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(Deleted information that belongs on Shard page.)
=== Silver Kingdoms Epoch ===
Sometime before the [[Day of Recreance]], he passed responsibility for creating new [[honorspren]] to the [[Stormfather]]. When the last generation of [[Knights Radiant]] discovered that humans were the invaders on Roshar, he did not support them as he had past Radiants, but instead raved about how they would destroy the world.{{book ref|ob|113}} Sometime after the Recreance, he recorded several visions for the Stormfather to show to [[Bondsmith]] candidates,{{book ref|ob|28}} and was later killed by Odium when Honor was Splintered.{{book ref|sa1|75}}{{wob ref|9810}}
=== Present Day ===
|He had another name, allowed to pass only the lips of ardents. ''Elithanathile''. He Who Transforms.
|Shallan's thoughts{{book ref|sa1|7}}
On modern Roshar, the [[Vorinism|Vorin Church]] worships The Almighty, which is tied to the ancient understanding of the Shard Honor.{{book ref|wor|4}} The Almighty has ten names, though it is unclear if Tanavast is one of them.{{book ref|sa1|7}} According to scripture, The Almighty was cast out of the Tranquiline Halls after the Day of Recreance and thus now resides in the hearts of mankind.{{cite}} Vorinism teaches that seeing the future is of the [[Voidbringers]],{{book ref|wok|18}} which may be a result of Tanavast's difficulty seeing the future.{{book ref|sa1|75}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==