Difference between revisions of "Roshar"

83 bytes added ,  2 months ago
+gravity and radius in infobox; fix ref
m (+gravity and radius in infobox; fix ref)
|perpendicularity=[[Honor's Perpendicularity]], [[Cultivation's Perpendicularity]]
|magic=[[Surgebinding]], [[Old Magic]], [[Voidbinding]]
|gravity=0.7 [[cosmere standard]]{{au ref|roshar}}
|radius=0.9 cosmere standard{{au ref|roshar}}
|system=[[Rosharan system]]{{map ref|Roshar system}}
'''Roshar''' is a planet in the [[cosmere]] and one of thirteen planets in the [[Rosharan system]]. It is also the name of the supercontinent that contains all of the planet's known inhabitants.{{au ref|roshar}} It is the second planet from the system's sun, orbiting between [[Ashyn]] and [[Braize]], and it has three moons.{{filemap ref|Starchart_roshar_color.jpgRoshar system}} People from Roshar are called Rosharans.{{wob ref|1075}} The planet is particularly notable due to the activity of several [[Shard]]s of [[Adonalsium]] in the area and the various forms of magic used by its residents, including [[Surgebinding]] through the use of [[Stormlight]].{{au ref|roshar}}{{book ref|sa2|41}}
== Geography and Ecology ==