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|books=[[White Sand]], [[Mistborn (series)|Mistborn]]
Duchess '''Khrissalla''', better known as '''Khriss''', is a female [[worldhopper]] originally from the country of [[Elis]] on the [[Darkside]] of [[Taldain]].
Khriss has brown skin, being from the Darkside of Taldain. She has brown eyes and wears her hair in braids. While on Dayside, Khriss wears a pair of dark, heavy sunglasses as she is unused to the sunlight of Dayside. She also wears a wide-brimmed hat to keep the sun's rays from her face. {{book ref|ws1|3}}
Khriss is a university-educated scholar and is extremely inquisitive. She seeks to understand and find scientific explanations for all that she can. She believes in freedom of information, and is willing to assist any who come to her for help if she percieves their intentions to be good.{{wob ref|180}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
== History ==
=== Taldain ===
Khriss was engaged for a time to [[Gevalden]]--or Gevin, as he preferred in informal settings{{book ref|ws1|5}}--the Prince of Elis. Before their wedding, Gevalden traveled to Dayside in search of the mythical Sand Mages, where he disappeared and was presumed dead. Khriss, determined to seek out what her fiancé was trying to discover, traveled to Dayside with [[Baon]], [[Cynder]], and [[Jon Acron]].{{book ref|ws1|3}} She met [[Kenton]] shortly after the Kertzian attack on the Sand Masters, and he agreed to be her guide to Kezare, where they parted ways.{{book ref|ws1|4}} There Khriss met [[Loaten]], and attempted to get answers about Gevin to no avail.{{book ref|ws1|5}} She then sought the [[Taisha]], assuming Gevin would have met them, but failed to get meetings with any of them before finally discovering Kenton was the [[Taishin#The Lord Mastrell|Lord Mastrell]].{{book ref|ws1|6}}
OnAfter Dayside,recovering shefrom discoveredher thatinitial [[Kenton]],anger whomat she'd methis previouslydeception,{{book ref|ws1|3}} was the newly appointed [[Taishin#The Lord Mastrell|Lord Mastrell]] of the sand masters (or Sand Mages, as she'd previously referred to them).{{book ref|ws1|6}} Though initially infuriated, sheKhriss eventually chosedecided to assisthelp himKenton in his mission to preserve the Diem.{{book ref|ws2|1}} She continued to do so even following the news of her betrothed's supposed death {{book ref|ws2|2}} and attempted to research the mechanics of Sand Mastery.{{book ref|ws2|5}}. Following the party at Lord Admiral's, she decided to try learning it herself, enlisting Kenton's help, but was ultimately unable to display any skill with Sand Mastery.{{book ref|ws2ws3|61}}
Khriss eventually discovered that it was Baon that killed Captain [[Deral]] and his lieutenant, and that he was sent to Elis by the [[Dynasty]].{{book ref|ws2|6}} Trying to find Baon before he left the city, she asked [[N'Teese]] to arrange a meeting with Nilto for her, to ask if he knew Baon's whereabouts.{{book ref|ws3|1}} During this meeting Nilto called her "Khriss", causing her to realize his identity as Gevin. She confronted him at the docks as he was attempting to leave the city when Jon Acron appeared and revealed himself as an assassin sent by the Dynasty to kill Gevalden. After running from Acron, Khriss used a crane to knock him into the harbor. She asked Gevin to return with her to Darkside, but he refused in favor of continuing to help people on Dayside.{{book ref|ws3|2}}
She traveled with Kenton to [[Lraezare]] to find the [[Lord Merchant]], and they returned to Kezare once Kenton made his deal with him. Searching for the [[Lord General]], Khriss was present when they discovered his body in the wine cellar.{{book ref|ws3|4}}
After the Diem was restored, Khriss returned to Darkside to test Sand Mastery there.{{book ref|ws3|6}}
On Dayside, she discovered that [[Kenton]], whom she'd met previously,{{book ref|ws1|3}} was the newly appointed [[Taishin#The Lord Mastrell|Lord Mastrell]] of the sand masters (or Sand Mages, as she'd previously referred to them).{{book ref|ws1|6}} Though initially infuriated, she eventually chose to assist him in his mission to preserve the Diem.{{book ref|ws2|1}} She continued to do so even following the news of her betrothed's supposed death {{book ref|ws2|2}} and attempted to research the mechanics of Sand Mastery.{{book ref|ws2|5}}. Following the party at Lord Admiral's, she decided to try learning it herself, enlisting Kenton's help.{{book ref|ws2|6}}
=== Silverlight ===
=== Gevalden ===
Before she left Darkside for the first time, she was engaged to prince [[Gevalden]] of [[Elis]]. They appear to have been quite close, enough so that Khriss organized an expedition to find him on her own following his disappearance on Dayside.{{book ref|ws1|3}} After discovering his identity as Nilto, she asks him to return to Darkside with her. He refuses, saying he will not return after being injured, and that he and Khriss have both changed too much to have a relationship.{{book ref|ws3|2}}
== Trivia ==