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(→‎History: military rework and removal history)
(→‎Culture: culture rework)
== Culture ==
=== People ===
Hallandren and its inhabitants live a very colorful life, as they are sitting on the [[Tears of Edgli]]. T'Telir, in particular, is famous for having color everywhere and anywhere it can be displayed. Society is fairly well-off, with a middle class that doesn't exist anywhere else with similar technological development.
Hallandren contains many different peoples and cultures.{{book ref|wb|9}}, the majority of the population is ethnic Hallandren, although the kingdom also has a number of [[Pahn Kahl]]{{book ref|wb|32}} and [[Idris|Idrians]]{{book ref|wb|9}} living inside it’s borders. The people at the edges of the kingdom of Hallandren have dark skin.{{book ref|wb|14}} The natural hair colors of the Hallandren people include black, brown and blond.{{book ref|wb|22}}
Hallandren has no nobility apart from the Returned,{{book ref|wb|4}} instead it has a small but very rich class which is almost completely compromised of the most successful merchants, a middle class, and a large peasant class. Hallandren is the only nation on [[Nalthis]] to have a middle class, instead of only a high and low class.{{book ref|wb|5}}
Coins in Hallandren are called marks, with a smaller variety called bits.{{book ref|wb|17}}{{book ref|wb|41}} A single bit would not buy more than a mouthful of food.{{book ref|wb|41}}
The Hallandren are fond of carriages.{{book ref|wb|25}} Although the Returned and their Queen prefer to use palanquins.{{book ref|wb|14}} The Hallandren keep their dead in charnel houses.{{book ref|wb|19}}
Skilled artists of at least the Third Heightening often write poetry using the [[Artisan's script]].{{book ref|wb|3}}
==== Athleticism ====
Hallandren's society places value in athleticism.{{book ref|wb|27}} Duels for sport are common enough that someone talented with a blade could gain a wealth of prizes, notable fame, and a sizable following of students in their lifetime.{{book ref|wb|25}} The Court of Hallandren'sGods’ arena is often used as a location for athletic individuals to engage in contests of physical prowess. Some arena competitions mentioned are shot put, javelin toss, archery, leaping contests, and races.{{book ref|wb|27}} However, special accolades are not given to the winner, but to all the contestants, for possessing the physical prowess required to participate.
Some arena competitions mentioned are shot put, javelin toss, archery, leaping contests, and races.{{book ref|wb|27}} However, special accolades are not given to the winner, but to all the contestants, for possessing the physical prowess required to participate.{{book ref|wb|27}}
The Hallandren may have a calendar which views the [[Manywar]] as the year 0, as Hoid mentions that the time before the Manywar was before time itself began.{{cite}}
==== Arts and Games ====
The Hallandren people enjoy music, painting, dance, poetry, sculpture, puppetry, play performance, sandpainting and lots of other ‘lesser’ arts.{{book ref|wb|8}} The Hallandren also have fireworks, and use them to make large fireshows.{{book ref|wb|7}}
TheBy Hallandrenthe herdtime livestockof suchthe as[[Pahn sheepKahl andrebellion]] cows.the abstract painting style is popular,{{book ref|wb|13}} especially in paintings sent to [[Lightsong]] The Bold.{{book ref|wb|163}} TheyThere alsoare eata figsfew [[Nenefra|artists]] who can make a special type of painting,{{book ref|wb|26}} andinvested many sorts of sealifepeople, such as mussels,the fishReturned, andcan see things in these paintings which aren’t actually octopithere.{{book ref|wb|2226}} While normal people see the actual strokes of paint.{{wob ref|6954}}{{book ref|wb|926}}{{book ref|wbsa3|40102}}
Some wealthy Hallandren play [[Tarachin]],{{book ref|wb|22}} a notoriously difficult game.{{book ref|wb|22}}Tarachin requires strength to throw the spheres correctly,{{book ref|wb|22}} keen wit to understand where to place them,{{book ref|wb|22}} coordination to do so with the necessary precision,{{book ref|wb|22}} and a great understanding of strategy to pick the proper sphere and dominate the game field.{{book ref|wb|22}}
Silk is commonly used as clothing for the highborn.{{cite}}
=== Fashion and Beauty ===
The people at the edges of the kingdom of Hallandren, have dark skin, however since Siri notes this, it may be that the people at the northern border have dark skin. People here also dye their hair.{{cite}}
|a hundred different colors and as many different clothing styles were represented. It was good to see some variety again, even if that variety was somewhat garish.
|Siri thinking about the Hallandren{{book ref|wb|14}}
The Hallandren wear flamboyant and brightly coloured clothing.{{book ref|wb|14}} They wear a wide variety of styles,{{book ref|wb|14}} with each person trying to stand out.{{book ref|wb|9}} Because of this however nobody stands out.{{book ref|wb|14}} Modesty in both design and color is unfashionable, but not nonexistent.{{book ref|wb|14}}
Hallandren clothing is revealing,{{book ref|wb|9}} with blouses that are open well below the neck, skirts well above the knees etc.{{book ref|wb|9}} Clothing in Hallandren ranges from vests and shorts to long robes and gowns. Some ancient Returned wore robes that hung from only one shoulder with a wrap around their waist that came down to mid-thigh.{{book ref|wb|22}} Ornate hats are popular, both on men and women.{{book ref|wb|14}} Some Hallandren carry umbrellas for when it is raining.{{book ref|wb|14}} Many Hallandren also dye their hair.{{book ref|wb|14}} Clothing is often made from leather,{{book ref|wb|9}} although silk is also used for the rich.{{book ref|wb|6}} A number of women also wear trousers, considered to be utilitarian.{{book ref|wb|9}}
Their language is called Hallandren as well.{{cite}}
Hallandren women wear perfumes,{{book ref|wb|6}} either taking perfumed baths{{book ref|wb|6}} or having someone else rub perfume onto the body. {{book ref|wb|6}} They also have many kinds of make-up, such as lipstick and eyeliner.{{book ref|wb|6}} Some women have a sort of paint on their thighs.{{book ref|wb|7}} Long hair is seen as a sign of beauty.{{book ref|wb|6}}
Glossy black hair, pale skin and a lusciously curvaceous body are considered by some to be the epitome of female beauty.{{book ref|wb|7}} The Hallandren find both thin and heavy women to be attractive.{{book ref|wb|23}} The epitome of male beauty is large bulging muscles and square jawed features.{{book ref|wb|22}}
=== Biochroma and Awakening ===
Hallandren is known for it’s research in Biochroma.{{book ref|wb|prologue}}
==== Breaths and Awakening====
The Hallandren believes that losing your [[Breath]] doesn’t change you much.{{book ref|wb|3}} There is also a very strict breath market.{{book ref|wb|39}} Due to these reasons many people sell their breaths when they need some money. These breaths are often bought by rich people.{{book ref|wb|5}} Most people stop at 50 breaths,{{book ref|wb|5}} at this point they have attained the first heightening,{{book ref|wb|5}} their lifespan is also improved by a good decade{{book ref|wb|5}} or so and their immune system is a lot more effective. They can also do a little bit of [[awakening]] themselves,{{book ref|wb|5}} a useful skill to have. People with more then a thousand breaths are uncommon, but not unheard of.{{book ref|wb|5}}
Awakened objects performing tasks aren’t uncommon.{{book ref|wb|5}}
==== The Returned ====
The [[Returned]] also need one breath per week to stay alive.{{book ref|wb|3}} These breaths are usually provided by children.{{book ref|wb|3}} The families who sell their breaths to the Returned are blessed and gain enough money to live a whole year on.{{book ref|wb|25}}
==== Lifeless ====
[[Lifeless]] are fairly common in Hallandren,{{book ref|wb|25}} although most people still give them a wide berth.{{book ref|wb|22}} It is common to dress lifeless in grey clothing,{{book ref|wb|22}} matching their skin and marking them as a lifeless.
People in Hallandren can pay an awakener to make a lifeless.{{book ref|wb|19}} Families can also sell corpses to these people,{{book ref|wb|19}} with the more skilled the person was the higher the cost is going to be.
=== Language and Writing ===
The Hallandren speak a language called Hallandren.
The Hallandren have their own Alphabet as well. The first letter of this alphabet is called shash.{{book ref|wb|20}} The Hallandren also use a second script called the [[artisan's script]].{{book ref|wb|3}} This script is a form of writing based on color, each hue representing a different sound. Skilled artists of at least the Third Heightening often write poetry using this script.{{book ref|wb|3}}
=== Architecture ===
Hallandren has very diverse architectural styles.{{book ref|wb|4}} These styles use many domes and spires, while pyramids are also used. Almost every building is painted in a bright color.{{book ref|wb|4}}The Hallandren are fond of greenery and build many gardens and open spaces in their cities.{{book ref|wb|25}}
Some buildings are painted for someone of the [[Heightening#Third Heightening|Third Heightening]], with very minute changes in color. Examples of this are the Returned palaces.{{book ref|wb|14}}
=== Food ===
==== Foods ====
The Hallandren enjoy a wide variety of foods, including seafoods and sea fruits{{book ref|wb|40}} as well as regular plants and animals. Known sealife includes mussels, fish, and octopi.{{book ref|wb|22}}{{book ref|wb|9}}{{book ref|wb|40}} The Hallandren also like many foreign foods.{{book ref|wb|5}} They like their food spicy.{{book ref|wb|4}}
==== Drinks ====
The Hallandren also drink hot tea.{{book ref|wb|5}} A known variety is citrus tea.{{book ref|wb|5}} They also enjoy a wide variety of juices.{{book ref|wb|28}}
=== Calender ===
The Hallandren may have a calendar which views the [[Manywar]] as the year 0, as Hoid mentions that the time before the Manywar was before time itself began.{{citebook ref|wb|32}}
== Economics ==