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'''Torio''' is a kingdom on [[Komashi]] that was destroyed by the [[father machine]], it continued to exist as a simulation made from Investiture in several localized areas to serve as prisons for the [[yoki-hijo]] who survived the great reaping of souls that occurred upon the machine's activation.
== History ==
It was destroyed by the [[father machine]] one-thousand seven-hundred and sixty-three years before the machine was eventually destroyed. Upon its activation, due to poorly created [[Commands]], it conflated [[hijo]] and the souls of men, and absorbed both all across the planet, leading to the genocide of all of Torio and the creation of the [[shroud]] that covers all of Komashi.{{book ref|yumi|39}}
== Culture ==
They have a culture that deeply values the role of the yoki-hijo, as they provided many important devices required to survive and thrive. They also see them as very important figures in their religion, and deeply revere them.
== Settlements ==
* [[Torio City]]
* [[Gongsha Town]]
== Notes ==
