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== Appearance and Personality ==
{{image|Raboniel by Marie Seeberger.png|side=left|width=250px|}}
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{{image|Raboniel by Marie Seeberger.png|side=left|width=250px|}}
Raboniel is a very tall, narrow-figured femalen [[Fused]], with a topknot of red-orange hairstrands, carapace like a helmet and very long arms and fingers.{{book ref|sa4|14}}{{book ref|sa4|65}}
She has remained sane even after seven thousand years. However, she is exhausted from the unending war in which both the Fused and Radiant spren cannot be killed permanently. She is obsessed with ending the war to the point that nothing else matters to her. Raboniel showed immense grief upon her daughter's death.{{wob ref|14628}}
|Humans never use what is around them to its fullest. They always impose their will far too strongly.
|Raboniel{{book ref|sa4|41}}
Raboniel is a very tall, narrow-figured femalen [[Fused]], with a topknot of red-orange hairstrands, carapace like a helmet and very long arms and fingers.{{book ref|sa4|14}}{{book ref|sa4|65}}
She has remained sane even after seven thousand years. However, she is exhausted from the unending war in which both the Fused and Radiant spren cannot be killed permanently. She is obsessed with ending the war to the point that nothing else matters to her. Raboniel showed immense grief upon her daughter's death.{{wob ref|14628}}
Raboniel is scholarly and curious, and one of her interests is in the Radiants, their powers, and their connection to Urithiru.{{book ref|sa4|14}} Instead of being angry when the Sibling's node defenses activate, she is fascinated by the defenses and excited by the prospect of discovering the tower's secrets. She enjoys matching wits with Navani and, to a lesser extent, Leshwi. She is very skilled in manipulation, as shown in how she persuades Navani into doing research under her. She is also ruthless in the pursuit of her desires, but is not emotionless like many believe.
=== The Last Return ===
Raboniel used to have the title Lady of Pains, but decided she did not like that title, and was then referred to as Lady of Wishes instead.{{book ref|sa4|14}} During the last Return, she developed a disease intended to kill all humans on the planet; although it turned out to affect singers as well, she released it anyway. However, it did not work as expected, as fewer than one in ten humans was killed, and one in a hundred singers.{{book ref|sa4|14}}
{{image|Raboniel by Petar Penev.jpg|side=right|height=250px|Leading the attack on Urithiru, flanked by the [[makay-im]]}}
=== Occupation of Urithiru ===
|Raboniel to the Pursuer{{book ref|sa4|41}}
Raboniel was the one to suggest the [[Urithiru]] invasion to the [[Nine]], saying that she could use her abilities to turn the tower's defenses against the Radiants and suppress their powers. {{book ref|sa4|14}} She led a group, including [[Venli]], [[Rothan]], stormform Singers, and a group of [[Deepest Ones]], in the invasion.
Upon arriving at Urithiru, Raboniel began to corrupt the [[Sibling]] with [[Voidlight]]. This caused her great physical strain, but she managed to activate the tower's defenses as planned.{{book ref|sa4|38}} She ordered her team to only kill people who resisted, and to gather the Radiants, and gave the [[Pursuer]] permission to kill [[Kaladin]]. When [[Ulim]] found Navani, Raboniel directed him to keep her alive, seeing her as a useful resource.
Raboniel met with Navani and laid out her plans for Urithiru - Raboniel would gather the Radiants and allow all other humans to live in the tower, although they were all demoted to darkeyed status. She allowed the humans to continue trade, unlike most of the humans in [[Alethkar]], but not to carry weapons. Navani agreed to these terms when Raboniel said that if she did not agree, the singers would kill all the Radiants and be less accommodating in their rule.{{book ref|sa4|42}} During the occupation, she used fabrials with corrupted spren that were not suppressed by the Sibling.{{book ref|sa4|61}}
{{image|Navani and Raboniel by Esther Schrader.jpg|side=right|width=250px|Working with [[Navani]]}}
She was determined to discover the secret of anti-Voidlight, and directed and aided Navani in achieving this. Under Raboniel, Navani had access to a full lab and her group of ardents and scholars, although she was not given any servants.{{book ref|sa4|46}} At the start of their partnership, Navani told Raboniel about the fabrial mechanics involved in the flying ship, including the use of [[aluminum]] to isolate planes of movement, and Raboniel explained to Navani that some spren manifested as [[Soulcaster]]s.{{book ref|sa4|46}}
{{image|Raboniel.jpg|side=left|width=250px|Holding a [[raysium]] dagger}}
Raboniel encountered Kaladin while continuing her corruption of the Sibling - they had a short conversation, but were interrupted by the Pursuer. When he defeated the Pursuer, Raboniel stabbed him to observe his Radiant healing and asked him questions about how his Surges were affected by the tower's corruption.{{book ref|sa4|59}} She also met with [[Mraize]], who presented her with a captured but still awake [[Lift]] in exchange for use of the [[Oathgates]]. Venli approached her after this conversation and asked to have [[Rlain]] released into her care, and Raboniel agreed reluctantly.
When Navani continued to stall instead of agreeing fully to work with her, Raboniel showed her a singer attempting to break the Sibling's shield with Elhokar's Shardblade, seemingly unaware that the blade had belonged to Navani's deceased son. Raboniel then ordered Navani to work on her own from then on and send messages through Raboniel to her scholars. She showed Navani a replica of the crystal pillar shield and explains the mechanics - a type of Soulcasting where the fabrial convinces the air around the pillar that it is glass. She also told Navani about Lifelight and Towerlight, explaining that the latter is why Urithiru is so interesting to her. She wanted to combine Stormlight and Voidlight but was unsure if it would be possible, comparing them to oil and water in their inability to mix. Navani corrected her, showing that with an emulsifier oil and water can be combined, which made Raboniel realize that she should not accept ancient teachings without question. She tasked Navani with experimenting with Towerlight.
Navani and Raboniel co-authored a lab notebook called ''[[Rhythm of War (in-world)|Rhythm of War]]'' in which they recorded their experimentation.
== Relationships ==
=== Essu ===
Raboniel loves her daughter [[Essu]] deeply. Watching Essu's descent into madness over time was a very painful experience for Raboniel, and her first action with the anti-Voidlight is to kill her daughter as a mercy. {{cite}}Navani sees that Raboniel truly grieves her daughter's death.{{cite}}
{{image|Navani and Raboniel by Esther Schrader.jpg|side=right|width=250px|Working with [[Navani]]}}
=== Navani ===
Raboniel was impressed with the scholarly work that [[Navani]] has done, and she requested that [[Navani]] help her in developing [[Warlight]]. Originally, Navani resisted and stalled, but Raboniel was aware of this. With both their efforts they managed to develop not only [[Warlight]], but also [[Anti-Stormlight]] and [[Anti-Voidlight]]. Raboniel then used Anti-Voidlight to kill her [[Fused]] daughter [[Essu]]. Navani was touched by this, as they were both mothers who have lost children, and Raboniel's grief over her daughter humanized her in Navani's mind.{{cite}}
Later, when Raboniel revealed her plan to use [[Anti-Stormlight]] to kill the Radiants' [[spren]], Navani used a [[fabrial]] trap to stop Raboniel, and then, with what remained of the weapon Raboniel used to kill her daughter, stabbed Raboniel. However, since there wasn't enough [[Anti-Voidlight]] Raboniel was left in a weakened state.{{book ref|sa4|106}}
When [[Navani]] was subsequently attacked by [[Moash]], Raboniel latched onto his foot and clawed at him to buy time for Navani.{{book ref|sa4|107}} Navani later returned and killed Raboniel, treating her with the utmost respect.{{book ref|sa4|113}} She left a note on Raboniel's body saying it is not to be disturbed.{{cite}}
=== Leshwi ===
|Venli{{book ref|sa4|53}}
Raboniel believes [[Leshwi]] to be one of the cleverest and most capable Heavenly Ones, calling her dangerous. Leshwi offers Venli to Raboniel to act as Raboniel's Voice, with the motive of gaining information on Raboniel through Venli, and although Raboniel sees through this scheme, she accepts Venli as her Voice. {{book ref|sa4|31}}
=== Venli ===
Autopatrolled, Editors
