate to use them in a bid to lure him into a fight. Leshwi granted this request, and Venli used this opportunity to bring Lirin to tend the unconscious Radiants. While visiting them with Rlain, [[Dabbid]] arrived, telling the four that Kaladin was asleep and wasn't waking up. Venli realized that Lift would likely be able to heal him, and used Cohesion to free her, hoping that the Fused would assume that a human Stoneward had survived. Instead of telling Rlain, Lirin, and Hesina that she was a Surgebinder, though, she claimed to have a Shardblade.{{book ref|sa4|83}}
While serving as an interpreter between Raboniel and [[Regals]] coming to deliver reports, Raboniel and Venli discussdiscussed the listeners. Venli admitsadmitted shame at being the one directly responsible for her people's downfall, asking Raboniel why theythere mustcouldn't be fightpeace. Raboniel commendscommended her on her service, and givesgave her a writ of authority and a map showing a settlement of listeners on the Shattered Plains. Venli realizesrealized that thisit might be the group that had refused stormform before the [[Battle of Narak]], and when Rlain findsfound her crying, she tellstold him the entire story of what she did. Rlain attunesattuned Betrayal, a rhythmdecision with whichthat she agreescalled smart, and he sayssaid that they should attempt to save the Radiants before seeking out the other listeners. She disagreesdisagreed with this, and tellstold [[Dul]] and [[Mazish]] that it's was time to leave.{{book ref|sa4|96}}
As Venli waitswaited with Dul and Mazish for an Oathgate transfer to Kholinar, Timbre expressesexpressed disappointment that Venli iswas abandoning the Radiants. Ignoring this, Venli walkswalked to the front of the line to find out what's was taking so long, and discoversdiscovered that [[Vyre]] hashad left to meet with Raboniel, taking with him the only Blade that the Fused havehad that's was capable of working the Oathgates. Venli movesmoved everyone inside and decidesdecided to smuggle Kaladin and his family out with herself, Dul, and Mazish., Theywho agreeagreed that it's was a good idea,. soThey they headheaded for the atrium, where they findfound Kaladin fighting the Pursuer. Although Kaladin forcesforced Lezian to retreat, Vyre dropsdropped [[Teft]]'s corpse on him, and Venli attunesattuned the Lost as he grievesgrieved. The Pursuer attacksattacked him again, and after killing him, Kaladin headsheaded toward Venli. She fearsfeared that he's was coming for her, but instead, he attacksattacked the "shanay-im" holding his father.
Venli watcheswatched as the humans desperately defenddefended the Radiants against the Pursuer's troops, and at Timbre's urging, revealsrevealed her status as a Radiant to Leshwi. Contrary to Venli's expectations, she's was overjoyed, and asksasked Venli if Timbre knowsknew of an honorspren named Riah. Venli relaysrelayed the message that most of the old spren were killed in the Recreance, but despite this, the fact that the spren have forgiven the singers iswas enough to convince Leshwi that the Radiants must be protected, and she joinsjoined the humans in fighting Lezian's troops.{{book ref|sa4|107}}{{book ref|sa4|109}} During the fighting, Rlain arrivesarrived in the atrium, setting up a triage in the aftermath of the battle. He takestook command, telling the group that they should head for an Oathgate on the misconception that Venli hashad a Blade. She quickly disabusesdisabused him of this notion, and while he's was contemplating what to do, Kaladin, having just sworn the [[Knights Radiant#Immortal Words|Fourth Ideal]], arrivesarrived and activatesactivated the Oathgate to the Shattered Plains for them.{{book ref|sa4|109}}{{book ref|sa4|114}}
After leaving the tower, Venli finds the location oflocated the listener settlement on the map, finding that [[Thude]] and Jaxlim, among others, arewere still alive. Although theythe group treattreated Venli with suspicion, and in some cases, outright hostility, they allowallowed her through to see her mother, andwho was the only one besides Venli herself who remembered the songs. sheHaving bringsbrought a Reacher in the hope that it'll would heal her mind, Venli began to sing the Song of Mornings; Jaxlim's favorite of the old songs. Just when she'sVenli was about to lose hope, Jaxlim recognizesrecognized Venliher, and Cultivation finally acceptsaccepted her Words.{{book ref|sa4|115}}
== Trivia ==