Difference between revisions of "T'Telir"

792 bytes removed ,  1 month ago
I wasn’t done with the edit yet, also changed some things that weren’t completely unbiased and slightly moved some things around
(Removed some things that belong on the Hallandren page, it’s a little difficult to properly divide those.)
(I wasn’t done with the edit yet, also changed some things that weren’t completely unbiased and slightly moved some things around)
== Landmarks ==
=== The City Walls ===
When entering T'Telir onehas isa greetedlarge bycity itswall, walls.commonly Siri describes themdescribed as Immense and even daunting, while almost looking more artistic then functional. The wall's top is curved in massive half-circles, like rolling hills, and the rim is plated with a golden metal. The gates themselves are described as in the form of two twisting, lithe sea creatures who curve up in a massive archway. The position of the city on the sea means that the city wall only has to run around the landward half-circle of the city.{{book ref|wb|4}}
T'Telir lies on the shores of the [[Bright Sea]],{{book ref|wb|4}} and because of its location in a sheltered bay, T'Telir is a prime port. The T'Telirite docks are made up of the shipyards, a number of warehouses and the dock slums.{{book ref|wb|54}} These slums are located between the shipyards and the warehouses. The dockslums are full of dockhands, who live and drink here.{{book ref|wb|54}}
T'Telir has a number of [[Stormrunners]].{{book ref|wb|42}} Everyone who wants to fish in T'Telir waters needs to pay a fee. Some people avoid this by fishing at night however.{{book ref|wb|53}} There are people at the docks who sew nets.{{book ref|wb|42}} The slumlords of T'Telir often dump bodies in the bay, hiring people to go out at night and sink the bodies.{{book ref|wb|53}}
There are people at the docks who sew nets.{{book ref|wb|42}} The slumlords of T'Telir often dump bodies in the bay, hiring people to go out at night and sink the bodies.{{book ref|wb|53}}
=== Markets ===
T'Telir has many markets. Like the rest of T'Telir, the markets are very colorful. Most of the markets in T'Telir are decorated with the D'Denir Celabrin. When entering the markets a person is instantly bombarded by the sight, sound, scent, and colors of T'Telir.{{book ref|wb|9}}
The wealthier shopping districts do not contain merchants raising tents to shade themselves as they sell wares. Instead, there are many high quality, colorful shops with more expensive goods. While performers are present in these markets, there are fewer than in the average shopping district.{{book ref|wb|25}} The T'Telirite markets are full of merchants from distant kingdoms, such as [[Idris]], [[Tedradel]], and likely the kingdoms beyond the mountains.{{book ref|wb|9}}
The T'Telirite markets are full of merchants from distant kingdoms, such as [[Idris]], [[Tedradel]], and likely the kingdoms beyond the mountains.{{book ref|wb|9}}
== Appearance ==
{{image|Warbreaker by Phoebe Rothfeld.jpg|Vivenna and Parlin's arrival in T'Telir|side=left|width=300px}}
== Culture ==
=== People ===
There are many different peoples and cultures in T’Telir.{{book ref|wb|9}} The most prevalent people are the Hallandren. Other knownprevalent cultures in T’Telir include Pahn Kahl and Idrian.{{book ref|wb|9}}
T’Telir has no nobility,{{book ref|wb|4}} instead it has a small but very rich class which is almost completely compromised of the most successful merchants, a middle class, and a large peasant class. Hallandren is the only nation on [[Nalthis]] to have such a large middle class. Due to this large middle class T’Telir has many features that the rest of the world lacks.{{book ref|wb|5}}
The people in the slums are often dirty and beaten down. Most slums are ruled by people called slumlords, the crime lords of specific slums in the city. The poor in T'Telir take any jobs they can, including prostitution for women and work in the dye fields for men.{{book ref|wb|31}} A lot of people here also beg for money,{{book ref|wb|39}} although this profession isn’t very rewarding in T'Telir.{{book ref|wb|39}} There are also underground fighting matches where men can see people, often Idrians, box eachother to unconsciousness,{{book ref|wb|31}} these matches are often funded by slumlords.{{book ref|wb|31}}
T’Telirites like to be together, tending to crowd the same streets.{{book ref|wb|17}} Because of the warm climate, they are comfortable with wearing loose, revealing, and few clothes;{{book ref|wb|9}} their clothes are of all kinds of designs, makes, and colors, all meant to make them stand out, though the overwhelming effect is then that no one stands out.{{book ref|wb|14}}
The peopleT’Telirites inenjoy themusic, slumspainting, aredance, oftenpoetry, dirtysculpture, andpuppetry, beatenplay down.{{bookperformance, ref|wb|31}}sandpainting Mostand slumslots areof ruledother by‘lesser’ people called slumlords,arts.{{book ref|wb|318}} theWeapons crimeare lordsuncommon of specific slumsenough in the city. Thethat poora insword T'Telirdraws takeattention.{{Book anyref|wb|19}} jobsTimepieces theyare can,not includingcommon prostitutionin for womenT’Telir,{{book ref|wb|3111}} and workpunctuality is not a high priority in the dyecity, fieldsespecially foramong the menReturned.{{book ref|wb|3114}} AThe lotT’Telirites ofare peoplefond here also beg forof moneycarriages,{{book ref|wb|3925}} althoughand thisuse professionthem isn’ta very rewardinglot in T'Telir.the city,{{book ref|wb|3925}} Therealthough arethe alsoReturned undergroundand fightingtheir matchesQueen whereprefer mento canuse see people, often Idrians, box eachother to unconsciousness,palanquins.{{book ref|wb|3114}} theseT’Telirites matcheslike areto oftenbe fundedtogether, bytending slumlordsto crowd the same streets.{{book ref|wb|3117}}
The T’Telirites enjoy music, painting, dance, poetry, sculpture, puppetry, play performance, sandpainting and lots of other ‘lesser’ arts.{{book ref|wb|8}} Weapons are uncommon enough in the city that a sword draws attention. {{Book ref|wb|19}} Timepieces are not common in T’Telir,{{book ref|wb|11}} and punctuality is not a high priority in the city, especially among the Returned.{{book ref|wb|14}} The T’Telirites are fond of carriages,{{book ref|wb|25}} and use them a lot in the city,{{book ref|wb|25}} although the Returned and their Queen prefer to use palanquins.{{book ref|wb|14}}
The T’Telirites herd livestock such as sheep and cows.{{book ref|wb|1}}{{book ref|wb|16}} they also enjoy many sorts of sealife, such as mussels, fish, and octopi,{{book ref|wb|22}}{{book ref|wb|9}}{{book ref|wb|40}} and many foreign foods.{{book ref|wb|5}} The T’Telirites keep their dead in charnel houses.{{book ref|wb|19}}
|[[Bebid]] to [[Vasher]]{{book ref|wb|5}}
T'Telir is the capital of Hallandren and contains the [[Court of Gods]], the home toof the Returned.{{book ref|wb|4}} HallandrenT’Telir, whichas includesa T’Telirpart of Hallandren, is ruled by the [[God King]],.{{book ref|wb|3}} The King has absolute authority and can undo any decision made by the Court of Gods,{{book ref|wb|50}} although in reality he has very little political power and is more of a figurehead for his priesthood,.{{book ref|wb|20}} whoThe actuallyactual ruledecisions thein empire.T'Telir Theare Godmade King hasby the right[[Returned]], toand undoby anyan decision made byextension, the Court of Godspriesthood.{{book ref|wb|5016}}
The [[Returned]] have duties and votes on specific matters in the city and the empire.{{book ref|wb|16}} The task of the priesthood is generally to inform the gods of the people’s opinions.{{book ref|wb|16}} The Returned can then make informed decisions, which the priests enforce. In reality the priests handle most of the minor decisions, so that the Returned only vote on the major decisions.{{book ref|wb|50}} This method of government, waiting on debates that must be brought to the gods (who cannot leave the court to be among the people of the city) by the priests, operates much more slowly than Idris' monarchy.{{book ref|wb|1}}
Most of the land in and around T’Telir is private property, rather then government owned.{{book ref|wb|17}} There are also specific laws about where begging is allowed and where it isn’t,{{book ref|wb|39}} these rules aren’t taught to beggars though.{{book ref|wb|39}} Getting into a brawl in the city will get you locked up for a night,{{book ref|wb|prologue}} although hitting a priest meansof the Iridescent Tones means a death sentence.{{book ref|wb|prologue}} Anyone who wants to fish in the waters of T’Telir has to pay a fee.{{book ref|wb|53}}
=== City Guard ===
