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96 bytes removed ,  4 years ago
General cleanup and references. I'm not comfortable calling Cryptics truthspren, since that was always an out-of-world name and seems to have been superseded. I also took out the few examples of specific spren; I feel like this really isn't the article for that.
(General cleanup and references. I'm not comfortable calling Cryptics truthspren, since that was always an out-of-world name and seems to have been superseded. I also took out the few examples of specific spren; I feel like this really isn't the article for that.)
{{magical entities
|magic=[[Surgebinding]], [[Fabrial|Fabrials]]s, [[Singer]] forms
|Spren appear when something changes—when fear appears, or when it begins to rain. They are the heart of change, and therefore the heart of all things.
| [[Hesina]] to [[Kaladin]]{{book ref|sa1|37}}
== Characteristics ==
| We don’t sleep; we don’t eat. I think we might feed off humans, actually. Your emotions. Or you thinking about us, maybe. It all seems very complicated. In Shadesmar, we can think on our own, but if we go to your realm, we need a human bond. Otherwise, we’re practically as mindless as those gloryspren.
| [[Sylphrena]] on the nature of spren{{book ref|sa3|91}}
Some spren predate the arrival of Honor and Cultivation to Roshar, and perhaps even the [[Shattering]]. These are Splinters of [[Adonalsium]] itself that it left behind intentionally and that have attained sentience on their own since then.{{wob ref|10563}} This tendency towards sentience, which can be seen both in Shard-derived spren and Adonalsium-derived spren, is a result of [[cosmere]]-wise phenomenon of Investiture attaining sentience when left on its own.{{wob ref|1473}} However, while comparable entities exist on other worlds -- most notably, seons and skaze -- the sheer amount of spren created is unique to Roshar.
The cognitive ideals that create spren are similar to those that determine the appearances of the [[Returned]] on [[Nalthis]] and the plausibility of [[Forgery| Forgeries]] on Sel, and are based off of human perception.{{wob ref|4110}}{{wob ref|4048}}
=== Functioning ===
=== True Spren ===
| There are no foolish oaths. All are the mark of men and true spren over beasts and subspren. The mark of intelligence, free will, and choice.
| [[Stormfather]] on what separates sapient from sentient beings{{book ref|sa3|4}}
Each Order of the [[Knights Radiant]] forms a [[Nahel Bond]] with a different type of true spren.{{wob ref|6651}} This bond is similar in nature to the bond between a [[seon]] and its master, albeit unlike a seon bond, a Nahel bond grants numerous benefits to both parties.{{wob ref|3035}} The spren gains the capacity to retain higher mental functions while bonded; their partner gains access to [[Surgebinding]].{{book ref|sa1|57}} Though historically, only humans could become Surgebinders, during the [[True Desolation]] some spren have managed to form a Nahel Bond with a singer, although how this changes things is unknown.{{wob ref|7005}}{{book ref|sa3|120}} It's theoretically possible for someone to bond multiple spren, although this would require a lot of upkeep on the bondee's side in an effort not to break the rules of either bond.{{wob ref|6647}}
Each Nahel Bond grants access to two [[Surge]]s, with every Surge shared between two orders.{{file ref| TWoK Front Endsheet.jpg | Surgebinding Table}} Surgebinders that are organized into proper Orders, rather than acting on their own, are known as [[Knights Radiant]].
The bond between a Knight and their spren can be strengthened by verbally or mentally stating certain [[Immortal Words|Ideals]] or ideas related to their Order. Once the bond has strengthened to a certain point, the spren gains the ability to become a [[Shardblade]] when needed.{{book ref|sa2|84}} A sword is the base form for a [[Shardblade]], since they were fashioned after the [[Honorblade]]s, but they can become any shape their Knight needs, such as a spear, hammer, or shield. While in a Shardblade form, the spren can communicate with their Surgebinder through their mind.{{book ref|sa2|86}}
| Test successful. Have noted spren who appear only when one is severely intoxicated. Appear as small brown bubbles clinging to objects nearby. Further testing may be needed to prove they were more than a drunken hallucination.
| [[Axies]] the Collector{{book ref|sa1|i|5}}
==== Angerspren ====
| Vamah was watching them stand there, and his expression was as thunderous as a highstorm, angerspren boiling up from the ground around him like small pools of bubbling blood.
| The Way of Kings: Chapter Fifteen{{book ref|sa1|15}}
==== Anticipationspren ====
| A few anticipationspren—like red streamers, growing from the ground and whipping in the wind—began to sprout from the rock and wave among the soldiers.
| The Way of Kings: Chapter Six{{book ref|sa1|6}}
==== Awespren ====
| A single awespren, like a ring of blue smoke, burst out above him, spreading like the ripple from a stone dropped in a pond. Shallan had seen such a spren only a handful of times in her life.
| Words of Radiance: Chapter 78{{book ref|sa2|78}}
==== Bindspren ====
| He thought he could faintly make out tiny spren, dark blue and shaped like little splashes of ink, clustering around the place where the rock met the wall.
| The Way of Kings: Chapter Fifty-Seven{{book ref|sa1|57}}
==== Captivityspren ====
| It appears I'll have another chance to search for captivityspren.
| Axies the Collector{{book ref|sa1|i|5}}
==== Creationspren ====
| Her drawing gathered about a half-dozen of them, pulling them by her act of creation just as a bright fire would draw flamespren.
| The Way of Kings: Chapter Seven{{book ref|sa1|7}}
[[File:Deathspren by Marianne Eie.jpg|thumb|right|200px|<center><small>by {{a|Marianne Eie}}</small></center>Deathspren]]
| Only the dying could see deathspren. You saw them, then died. Only the very, very lucky few survived after that. Deathspren knew when the end was close.
| The Way of Kings: Chapter Thirty-Eight{{book ref|sa1|38}}
==== Decayspren ====
| I didn't know men got this old. You sure he's not decayspren wearing a man's skin?
| Sylphrena to Kaladin{{book ref|sa1|17}}
==== Exhaustionspren ====
| She noticed something sweeping through the air above her. She cringed, looking up to find large, birdlike creatures circling around her in Shadesmar. They were a dark grey and seemed to have no specific shape, their forms blurry.
| Words of Radiance: Chapter Eleven{{book ref|sa2|11}}
==== Fearspren ====
| Fearspren—wiggling and violet—sprang up through the wood and wriggled in the air.
| The Way of Kings: Chapter Six{{book ref|sa1|6}}
==== Flamespren ====
| ...instead watching a pair of flamespren dance along one of the logs. These seemed vaguely human, with ever-shifting figures.
| Oathbringer: Chapter Thirty-Six{{book ref|sa3|36}}
|Long, grey, like a tattered streamer of cloth in the wind. It wound around him, fluttering.
| Oathbringer: Chapter Five{{book ref|sa3|5}}
A rare type of spren that looks like a grey streamer, seemingly attracted to the feeling of resignation or deep sadness. [[Syl]]'s aunt hunts them in a manner similar to a greatshell hunt.{{book ref|sa3|5}}
==== Gloryspren ====
| Below, his men cheered, sending up calls that rose above the Parshendi war chant. Gloryspren sprouted around him.
| The Way of Kings: Chapter Sixty-Five{{book ref|sa1|65}}
==== Hungerspren ====
| As he spoke, he attracted a few hungerspren. They looked like brown flies that flitted around the man's head, almost too small to see.
| The Way of Kings: Chapter Two{{book ref|sa1|2}}
A type of spren that appears around people experiencing extreme hunger. They appear as tiny brown flies that flit around the hungry person.{{book ref|sa1|2}}
==== Joyspren ====
| Joyspren rose around her, like blue leaves that started at her feet then moved up in a swirl before flaring out above her as if in a blast of wind.
| Words of Radiance: Chapter Twenty-Eight{{book ref|sa2|28}}
==== Laughterspren ====
| A few laughterspren—minnow-like silver spirits that darted through the air in circular patterns—began to zip about them.
| The Way of Kings: Chapter Fourteen{{book ref|sa1|14}}
==== Lifespren ====
| A few lifespren—tiny, glowing green specks—floated around the shalebark mounds. Some danced amid the rifts in the bark, others in the air like dust motes zigzagging up, only to fall again.
| The Way of Kings: Chapter Thirty-Nine{{book ref|sa1|39}}
==== Logicspren ====
| There were said to be logicspren—in the form of tiny stormclouds—who were attracted to great arguments...
| The Way of Kings: Chapter Seven{{book ref|sa1|7}}
==== Musicspren ====
| Musicspren zipped through the air around [the drummers], the tiny spirits taking the form of spinning translucent ribbons.
| The Way of Kings: Prologue{{book ref|sa1|prologue}}
==== Painspren ====
| Painspren swarmed the ground, like small orange hands or bits of sinew, reaching up from the ground amid the blood of the fallen.
| The Way of Kings: Chapter Forty-Seven{{book ref|sa1|47}}
==== Passionspren ====
| Passionspren, like tiny flakes of crystalline snow, floated down in the air around them.
| The Way of Kings: Chapter Sixty-One{{book ref|sa1|61}}
==== Rainspren ====
| [Rainspren] were said to be the souls of raindrops...
| The Way of Kings: Chapter Forty-Four{{book ref|sa1|44}}
==== Riverspren ====
| [The Purelake] was filled with tiny fish, colorful cremlings, and eel-like riverspren.
| The Way of Kings: Interlude One{{book ref|sa1|i|1}}
==== Rotspren ====
| Rest... and keep that wound clean. We don't want to attract any rotspren. Let me know if you see any. They are small and red, like tiny insects.
| Kaladin{{book ref|sa1|21}}
==== Starspren ====
| It was the time between moons, and so he was lit mostly by the firelight; there was a spray of stars in the sky above. Several of those moved about, the tiny pinpricks of light chasing after one another, zipping around like distant, glowing insects.
| The Way of Kings: Chapter Forty{{book ref|sa1|40}}
==== Windspren ====
| Windspren were devious spirits who had a penchant for staying where they weren't wanted...
| The Way of Kings: Chapter Two{{book ref|sa1|2}}
Also known as Liesprenliespren, orCryptics Truthspren,are a type of sapient spren that forms Nahel Bonds with the Knights Radiant [[Order of Lightweavers]], granting them their powers. {{book ref|sa2|3}} {{wob ref|6451}} Cryptics grant the [[Surge]]s of Transformation and Illumination..{{file ref| TWoK Front Endsheet.jpg | Surgebinding Table}} They represent fundamental mathematical laws of nature, and truths that explain the fabric of existence.{{book ref|sa3|97}}
In the [[Cognitive Realm]], they have the appearance of figures in robes that hang stiffly, as if made of glass rather than fabric. Instead of heads, they have a floating symbol full of impossible angles and geometries.{{book ref|sa1|29}} There, Cryptics reside in a single city-state, and do not wish to expand.{{book ref|sa3|47}} In the [[Physical Realm]], Cryptics take the shape of a complex and constantly shifting geometric pattern slightly raised off a surface or object.{{book ref|sa2|3}} They can also manifest as a floating three-dimensional mass of twisting lines.{{book ref|sa2|42}}
[[Pattern]] is a Cryptic.
==== Cultivationspren ====
A type of sapient spren that forms Nahel Bonds with the Knight Radiant [[Order of Edgedancers]], granting them their powers. Cultivationspren grant the [[Surge]]s of Abrasion and Progression.{{book ref|sa2.5|2}} They appear in the Physical Realm as a growing vine with crystals, while in Shadesmar, they take a form of a humanoid seemingly made out of thickly-bound, thin vines and pieces of crystal.{{book ref|sa2|i|9}} They are generally considered the spren that express the purest form of Cultivation.{{wob ref|6276}}
Cultivationspren are ruled by a group of them called the [[Ring]], which, among others, dictates which spren are to bond who.{{book ref|sa2.5|1}} They also have the capacity to let their kinsmen travel into the Physical Realm without the usual accompanying loss of mental functions.{{book ref|sa2|i|9}}
A type of sapient spren that forms Nahel Bonds with the Knights Radiant [[Order of Skybreakers]], granting them their powers. Highspren grant the [[Surge]]s of Gravitation and Division.{{file ref| TWoK Front Endsheet.jpg | Surgebinding Table}}
In the Physical Realm, highspren are described as looking like black slits in reality, with white glowing stars shining through.{{book ref|sa3|98}} They seem to have their own settlements in Shadesmar and appear rather isolationistic, with none to be seen in places like [[Celebrant]].{{book ref|sa2|epilogue}}{{book ref|sa3|102}} Other spren consider them to be strict and rule-bound.{{book ref|sa3|107}}
A type of sapient spren that forms Nahel Bonds with the Knights Radiant [[Order of Windrunners]], granting them their powers. Honorspren grant the [[Surge]]s of Gravitation and Adhesion.{{file ref| TWoK Front Endsheet.jpg | Surgebinding Table}} They are said to be quite "discerning" in deciding who they would bond with.{{book ref|sa1|60}} They are [[Splinters]]generally considered the spren that express the purest form of [[Honor]].{{wob ref|6276}}
In the Physical, they can change their forms, although in any shape, they are blue-white with a matching glow.{{book ref|sa1|2}} In Shadesmar, they look like humans with blue-white skin and clothes that are part of them.{{book ref|sa3|89}} They are noted to be highly warlike, with numerous cities and fortresses, as well as their own fleet.{{book ref|sa3|107}}
[[Sylphrena]], [[Rua]], [[Phendorana]], and [[Notum]] are honorspren.{{book ref|sa1|67}}
==== Inkspren ====
A type of sapient spren that form Nahel Bonds with the Knights Radiant [[Order of Elsecallers]], granting them their powers. Inkspren grant the [[Surge]]s of Transformation and Transportation.{{file ref| TWoK Front Endsheet.jpg | Surgebinding Table}} They look like small, human-shaped figures with ink-black skin and clothing, coated in what seems to be oil, with a mother-of-pearl or prismatic quality to their look.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} They are capable of blending into shadows.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}}{{book ref|sa2|3}} In addition, they can change their size, but not their shape.{{book ref|sa3|47}}
==== Keenspren ====
Reachers are often guides in Shadesmar, as they like to travel to different places, trading and selling goods.{{book ref|sa3|93}} They have ships pulled by teams of [[mandra]]s, inlaid with lines of copper that may serve as a medium of communication.{{book ref|sa3|99}}
[[Timbre]], [[Ico]], and his [[Ico's father|father]] are lightspren.
==== Mistspren ====
[[File:Oathgate_Spren.jpg|thumb|200px|Uncorrupted Oathgate spren]]
| We are apologetic. We have been… alone very long. We would enjoy granting passage to men again. But we cannot do that which was forbidden.
| Spren of [[Thaylen City]] Oathgate{{book ref|sa3|116}}
| We were made, then unmade.
| [[Sja-Anat]]{{book ref|sa3|84}}