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== History ==
=== Early Life (1153–11681153-1168) ===
==== Early childhood ====
[[File: Kaladin young.jpg|200px|thumb|right|<center><small>[[User: Botanicaxu]] </small></center> Young Kal]]
[[Roshone]] assembled the townsfolk as [[Meridas Amaram]], a general for [[Highprince]] [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas]], had arrived in [[Hearthstone]] to recruit soldiers for the army. There, Kaladin and his family were shocked to learn that [[Laral]] was now engaged to Roshone himself after [[Rillir]]’s death. Meanwhile, since only six men had volunteered, Amaram asked Roshone to announce the list of conscripts. As citylord, Roshone was barred from from placing [[Lirin]] or Kaladin on the conscription list because they served a vital function to the town. However, Roshone placed [[Tien]]’s name on the list instead. When Kaladin tried to take his brother’s place, he was denied because the law gave the choice to Roshone alone. Left with no other option, Kaladin enlisted in the army in order to protect Tien and promised his devastated parents that he would bring Tien back safely in four years. Amaram also promised Lirin that he would make Tien a messenger boy for a while.{{book ref|sa1|44}}
=== Amaram's Army (1168–11721168-1172) ===
==== Natural talent ====
Kaladin received his initial training under [[Tukks]], who taught him learned the importance of controlled passion—to be passionate and to care without losing control of his emotions—a lesson that he did not initially understand. During his training, Kaladin demonstrated a natural aptitude for being a soldier, learning the spear faster than anyone else in his cohort, barely even needing instruction, much to Tukks’ surprise.{{book ref|sa1|27}}{{book ref|sa1|49}}
A few hours later, Kaladin was called to [[Amaram]]’s warcenter, where he met Amaram and a group of his men along with the four surviving members of his squad. After a short conversation, Amaram and his men ambushed Kaladin, killing the surviving members of Kaladin’s squad while Kaladin himself was restrained. Amaram apologized but said this was the only way to ensure secrecy. He informed Kaladin that he had thought it over for hours before finally being convinced by [[Restares]] that the best interests of Alethkar would served if he wielded the Shards himself. As an act of mercy and gratitude, Amaram spared Kaladin’s life and branded him with the “sas nahn” [[glyphpair]] to mark him as a slave to be sold.{{book ref|sa1|51}}
=== Slavery (1172–11731172-1173) ===
==== Defiance ====
Kaladin spent the next eight months under at least six different slavemasters, suffering from constant and squalid conditions. Initially, Kaladin was defiant, making ten escape attempts. Although several of them were successful, he always ended up getting re-captured. In his tenth escape attempt, he led a group of twenty armed slaves, including a man named [[Goshel]]. However, they all died, leaving Kaladin to believe he failed them. By the eighth month, Kaladin fell into despair and stopped making any escape attempts.{{book ref|sa1|2}}{{book ref|sa1|43}}
When they arrived back at the warcamps, Kaladin and the rest of [[Bridge Four]] accompanied [[Dalinar]] to confront Sadeas. Dalinar offered to pay an exorbitant sum of money, sixty emerald broams each, for the freedom of the bridgemen, but Sadeas refused. Finally, Dalinar offered his Shardblade [[Oathbringer]] in exchange for the men, which proved to be an offer Sadeas couldn’t refuse. With the deal made, Dalinar walked up to a shocked Kaladin and instructed him to gather the men he left behind and return to his warcamp. Later that night, Dalinar offered to make the bridgemen soldiers in his army, with Bridge Four becoming his personal guard. Kaladin accepted an appointment to the rank of captain, agreeing after Dalinar promised him an extraordinary amount of authority and autonomy for a [[darkeyes]].{{book ref|sa1|69}}{{book ref|sa1|73}}
=== Kholin's Bodyguard (1173-1174) ===
==== Rebuilding the army ====
After the massive casualties at the [[Battle of the Tower]], Kaladin was tasked with turning the remaining bridgemen into a standing army. He promoted [[Teft]], [[Moash]], [[Skar]], [[Rock]] and [[Sigzil]] to lieutenants, a rank between captain and sergeant, to form a command structure for a thousand men. More specifically, Kaladin named Rock quartermaster, with [[Lopen]] as his second, and appointed Sigzil to be their clerk as he was the only one who could read glyphs. He put Teft in charge of training, suggesting that he combine the remaining bridgemen into twenty crews and train two members in each to go back and train the others. Kaladin promised a few men to assist Teft, but explained that would have to do as most of [[Bridge Four]], including Moash and Skar, would be needed to keep Dalinar alive. Without the highprince, Kaladin feared that the bridgemen would just be sold back to [[Torol Sadeas]] by his successor. With word spreading that the emperor of [[Azir]] was dead at the hands of the [[Assassin in White]], Kaladin reminded Teft that the assassin had already killed [[Gavilar]] and they just had to hope he was done. Regardless, they had to protect Dalinar at all costs.{{book ref|sa2|2}}
When they leave the chasms, Bridge Four is there to greet them, and celebrate. Kaladin brings the Gemheart, but Shallan says that it was dead when it was found. Without Syl, it takes him just as long to heal as an ordinary person.
=== WindrunnerThe Third Ideal (1174 -) ===
==== Saving King Elhokar ====
Kaladin sees that all the men guarding King Elhokar are rebels working with Moash, and want to kill the king. He is convinced that everything is okay, and goes back to his barracks. He then gets uneasy, comes back, and finds the king half asleep on his couch. The soldiers were saying terrible things about him to make him drink, and be less alert. Kaladin sees this, and tries to carry the king out. Moash and [[Graves]] are there, and try to kill him. Moash asks Kaladin to leave, and when he refuses, punches him with his plate enhanced strength. It breaks Kaladin's ribs. They stab the king, and Kaladin tries to fight them off. He is badly injured, and thinks that he is going to die, but is content to die while doing something right. He then hears the Stormfather speaking with Syl. Syl wants to go to Kaladin, but the Stormfather argues that Kaladin will kill her again. She tells Kaladin to say the Third Ideal of the Windrunners:
Kaladin, Dalinar, Renarin, and Shallan meet in Urithiru. They are all finally aware that the others are Radiants. Kaladin plans to return to his hometown, and save his family from [[Roshone]].
=== ReturningReturn to HearthstoneAlethkar (1174) ===
==== Returning to Hearthstone ====
[[File:Thepathtoheartstone.png|350px|thumb|right|<center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Ashley Coad|Ashley Coad]]</small></center> The Path to Hearthstone ]]
Kaladin apologizes for his actions and promises not to hit the brightlord again, but rather that they need to talk. Roshone refused at first and insisted that his soldiers attack Kaladin, but they refuse after Kaladin summons [[Syl]]. The brightlord tells Kaladin that the parshmen escaped, but they fled instead of attacking the city. Kaladin asks what direction they went, but Roshone's soldiers do not know. Kaladin promises to tell Elhokar about the city's destroyed food supply. In return, he requests a horse to go hunt the parshmen and tells Roshone that he can't stay. He warns the brightlord that he must stand up and lead his people. [[Laral]] promises they will do it and arranges for Kaladin to use a spanreed. Kaladin questions whether or not she is truly happy and he is surprised to find she is content with her life in Hearthstone. Kaladin dropped the argument and returned to see his father. Lirin is happy that he returned and is well, but is concerned that he is caught up in war. Kaladin tells him that he is a "watcher at the rim" and must do what he can to protect others. His father understands and asks him to see his mother before he leaves. On his way, he runs into Laral who has the spanreed set up for Kaladin. He gives an update to [[Dalinar]], who encourages him to find out what the enemy is doing without taking any unnecessary risks. After their conversation, Kaladin goes to see Hesina who introduces him to his new brother, [[Oroden]]. Before leaving, Kaladin promises he will come back for Lirin, Hesina, and Oroden, but Lirin insists that he must stay if the [[Desolation]] is upon them. He assures them he will return and that Dalinar has refounded the [[Knights Radiant]] and this time, they will not fail them.{{book ref|sa3|7}}
==== Finding the Parshmen ====
===== Hornhollow =====
Upon his departure from Hearthstone, Kaladin pursued the Voidbringers. After two days, he arrived in the village of [[Hornhollow]]. There, the townspeople had gathered for a town meeting. Syl transformed herself into the shape of a Shardblade and he was welcomed by the crowd. A lighteyed man asked Kaladin if he'd rather rest and eat or attack the rogue parshmen. Kaladin ordered the man to take him to them.{{book ref|sa3|10}}
An ardent informs him that the parshmen, about fifty in number and presumably in warform, sought the grain out specifically. Two men were hurt during the attack, [[Khem]] and another man. Kaladin then seeks out the citylord who tells him that his scouts know which direction the parshmen went, towards Kholinar. The citylord offers to have his men escort Kaladin, but he departs alone, saying they would only slow him down.{{book ref|sa3|10}}
===== Traveling with the Parshmen =====
When Kaladin finally caught up to the [[Voidbringers]], he was surprised to find they not only were playing cards, but that they looked very different than what he expected. Rather than being red and black marbled like [[Rlain]], the parshmen's skin was marbled white and red. They were not wearing warform, nor did they have red eyes. Kaladin observed them for awhile and tells [[Syl]] they had been wrong. These parshmen weren't the destroyers they had been told about. One of their number noticed him, sounding the alarm. As they took up their cudgels, Kaladin hesitated. Though he knew he could easily defeat them, it didn't set right, so he surrendered instead.{{book ref|sa3|14}}
Over the next few days, Kaladin spent his time showing the parshmen how to cook food, bind wounds, and build equipment. Sah becomes frustrated though that he needs Kaladin's help at all, that he fled one master just to have to listen to him explain things that he should already know. Kaladin explained that "freedom" is a strange word and that despite serving another brightlord, he feels more free now than ever. Once Sah finished the hatchet, he asked Kaladin why he isn't afraid to show them these things. Kaladin explained that he has a choice and that it doesn't have to come to war. Despite his own words, Kaladin fears that the war is inevitable, so Syl encourages him to find the middle ground.{{book ref|sa3|20}}
===== Revolar =====
Kaladin secured a private storm bunker for the growing group of parshmen in the [[Vamah]] city of [[Revolar]] after Syl warned him of an approaching [[highstorm]]. Khen was pleased with Kaladin's work and the group hunkered down for the storm. While it raged outside and Kaladin debated how much longer he could delay returning to Urithiru, the yellow Voidspren appeared beside him. Kaladin told her he could see her and she replied that she wanted him to. She asked Kaladin why he was still there and after a lie, he admitted that the world is changing and he wanted to see which way it went. She asked Kaladin if he would fight them and he questioned if he would be allowed. She admitted that the final decision isn't with her, as she is just a messenger, but that he will find out once they reach their destination. She finally asked Kaladin how he knew of the approaching highstorm. He said he felt it in his bones and she said humans can't feel storms. She gave him a knowing smile and then disappeared.{{book ref|sa3|23}}
During the exchange with the guards, something crashed into Kaladin, tossing him backwards. As they grasped for his throat, Kaladin kicked them off and he Lashed himself into the air. The red-eyed parshman that attacked Kaladin glowed with what looked like dark Stormlight. Another creature appeared and Kaladin Lashed himself straight toward the stormwall. He pleaded with the [[Stormfather]] to show mercy and spare the people below. The Stormfather seemed to consider his request, but said it was something that could not be done. Kaladin zoomed to the ground hoping to find the people safe, but it was all for naught. He hit the ground and dropped Syl, seizing a young father, his son, and another woman. He led them to a group of two dozen people and walked with them. Consumed with pain, Kaladin sucked in Stormlight and deflected the storm while the battered people huddled behind him. He provided them with cover, diverting the storm long enough for the people to reach the bunker. Syl was impressed with what he had done, but Kaladin was dissatisfied that it wasn't enough. Kaladin pushed himself out of the stormwall and then rode in front of the storm for a good hour. Syl instructed Kaladin to follow the wind's nudging as the Stormfather's way of apologizing. He allowed the winds to channel him for hours and by the time the storm passed, he found himself outside of [[Urithiru]].{{book ref|sa3|31}}
=== Siege of Kholinar (1174) ===
==== Opening Thaylen City's Oathgate ====
KaladinAfter ishis appointed byreturn, [[Elhokar]] toasks comeKaladin onto thejoin his mission to open the [[Kholinar]] [[Oathgate]]. Kaladinand wantstransport tothe do thisteam by Lashingflying thethem groupwith Lashings above athe highstorm, wherewhich theirwill Stormlightcontantly forrenew thetheir LashingsStormlight. willBefore bedoing constantly renewedso, likeKaladin hepractices didtransporting whena fightinglarge Szethgroup duringin thethis Battlemanner ofby Narak. Whenflying [[QueenDalinar]], Fen[[Navani]], finallyand agreesothers to havefrom the Oathgate in [[Thaylen CityStormseat]] Oathgate opened, Dalinar usesto the opportunitywarcamps,{{book toref|sa3|50}} giveand Kaladin practiceby flying with somebody[[Shallan]] into unlock the highstorm,[[Thaylen andCity]] sendsOathgate Kaladinafter withQueen Shallan[[Fen Rnamdi]] finally agrees to unlockhave theit Oathgateopened.{{book ref|sa3|58}}