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(I mean, Bridge Four was taken into the Kholin army to serve as guards for the family; I'd say that attempting to assassinate someone your unit is supposed to guard counts as a betrayal. That said, I think there's merit to just saving the details for the History section)
* Moash's eye color is initially (and erroneously) written as dark green in ''The Way of Kings''. In ''Words of Radiance'', his eyes are said to be brown. Peter Ahlstrom has confirmed that Moash's eyes are brown and that the first book is incorrect.{{17s ref|post|183955|''Words of Radiance'' typos|date=2014-09-25}}
* The name Moash was originally a singer name.{{book ref|sa3|54}}
* Moash's use of [[sand (Taldain)|white sand]] when seeking and killing Phendorana implies that a Cosmere-aware worldhopper is working for or supplying Odium's forces with materials from other Invested worlds.{{book ref|sa4|104}}
* Had he not begun killing for Odium, Moash could have become a Windrunner of at least the Third Ideal.{{book ref|sa4|8}}