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=== New Seran ===
{{image|Jak and Elizandra by Shuravf.jpg|side=right|width=200px|With [[Elizandra]]}}
During a later adventure Jak would find himself at New Seran where Handerwym caught news that criminals were going to replace the alleged buttons of [[Spook]]'s favorite smoking jacket with forgeries.{{file ref|House Record broadsheet.jpg|''The House Record'' Broadsheet}} Deciding to put a stop to this Jak and Handerwym went to an auction for the buttons being held by Lady Lavont. Handerwym was left to keep an eye on the buttons and make sure they were not swapped out with fakes while Jak went off to talk to Lady Lavont and her circle of friends.{{file ref|House Record broadsheet.jpg|''The House Record'' Broadsheet}} While doing so a man pulled a gun on Jak claiming he had killed his brother and that he wanted revenge. In an effort to buy time Jak proclaimed that he was unarmed and spun around in a circle to prove his point, then realisingrealizing he did not recall killing the mansman's brother he informed him that he was innocent. The man then realisedrealized that he had mistaken Jak for [[Wax]], Jak laughed off the mistake and offered to buy him a drink. Before he got the chance however Handerwym arrived and signalledsignaled to Jak that the buttons had been stolen.{{file ref|House Record broadsheet.jpg|''The House Record'' Broadsheet}}
At a later time Jak made the acquittanceacquaintance of [[Nicelle Sauvage]] who then started publishing under the Allomancer Jak brand.{{file ref|New Ascendancy broadsheet.jpg|''The New Ascendancy'' Broadsheet}}
== Publishing ==