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|Kalak{{book ref|sa1|part=prelude}}
'''Kalak''', also known as '''Kelek''' in [[Vorinism]], is one of the ten [[Herald]]s of the [[Almighty]] on [[Roshar]].{{book ref|sa1|part=prelude}} He is the patron of the [[Order of Willshapers]]. His current status is unknown.
== Appearance and Personality ==
Vorin artwork seems to present Kalak as a young man.{{file ref|Kalak.jpg|Kalak's chapter capstone}} HisHe personalityinitially priorvolunteered to thebecome [[Desolation]]sa is unknown;Herald, howeverbut, by the end[[Last of itDesolation]], he's is terrified of dying yetand returning to [[Braize]] to be againtortured. He has vivid, painful memories of the torture that sometime cause him to briefly lose his grip on reality. He knows that he's losing his mind and growing weak, and when given the choice to abandon the Oathpact, he's aware and terrified of the consequences. However, by this point his fear of torture far outweighs his sense of duty.{{book ref|sa1|prelude}} Following [[Aharietiam]], Kalak has grown more skittish and paranoid.{{book ref|sa3|prologue}}
== History ==
|Kalak{{book ref|sa1|part=prelude}}
In the [[Era of Solitude]], Kalak is basically unknown by his true name. In [[Iri]] and [[Rira (country)|Rira]], he's called '''Kellai''', while in [[Vorinism]], he is known as '''Kelek'''.{{book ref|sa3|26}}{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} The latter came about due to a vowel shift in the Vorin language family.{{wob ref|4404}}
Even further east, in [[New Natanan]], Kalak/Kelek is often equated with the [[Stormfather]].{{book ref|sa3|i|1}} The name [[Kaladin]] is derived from Kalak.{{wob ref|333}}
== Trivia ==
* It's been heavily speculated (and may sometimes be noted as a fact) that Kalak is the man accompanying [[Nale]] during the feast prior to the [[Assassination of Gavilar]]. This has, however, yet to be explicitelyexplicitly confirmed.
* Though his name became "Kelek" due to linguistic drift, Kalak is one of three Heralds, alongside [[Shalash]] and [[Pailiah]], whose names are symmetrical under [[Vorin]] rules.
* Kalak is one of the only three Heralds so far to have a viewpoint in ''[[The Stormlight Archive]]'', the others being Shalash and [[Taln]], as the Preludeprelude is written from his perspective. However, unlike the other two, he isn't slated to have his own book.
* The [[glyph]] for "Eternal" is also called ''kalak''.{{17s ref|topic|68873|Creating Stormlight Glyphs: A JordanCon Workshop with Isaac Stewart|date=2018-05-04}}{{file ref|Alethi Glyphs Page 1.jpg|Alethi Glyphs}} Whether Kalak was named after ''kalak'' or the other way around, however, is unknown.