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(→‎Economics: economics rework)
The Hallandren herd livestock such as sheep and cows.{{book ref|wb|1}}{{book ref|wb|16}} They also fish the sea for fish, octopi, mussels and squid.{{book ref|wb|22}}{{book ref|wb|9}}{{book ref|wb|40}}
== History ==
=== Hanald ===
The region that became Hanald was originally populated by the [[Pahn Kahl]] people.{{book ref|wb|32}} When the people of [[Chedesh]], who dominated the world at the time,{{book ref|wb|32}} began exploring other parts of the [[Inner Sea]]'s coastline, a group of their ships discovered this valley filled with jungles.{{book ref|wb|32}} One of the explorers, [[Vo]], died and became the first [[Returned]] while on one of the ships in the bay.{{book ref|wb|32}} He then died again a week later.
Dismissive of the native Pahn Kahl, his crewmates founded a kingdom on the site and named it Hanald.{{book ref|wb|32}} This kingdom would grow and expand to become one of the most powerful kingdoms of its age.{{book ref|wb|32}}
=== The Manywar and Founding ===
After [[Manywar#Roots Of The Conflict|Tensions]] between the Nalthian kingdoms grew [[Kalad]], then known as [[Strifelover]], overthrew the Royal Family and seized control of Hanald. Shortly after this he attacked the northern kingdoms of [[Kuth ]] and [[Huth]], starting the [[Manywar]].
After a while Kalad had a change of heart and recalled his troops from their fighting.{{book ref|wb|32}}He used these troops to seize control of his own country and stopped the Manywar through diplomacy. Due to this he got the name Peacegiver.{{book ref|wb|32}}
During this time the Royal Family fled T’Telir,{{book ref|wb|32}} heading to the northern mountains, and established the kingdom of Idris.{{book ref|wb|1}} After their departure the Cult of the Returned took control of the new nation, renaming it Hallandren.{{book ref|wb|32}} Their religion eventually evolved into the [[Iridescent Tones]] and became the norm within Hallandren's territory. The only notable exception was Pahn Kahl, which was absorbed into the new nation of Hallandren as a province,{{book ref|wb|54}} where the people retained their own religion and culture.{{wob ref|4498}} The conclusion of the Manywar was also the foundation for Hallandren's power in the region of the [[Bright Sea]] in the modern post-war era.{{book ref|wb|52}} Peacegiver also gave the first [[God King]] a treasure of fifty thousand Breaths and entrusted his priests to see that it was cared for until he needed it again.{{book ref|wb|40}}
=== The God Kings===
==== The Treaty With Idris ====
The king [[Dedelin]] negotiated a treaty with [[Susebron]], promising to send his daughter (ostensibly [[Vivenna]],{{book ref|wb|1}} though this was not stated specifically) to the [[Court of Gods]] to marry him when Vivenna turned twenty-two, thereby reintroducing the bloodline of the royals into Hallandren's own ruling line.{{book ref|wb|1}}
He couldn’t bring himself to send [[Vivenna]] to Hallandren though, so instead he sent [[Sisirinah]],{{book ref|wb|1}}{{book ref|wb|2}} who would go on to become queen of the Hallandren.{{book ref|wb|4}}
==== The Pahn Kahl Rebellion ====
{{for|Pahn Kahl rebellion}}
Three hundred years later, a Pahn Kahl named [[Vahr]] made an attempt at stirring up his people.{{book ref|wb|17}} He spent over a decade working to that that end, but was ultimately captured and imprisoned due to [[Bluefingers]]' information leaks and killed by Vasher.{{wob ref|6020}}{{book ref|wb|prologue}}
[[Bluefingers]] himself planned an extensive subversive campaign centered around starting a war between Hallandren and Idris: he brought mercenaries and Pahn Kahl Awakeners into the tunnel system below the court,{{wob ref|7298}} manipulated [[Siri]] into distrusting the Hallandren priests,{{wob ref|6983}} and hired [[Denth's crew]] to increase tensions in the city.{{wob ref|6723}} When his plans were nearing completion, he tortured [[Blushweaver]] and [[Lightsong]] in order to get the Command phrases for Hallandren's Lifeless army, changed the Command phrase, and sent the army towards Idris.{{book ref|wb|55}} The attempted rebellion was defeated when the [[Susebron|God King]], with his newly healed tongue, used [[Peacegiver's Treasure]] to storm his palace with an army of Awakened cloths. Vasher decided to give the God King the Command phrase to Kalad's Phantoms, which he then sent after the Lifeless army.{{book ref|wb|epilogue}}
== Notes ==
