Difference between revisions of "M-Bot"

630 bytes added ,  3 years ago
Added some events from Starsight that were previously missing
(Added some events from Starsight that were previously missing)
The practice drill turns out to be much more violent then M-Bot and Spensa expect, involving real destructor fire from Superiority drones. M-Bot and Spensa manage to fare well and soon decide to help some of the other pilots including [[Morriumur]] and the [[kitsen]]. They also convince the figment, [[Vapor]], to override the computer systems of a Superiority drone to help them.
M-Bot and Doomslug are left behind on Starsight when Spensa performs FTL travel which takes her to Detritus, in order to stop the invasion.
Later, when Spensa wakes up in a hospital bed and is attacked, she finds M-Bot in a destroyed state, with the CPU broken. He then reveals that he has copied his programming into the drone body - he had methodically reprogrammed himself, in tiny installments of half a line at a time, to give him the ability to copy his programming.
M-Bot shows Spensa the news report about her, where Winzik frames her as an aggressor, before they run and she takes M-Bot and Doomslug into the nowhere.
== Trivia ==