Difference between revisions of "Kalak"

1 byte added ,  4 years ago
m (sa to sa1 in refs)
== Appearance and Personality ==
Vorin artwork seems to present Kalak as a young man.{{file ref|Kalak.jpg|Kalak's chapter capstone}} His personality prior to the [[Desolation]]s is uknownunknown; however, by the end of it, he's terrified of dying yet again. He has vivid, painful memories of the torture that sometime cause him to briefly lose his grip on reality. He knows that he's losing his mind and growing weak, and when given the choice to abandon the Oathpact, he's aware and terrified of the consequences. However, by this point his fear of torture far outweighs his sense of duty.{{book ref|sa1|prelude}} Following [[Aharietiam]], Kalak has grown more skittish and paranoid.{{book ref|sa3|prologue}}
== History ==
Anonymous user