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'''Spook''' is a [[skaa]] Misting on [[Scadrial]]. His original name is '''Jedal''', after his [[Jedal|father]], {{wob ref|6098}} but laterhe abandons that name and goes by '''Lestibournes''' beforeafter being adopted by [[Caldent]]. [[Kelsier]] later gives him his nickname of Spook. The name Lestibournes is a reference to the Eastern street slang phrase, 'lefting I'm born', which means 'I've been abandoned'.{{book ref|mb3|23}}
'''Spook''' is a skaa Misting on [[Scadrial]].
His original name is '''Jedal''', after his [[Jedal|father]], {{wob ref|6098}} but later goes by '''Lestibournes''' before [[Kelsier]] gives him his nickname of Spook. The name Lestibournes is a reference to the Eastern street slang phrase, 'lefting I'm born', which means 'I've been abandoned'.{{book ref|mb3|23}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
HeSpook is a [[Tin]]eye, and is [[Clubs]]' nephew.{{book ref|mb1|6}} He is fifteen during the [[Collapse]].{{book ref|mb2|part=ars}} He mentions to [[Beldre]] that in his family it had been his grandfather who had had noble blood. Although it is not mentioned explicitly it is likely that it was his grandfather on his mother's side, as [[Clubs]] was also an [[Allomancer]]. He also mentions that he never knew his grandfather, having grown up on the streets.{{book ref|mb3|53}}
Spook started as a shy boy. The main reason was that he talksspoke in HighEastern Imperialstreet slang, which ismakes anit ancienthard andfot importanthe language,rest thisof causes[[Keslier's him notcrew]] to be fully understood with the rest of the crewhim. {{expand}}
<gallery caption="Images of Spook">
Spook portrait.png | <center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Laura MacMahon|Laura MacMahon]]</small></center>Portrait
Spook-STA.png | Spook by [[Ben McSweeney]]
Spook color.jpg | Spook by [[User: Botanicaxu]]
Vin Spook.jpg | With Vin by [[User: Botanicaxu]]
He is a [[Tin]]eye, and is [[Clubs]]' nephew.{{book ref|mb1|6}} He is fifteen during the [[Collapse]].{{book ref|mb2|part=ars}} He mentions to [[Beldre]] that in his family it had been his grandfather who had had noble blood. Although it is not mentioned explicitly it is likely that it was his grandfather on his mother's side, as [[Clubs]] was also an [[Allomancer]]. He also mentions that he never knew his grandfather, having grown up on the streets.{{book ref|mb3|53}}
Spook started as a shy boy. The main reason was that he talks High Imperial, which is an ancient and important language, this causes him not to be fully understood with the rest of the crew.
== History ==
=== The Skaa rebellion ===
During the skaa rebellion Spook is mainly involved as a sentry with important watches, or lookout for the crew's hideout. He participates in the crew's planning sessions, but rarely contributes to them other than serving drinks or getting things. {{book ref|mb1|32}} He is captured along with [[Renoux|OreSeur]]; they both were being taken to the square for execution in the first cart of a caravan, {{book ref|mb1|33}} but were saved by Kelsier, Ham and the rest of the crew. {{book ref|mb1|34}} After that, during the last battle with the Lord Ruler, he fetched the apprentices and led them to be messengers. {{book ref|mb1|35}}
=== Siege of Luthadel ===
=== Urteau ===
During his stay at [[Urteau]], he becomes an [[Allomancy|Allomantic]] [[savant]], flaring tin all the time, to spy on [[Quellion]] and [[Beldre]]. He becomes so sensitive to light that he has to wear a blind fold, however, his other sharpened senses are able to make up for the inconvenience.{{book ref|mb3|14}} During a fight, Spook is stabbed with a sword piercing a [[pewter]]arm. The tip of the sword become a [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic]] spike and grants him the ability to burn [[pewter]].{{book ref|mb3|16}}{{book ref|mb3|26}} Thus he is corrupted by [[Ruin]], which causes him to have visions of [[Ruin]] in the appearance of [[Kelsier]]. He eventually realizes this and pulls the spike out of himself.{{book ref|mb3|58}} Guided by Ruin, he survived [[Quellion]]'s fire execution and is later called the '''Survivor of the Flames'''.{{book ref|mb3|38}} When Spook realizes Ruin's plan, he diverts water back to the canals to stop the raging fire, almost dying in the process. After Spook saves the city from destruction, he awakens from his collapse and is given a message to send to Vin by Kelsier in a vision.{{book ref |HOA mb3|58}}{{book ref |HOA mb3|64}}
=== The Final Ascension ===
After the [[Final Ascension]], he leads the survivors into the ''new world'' created by [[Sazed]] and is given the full powers of a Mistborn.{{book ref|mb3|epilogue}} However, he does not have the strength of a [[lerasium]] Mistborn, but a Mistborn of the strength of a typical Allomancer around the end of The Final Empire.{{wob ref|5265}} Sazed also heals the damage Spook had done to himself by becoming a tin Savant.
Spook was referred to as the '''Lord Mistborn'''. It is not clear what his role in that early government is, but he is clearly very prominent and powerful, judging by the fact that his Eastern street slang becomes known as [[High Imperial]]. He is also known to have engaged in philosophy and appears to be somewhat aware of the inner workings of the Shards, and is noted for beggingasking the question, "Having the has Sazed a metal?"{{file ref |New Ascendancy broadsheet.jpg | ''The New Ascendancy'' Broadsheet}} However, Spook is confirmed to be a "stud" after the Final Ascension,{{wob ref|1093}} having over a dozen children.{{wob ref|4106}} After the Catacendre, Spook had a relationship with Beldre.{{msh ref|epilogue}}
He is visited at some point by the cognitiveCognitive shadowShadow of [[Kelsier]], who says they should work together to unravel the mysteries of the [[Cosmerecosmere]], use the spikes from [[Kolosskoloss]] to make Spook a [[HemalurgicHemalurgy|Hemalurgist]],{{msh ref|epilogue}} and find a way to bring Kelsier back to the Physical Realm.
[[Steris]] implies that Spook ruled as an emperor for a century before stepping down from power.{{book ref|bom|5}} [[Marasi]] later refers to him as a "governor" who ruled for a century.{{book ref|bom|6}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
| Tin burning…Nottingburning ... Notting about the seeing. Wasing about the not seeing.
| Spook to Vin giving advice on burining Tin {{book ref|mb1|32}}
Spook is the crew’s best Tineye, so he usually got the most important watches. He snapped at 5 years old.{{book ref|mb1|32}}
== Relationships ==
=== Vin ===
Vin liked Spook, though she considered him strange and young. {{book ref|mb1|20}} Sensing her kindness, he gave her a pink handkerchief as the traditional gift a young man gives a lady that he wishes to seriously court, she was not interested though. {{book ref|mb1|22}} After that, Spook was uncomfortable with Vin’s presence until they had a quick chat and she confessed she would always love Elend; he understood and even gave her good advice on using Tintin. {{book ref|mb1|32}}
== Quotes ==
| Tin burning…Notting about the seeing. Wasing about the not seeing.
| Spook to Vin giving advice on burining Tin {{book ref|mb1|32}}
== Trivia ==
* Spook is based very loosely on a person Brandon knew from the timewastersguide[[Timewasters Guide]] forums. Zack–or GemmZack, known as hisGemm nickon was–isthe veryforums, good atsometimes postingposted random gibberish whichthat, if you looklooked at it very closely, actuallyturned readsout to actually be rather poetic. IThis wantedinspired Brandon to dowrite a character who spoke with a dialect that had an interesting rhythm, yet was difficult to make out.{{bookwob ref|annotations mb|222378}}
== Notes ==