
Revision as of 22:28, 30 October 2015 by WeiryWriter (talk | contribs)

Hello! We are glad you want to help contribute art to the Coppermind. The first and most important thing is to make sure you have permission to contribute the art (either because it is yours or because you have asked the artist.) This page is here to help you with uploading your art and then inserting it into the relevant article on the wiki. If anything is unclear, please feel free to ask Kalyna or Joe for further help.

Step 1: Uploading the Art

  • Go here to upload the file. You can find that page from any page on the wiki by going to the left sidebar and scrolling down to the “Tools” heading. Under “Tools” there is an “Upload File” link.
  • In the “Source File” box there is a “Choose File” button that lets you upload your image.
  • Make sure the filename in the “Destination Filename:” entry is something sensible. This is the title that is going to be attached to your image.
  • Sourcing and crediting art is important. For our standard method of crediting art, copy the text in the following box and paste it in the “Summary” box on the upload page
|artist = 
|series = 
|source = [URL]
|type = {{cat tag|Category}}
  • Filling in the art template:
    • If the artist has a Coppermind account with user name TheArtist, then put |artist = [[User:TheArtist]]. If they don't have a Coppermind account, then just putting their name in the artist entry is fine.
    • The series entry is exactly what you want it to be. There is a list of wiki-standard abbreviations available here. For example, if the art is from the stormlight archive, you can fill series entry with |series = The Stormlight Archive or with |series = sa.
    • If the art is available anywhere else on the web (tumblr, DA, the 17S gallery, etc.), please link link us to it in the source entry by putting the url in square brackets.
    • The type entry allows us to categorize the art so that if we are looking for, say, Character art we can pull up a list of it. The list of standard categories can be found in the left sidebar. If art falls in more than one category, they can be separated by commas.
    • Sample completed art template for Kalyna's axehound picture:
|artist = [[User: KalynaAnne]]
|series = sa
|source = []
|type = {{cat tag|Flora and Fauna}}
  • You are welcome to add any other comments or information you want in the Summary box. Everything in the Summary box goes on the image’s info page and can be updated later if needed.
  • Click “Upload.” Congrats! Your art is now uploaded, has its own info page, and is ready to insert into an article!

Step 2: Inserting your Art in an Article

  • Make sure you know what you called your file, say, ImageName.ext
  • Go to the page you want to add the picture to and click the edit tab at the top of the page.
  • The simplest way to include an image in a page is to just add the text [[File:ImageName.ext]] to the point on the page where you want the image to appear. This produces a full size image in the article. If the full size image is too large or poorly positioned, you can tweak the sizing and positioning by adding extra arguments. For example, [[File:ImageName.ext|30px]] will insert a version of the image scaled to be 30 pixels wide. If you are interested in fancier formatting, the Wikipedia Image Syntax page and Picture Tutorial are helpful.

Note: If there is no art currently on the page you might want to add a picture to the info box rather than in the text of the page. When you edit, the template for the info box is the bit in double curly braces at the very top of the page. On the axehound page, it looks like

{{Flora & Fauna
|image=Axehound by Shallan.jpg
|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]

If there is no art, the image line will generally be missing, so you can just add it in. Note that unlike adding art to the main part of the page, the file name here does NOT go in square brackets.