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→‎City Guard: looks a little better
m (→‎City Guard: looks a little better)
=== City Guard ===
T’Telir has a strong human garrison, although notit isn’t terribly large. The city guard also contains many [[lifeless]], usually directed by living humans. It is likely that the city guard also contains many of the support staff that goes along with lifeless soldiers. The city guard has a number of cavalrymen.{{book ref|wb|4}} T’Telir’s living city guard is dressed in bright yellow and blue,{{book ref|wb|prologue}} while the lifeless guards are dressed in purple and gold,{{book ref|wb|31}}
T’Telir is also the location of the entire [[Hallandren]] [[lifeless]] army.{{book ref|wb|4}} This army numbers forty thousand lifeless, fully equipped{{book ref|wb|47}} and ready to respond to any potential invasion. While this army is completely separate of the city guard, it can be called upon to defend the walls. The lifeless soldiers are described as wearing gold and blue,{{book ref|wb|4}} this might be the same as the living human guards, who’s uniforms are described as bright yellow and blue.{{book ref|wb|prologue}}
