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Quilan is a few seasons older than Alanik, making him the UrDail cytonic closest to Alanik's age.{{book ref|sf2|1}} He cloaks his words and demands in diplomacy and tends to speak calmly, but is willing to use physical force to achieve his goals. Fearing the Superiority's power, he is willing to devote a large number of Unity forces to capturing rebels and turning them over to the Superiority.
== Attributes and Abilities ==
Quilan contacted Alanik cytonically after the game between [[Independence]] and Unity pilots, telling her to report to the Council chambers. Alanik refused, but after a conversation with [[Rinakin]] they docked their ship at Quilan's orders. When Rinakin attempted to speak diplomatically with him, Quilan shot a concussion bolt at him. Communicating telepathically, Alanik learned that Quilan planned to turn her and Rinakin over to the [[Superiority]] in order to prove his worth to them. She managed to escape by hyperjumping to [[Detritus]], to Quilan's displeasure.{{book ref|sf2|3}}
When Alanik returned to ReDawn along with members of [[Skyward Flight]], Quilan commanded the offense against them and told the pilots to bring Alanik in alive. He sensed the cytonic powers of [[Jorgen]] and the [[taynix]] and was confused by it.{{book ref|sf2|9}} He contacted Jorgen telepathically, but Jorgen did not respond. He then chased after Alanik and attacked her ship with mindblades, which she dodged, but he successfully hit her with a concussion bolt, forcing her to crash-land on the platform.{{book ref|sf2|10}} Quilan and his Unity forces retreated to regroup after this battle, as they had no teleportation abilities and could not approach the platform without being fired on by the autoturrets.{{book ref|sf2|11}}
|Quilan was still trying to pacify the Superiority, but he had a storm in a bottle, and any moment the glass might break. He was holding them off for now, but if they grew tired of waiting we were going to pay the price.
|Alanik{{book ref|sf2|17}}
When Alanik returned to ReDawn along with members of [[Skyward Flight]], Quilan commanded the offense against them and told the pilots to bring Alanik in alive. He sensed the cytonic powers of [[Jorgen]] and the [[taynix]] and was confused by it, contacting Jorgen telepathically but receiving no response.{{book ref|sf2|9}} He contacted Jorgen telepathically, but Jorgen did not respond. He then chased after Alanik and attacked her ship with mindblades, which she dodged, but he successfully hit her with a concussion bolt, forcing her to crash-land on the platform.{{book ref|sf2|10}} Quilan and his Unity forces retreated to regroup after this battle, as they had no teleportation abilities and could not approach the platform without being fired on by the autoturrets.{{book ref|sf2|11}}
During the battle between the DDF and Independent vs Unity forces at Tower, Jorgen used [[Boomslug]] to fire mindblades at Quilan's forces. Quilan called upon the other Unity cytonics to create areas where cytonic powers were inhibited in order to stall until the Superiority could arrive to retrieve Alanik, Rinakin, and the human allies.{{book ref|sf2|21}} When Alanik goes to rescue Rinakin, she realizes that the man Unity has been presenting to the public as Rinakin is actually a dione in disguise, and Quilan had imprisoned the true Rinakin.{{book ref|sf2|20}} Quilan attempted to shoot Alanik down, but she killed him at the same time as Skyward Flight shot down another cytonic and turned the tide of the battle.{{book ref|sf2|21}}
== Relationships ==
|I dug my nails harder into the armrest. His words made me want to scream. There was nothing quite so frustrating as soft words being wielded like clubs. At least a straightforward attack was honest; everyone could see it for what it was.
|Alanik{{book ref|sf2|2}}}}
Quilan and Alanik are close in age and flew in the junior leagues together.{{book ref|sf2|3}} They are now rivals, as Alanik is part of the Independence party while Quilan is a member of Unity. Quilan's tendency to hide his threats behind diplomacy angers Alanik, iswho angeredwishes byhe was more direct. Alanik considers herself a better pilot than Quilan's, diplomaticwhich wordsshe demonstrates by winning their fight to the death during the battle at the Tower tree. She does not regret his death, wishingbut she does wish he wouldcould behave morebeen directpersuaded to change sides.{{book ref|sf2|22}}
== Notes ==