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|image=TES - Skeletal.jpg
|type=Animated by {{tag|Bloodsealing}}
|abilities=Tracking, unlimited stamina
|world= Sel
|books=[[The Emperor's Soul]]
A '''skeletal''' is a construct created by [[Bloodsealing]] tothat magically bringbrings the bones of a person or other creature back to life.{{tes ref|3}} Skeletals are terrifyingly effective, as they are skilled warriors that ruthlessly pursue their targets and never tire.{{tes ref|98}} They can track a person for up to twenty-four hours if they have a fresh blood sample of the target; afterwards, the blood is too stale.
== ConstructionCharacteristics ==
=== Creation and Appearance ===
Skeletals have a glowing red seal on their bodies that can only be created using blood.{{tes ref|98}} On humans this seal is placed on the forehead of the skull. This seal allows them to return to a semblance of life. The bones of the skeletals must also be whole for the skeletal to function. If bones are removed or broken, the creature will collapse and not move until it is repaired. If any of the bones are broken beyond repair or lost, wooden carvings of the bones can take their place. Small alterations to the bones are also permissible, like sharpening the bones to make removing them difficult.
Skeletals are created from the bones of the dead, using a process known as Bloodsealing. This magic originates in the nation of [[Dzhamar]] and is similar to [[Forgery]].{{tes ref|42}}{{wob ref|9835}} A version of a [[soulstamp]] (typically made from bone){{wob ref|12556}} is inked in fresh blood and pressed into the forehead of a skeleton's skull; the blood reanimates the bones and gives the creature life.{{tes ref|98}} Human skeletons are highly preferred; animal skeletons can also be used, but the resulting skeletals will not be as adept at following commands from the Bloodsealer.{{wob ref|12560}} The bones do not have to originate in Dzhamar.{{tes ref|3}}
{{image|Weedfingers-Bloodsealer.jpg|side=left|width=400px|[[Weedfingers]] and his skeletals}}
=== Functioning ===
The magic of animating a skeletal is quite similar to a [[Lifeless]]. The skeleton is "tricked" into thinking it is alive through the use of [[Investiture]]. However, unlike the Lifeless, the corpse does not retain any of its original soul.{{wob ref|12558}} The skeletal instead becomes attuned to the person whose blood was used to ink the seal, and can sense them from anywhere.{{tes ref|3}} When a Bloodsealer stamps the skeletal's skull, the source of the blood may feel pain in the their open wound.{{tes ref|98}} The stamps must be periodically renewed with fresh blood. It is not strictly necessary to renew them as often as other types of Bloodsealing stamps,{{wob ref|12559}} but their ability to track the source of the blood wanes after twenty-four hours.{{tes ref|98}}
SkeletalsOnce havereanimated, athe glowingbones reddo sealnot onhave theirmuscles bodiesor thatconnecting cantissue, onlyand beare createdpresumably usingable blood.{{testo ref|98}}move On humans this seal is placed onthrough the foreheadmagic of the skull[[Dor]].{{wob Thisref|4090}} sealSkeletals allowscan thembe toreanimated returnmultiple totimes, a semblance of life. The bones ofbut the skeletalsskeleton must also beremain whole for the skeletalanimation process to function. If bones are removed or broken, particularly critical bones like the skull or vertebrae, the creature will collapse and not move until it is repaired. If any of the bones are broken beyond repair or lost, wooden carvings of the bones can take their place. Small[[Weedfingers]] alterations tosharpens the bones areof alsohis permissible, like sharpening the bonesskeletals to make removing them difficult.{{tes ref|98}}
<gallery caption="Images of Skeletal">
TES - Skeletal.jpg | Portrait by [[User: Botanicaxu]]
The Bloodsealer maintains a connection to the skeletals while they are active, and is able to somehow give commands to them.{{wob ref|12560}} Bloodsealers can animate at least five skeletals simultaneously. If the connections to their skeletals are suddenly severed, a Bloodsealer may go into shock.{{tes ref|98}}
Weedfingers-Bloodsealer.jpg | Skeletal by [[User: Botanicaxu]]
TES Full Cast.jpeg | The Emperor's Soul by [[User: Botanicaxu]]
=== Abilities and Uses ===
Skeletals can receive different types of commands,{{wob ref|12560}} but their primary use is in battle. It is unclear whether skeletals are truly sapient. They are able to perform very complex tasks and seem to act independently, but they only do so in service of the command given by the Bloodsealer.{{tes ref|98}}
They are skilled fighters, and are capable of working in teams and wielding weapons. They are nearly impossible for normal people to defeat in melee combat; they cannot be stabbed, they have unlimited stamina, and their bones are difficult to remove or break.{{tes ref|98}} If directed, they will relentlessly track the source of their seal's blood without any known limitations; they can track someone through walls and over a great distance.{{tes ref|3}}{{tes ref|98}} Their tracking ability is not affected by the use of [[Essence Mark]]s.{{tes ref|98}}
{{image|TES Full Cast.jpeg|side=right|width=400px|Skeletal wielding a sword (second from left)}}
== Cultural Perception ==
Bloodsealing is seen as an abomination outside of Dzhamar. [[Striker]]s are rivals of Dzhamarians and have contempt for their "unnatural" magic,{{tes ref|42}} but people from other nations also view Bloodsealing as horrible and frightening.{{tes ref|3}} Skeletals are often referred to pejoratively as a Bloodsealer's "pets"; most people are terrified by them and will flee if they believe that any are nearby.{{tes ref|98}} People are so afraid of skeletals that even the threat of their use is often sufficient to intimidate or coerce someone into complying with the Bloodsealer's demands.{{tes ref|3}}
== History ==
[[Weedfingers]] was hired by the [[Heritage Faction]] to ensure that [[Wan ShaiLu]] did not escape the [[Rose Palace]] while she worked on [[Ashravan]]'s Essence Mark. This included the use of skeletals; Weedfingers asked for Shai's bones as payment.{{tes ref|3}} When Shai did attempt to escape, [[Zu]] drew her blood with his sword, allowing Weedfingers to send five skeletals to track her down. However, Shai transformed into [[Shaizan]] and defeated all of them. She then found a stupefied Weedfingers hiding in a closet and informed him that she would be taking the skulls so he could not send the skeletals after her again.{{tes ref|98}}
== Notes ==