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|books=[[Mistborn Era 1]]
'''Spook''' is a [[skaa]] [[Misting]] on [[Scadrial]]. He was a member of [[Kelsier’sKelsier's crew]] and worked for [[Elend Venture]] after the [[Collapse]]. After the [[Catacendre]], he became known as the Lord Mistborn and ruled the [[Elendel Basin]] for a hundred years before stepping down.{{book ref|mb6|5}}
'''Spook''' is a [[skaa]] [[Misting]] on [[Scadrial]]. He was a member of [[Kelsier’s crew]] and worked for [[Elend Venture]] after the [[Collapse]]. After the [[Catacendre]], he became known as the Lord Mistborn and ruled the [[Elendel Basin]] for a hundred years before stepping down.{{book ref|mb6|5}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
=== Siege of Luthadel ===
During the [[Siege of Luthadel]] he was rarely given any important tasks. When [[Tindwyl]] caught him with nothing to do, she enlisted him to serve as a "packman" for [[Vin]] and [[AllrianeAllrianne]]'s dress-shopping trip; he also ocassionallyoccasionally worked as a coachman or honor guard to [[Elend]] or went on a spying mission.{{book ref|mb2|35}} As the stiation grew desperate, however, and the crew planned to send Vin and Elend out of the city to survive the [[Battle of Luthadel]], they enlisted Spook to be their guide. Spook agreed, and lead them away to the Terris mountains, where [[Sazed]] said they would find the [[Well of Ascension]]. Vin and Elend eventually realize that they have been tricked, and Vin raced ahead to Luthadel in time to save the city.{{book ref|mb2|51}} Spook returned with Elend a few days later, and used his tin to enhance his eyes and inform Elend that his flag still flew from the city gates, indicating that it has not been conquered.{{book ref|mb2|57}}
=== Urteau ===
During the fight, Spook was stabbed with a sword that also pierced a [[pewter]]arm. The tip of the sword became a [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic]] spike and granted him the ability to burn [[pewter]]. The spike also gave Ruin access to Spook and got into his mind using [[Kelsier]]´s voice. So when he wakes up from the lost fight inside the burning building and hears Kelsier asking him to move on, find vials and burn pewter, he obeys, thus finding his new ability (which he doesn’t recognize as Hemalurgy) and thus trusting the voice in his head.{{book ref|mb3|16}}{{book ref|mb3|26}}
Spook receives [[Breeze]], [[Allrianne]] and [[Sazed]] into the city and helps them hide providing them with intelinformation. He shows them the cave where the Lord Ruler’s cache was and suggested it as their base.{{book ref|mb3|29}} He tried to talk to Sazed about Kelsier’s voice but with Sazed doubting his beliefs, Spook didn’t fully confide and just trusted they were being protected by the Survivor.{{book ref|mb3|31}}
Ever since his unexpected survival from the flames, Spook had heard people gossiping of him and that he was part of Kelsier’s crew and that Durn was behind of it. He eventually decided to confront him and found that Durn had been plotting against Quellion and had used the event to make him look bad. He decides to trust him and asks him to find Breeze. On his way out, a man approaches him and asked to save his 7-year-old sister from the Citizen. Spook realizes he is now in a better position to make a difference and decides to help.{{book ref|mb3|35}} He asked in return for ten men to help him dig the skulls from the fire where the Citizen had burned the prisoners days before. He found only nine skulls and understood Quellion was taking the Allomancers.{{book ref|mb3|38}}
The city is ready for a revolt, Quellion is about to do a hate speech against Spook. The latter killed the Citizen’s guards and fought him, looking for him to shoot coins and prove himself an Allomancer to complete the city’s hatred. Beldre gets there and shoots Spook to save her brother. The City riots as they understand what she is and that their ruler had killed their noble blood family but not his sister. Spook feels betrayed and Kelsier’s voice pushes him to kill her and use her spike to get her power. The hate speech from Kelsier and the spike information helps him understand it was the spike at the first fire that had caused all this. Looking at Quellion he correctly guessed he was being affected too. He takes out Quellions spike firs and then his. He loses Pewter and is almost out of breath. He sees the city in flames but is looking forward to the water to flood the city. Beldre confirms she had killed the soldiers to escape and there is no one to flood the city. They go back along with Sazed and find the building in flames, they are about to return defeated when he heard Kelsier’s real voice, who said he had chosen him as his friend. Spook goes into the burning building and he has no more strength, he just throws his weight to the machine and collapses.{{book ref|mb3|58}}
After Spook saves the city from destruction, in the middle of him waking up, he is given a message to send to Vin by Kelsier stating “Don’t trust anyone pierced by metal. Spook’s letter. Even the smallest bit can taint a man.” [[Goradel ]] offers to take it, it was written on a metal sheet.{{book ref|mb3|58}}{{book ref|mb3|64}} It was intercepted by Marsh who was being physically controlled by Ruin, but could still think on his own, upon reading it he figures out it is Vin’s earingearring the metal piece where Ruin is controlling her and uses his last will to take it out setting her free.{{book ref|mb3|72}}
=== The Final Ascension ===
During the Final Ascension, [[Kelsier]] convinces [[Sazed]] to turn Spook into a [[Allomancy|Mistborn]],{{msh ref|6|9}} though Sazed only makes him a regular-strength Mistborn, not a [[lerasium]]-empowered one.{{wob ref|5265}} After that [[Catacendre]], Kelsier's [[Cognitive Shadow]] visits him and convinces him to start studying [[Hemalurgy]].{{msh ref|epilogue}}
Spook is the crew’s best Tineye, so he usually got the most important watches. He snapped at 5 years old.{{book ref|mb1|32}}
After Kelsier’s death, he worked as scout and spy.{{book ref|mb3|names and terms}}
== Relationships ==