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(→‎Dayside: Nor'Tallon is not longer a nation, it is confirmed to be a city now.)
At an unknown date the planet was created and purposefully placed in its current location in the [[Taldain System]].{{wob ref|3343}} Following the [[Shattering]], Autonomy settled into the system as the sole Shard present.{{wob ref|4021}}{{wob ref|6880}} At another stage in its early history the planet was settled by humans; due to how the genetics of the settles played out, Daysiders ended up with paler skin.{{wob ref|1900}}
Over time those on Dayside began to notice the influence of one of Autonomy's Avatars which became known as the [[Sand Lord]].{{wob ref|5876}} This entity eventually would form the basis of the [[Ker'Reen Philosophyreen]] religion and became the dominant object of worship for the people of [[Kerzta]]. Differing religious beliefs were formed in the [[Diem]], an important part of the government of [[Lossand]]. This difference of faith led to frequent war between Lossand and Kerzta. Permanent peace was eventually gained when the high priest government of Kerzta was replaced by a merchant nobility.{{book ref|ws|2|review=yes}}
After 200 years, there was a push again by the A'kar, the head priest of Ker'Reen Philosophyreen, to take control by democratic means. They made contact with a [[Elorin|recent convert]] to Ker'Reen Philosophyreen within the Diems ranks and persuaded them to remain a member of the Diem and assist with a plan to wipe the organisation out. It was hoped that by doing so the A'kar would win favour with the public, under the pretence that the destruction of the Diem was the Sandlords whim.{{book ref|ws|2|review=yes}} Their efforts nearly succeeded but ultimately the remnants of the Diem managed to organise themselves and the [[Kenton|new Lord Mastrell]] succeeded in persuading the Lossand government to maintain the Diem. This allowed the Diem to grow more powerful than before, as a result support for the A'kar crumbled and they failed to take control of the Kerzta government.{{book ref|ws|18|review=yes}}
At a later point, for reasons unknown, the planet became closed off to visitors.{{wob ref|1807}}{{au ref|taldain}}{{wob ref|4675}} Around this time the planet also stopped progressing technologically, this was a sudden shift as the world used to be one of the most advanced planets in the Cosmere.{{wob ref|1807}}{{wob ref|4675}} At a later date it became easy to visit Taldain again.{{wob ref|6205}}
Because the sun does not set on '''Dayside''', individuals living there have a variety of issues that needed to be resolved. In regards to keeping time, an hour on Dayside is 90 minutes long.{{book ref|ws|part=ars}} Because of its stationary nature many Daysiders find it easy to navigate by using the sun as a reference point.{{book ref|ws|3|review=yes}} Due to its ever present nature many Daysiders feel a spiritual bond with their sun, and some, such as the Kerztians, worship it.{{book ref|ws|3|review=yes}} Most Daysiders are afraid of the dark as well being unused to it.{{book ref|ws|16|review=yes}}
On Dayside there is a large circular continent that can be found, on this landmass there are a variety of countries. The largest and most powerful nations is [[Kerzta]] which is located on the western portion of the Dayside continent. Its people worship the [[Sand Lord]] and abide by the [[Ker'Reen Philosophyreen]] religion. [[Lossand]] is a country that is immediately next to it and stretches in a wedge from [[KraeDa]] in the center of the continent to the southern coast around the [[Ry'Do Ali River]]. It is ruled by the Council of [[Taishin]], the heads of the eight Professions vital to their life and culture. Both of these nations have an enmity with one another due to Kerzta accepting Sand mastery, althought they have not been in direct conflict in centuries.
In addition to these countries are the Rim Kingdoms which are a series of smaller nations on the eastern and north-eastern coast of the Dayside continent. They consist of; [[Denka]], [[Seevis]], [[Nor'Tallon]] and [[Tallon]].