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(Updated for RoW)
'''Glys''' is a [[mistspren]] on [[Roshar]]. He appears as a red crystalline structure, and formed a [[Nahel bond]] with [[Renarin Kholin]]. This grants Renarin the ability to use the [[Surge]]s associated with the [[Order of Truthwatchers]]. Prior to forming the bond,{{book ref|sa3|117}} Glys was corrupted by the [[Unmade]] [[Sja-anat]].{{book ref|sa3|116}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
Glys takes the form of a bright red crystalline structure, resembling a snowflake, which shimmers and drips light upwards.{{book ref|sa3|115}} This is not the form of normal mistspren, who appear as light reflected through crystal on a surface.{{book ref|sa3|53}}{{book ref|sa3|104}}{{book ref|edgedancersa3.5|20}} His altered appearance is the result of Sja-anat’s corruption,{{book ref|sa3|116}} and he intentionally tends to stay invisible or hidden within Renarin.{{wob ref|6849}}{{book ref|sa4|54}}
As a [[Shardblade]], Glys is long and thin, with almost no crossguard. There are ‘waving folds to the metal, like it had been forged’forged.'{{book ref|sa3|10}}
Little is known of his personality, althoughother Renarinthan describesthat himhe asis excitable and optimistic.{{book ref|sa3|120}}{{book ref|sa4|54}}
<gallery caption="Images of Glys">
=== Other abilities ===
Due to Sja-anat’s influence, the bond with Glys also gives Renarin the ability to see visions of the future (which is typically of Odium). These visions are often but not always accurate, and appear as sequences of stained glass panels on the walls or floors, sometimes with numbers or words beneath them. Neither Glys nor Renarin are able to control when these visions strike, although they can capture and replay the visions with some effort.{{book ref|sa3|117}}{{book ref|sa3|120}}{{book ref|sa4|54}}
Glys has the ability to hide himself, even from people who would normally be able to see invisible spren (such as [[Rock]]).{{book ref|sa3|37}}
== History ==
=== Enlightening ===
Glys was corrupted by [[Sja-anat]] before bonding Renarin, though he does not remember this event very well.{{book ref|sa3|117}} Sja-anat has referred to this process as '''Enlightening'''.{{book ref|sa3|97}}
=== Bonding Renarin ===
Although it is unclear precisely when Glys and [[Renarin]] formed the Nahel bond, the process iswas already underway when [[Adolin]] giftsgifted Renarin with the [[Shardblade]] he won from [[Salinor Eved]]. The bond iswas also strong enough around this time for Renarin to be able to see visions of the [[Everstorm]]'s imminent arrival.{{book ref|sa3|10}}{{book ref|sa2|14}}
Renarin initially thought something was wrong with him when he was able to hear dead Shardblades screaming,{{book ref|sa3|10}} but eventually Glys explainsexplained to him that he iswas a [[Truthwatcher]].{{book ref|sa2|89}}
=== Refounding of the Knights Radiant ===
The bond with Glys makesmade Renarin one of the first four members of the refounded [[Knights Radiant]], along with [[Shallan]], [[Kaladin]], and [[Dalinar]].{{book ref|sa2|89}}
While initially Glys was unsure if it was possible, he iswas able to manifest as a [[Shardblade]] not long after they arrivearrived in [[Urithiru]]. Renarin showsshowed this to Adolin, and returnsreturned his dead Shardblade to him.{{book ref|sa3|10}} When Shallan was searching for [[Re-Shephir]] in the library of Urithiru, Renarin and Glys accompanied her, along with Adolin and the rest of [[Bridge Four]]. Glys was frightened by the sense of wrongness and refused to speak.{{book ref|sa3|29}}
When Shallan is searching for [[Re-Shephir]] in the library of Urithiru, Renarin and Glys accompany her, along with Adolin and the rest of [[Bridge Four]]. Glys is frightened by the sense of wrongness and refuses to speak. {{book ref|sa3|29}}
{{image|Renarin and Glys.png|width=200px|side=right|Renarin and Glys in the Temple of Pailiah'Elin}}
Glys also helpshelped Renarin in discovering the [[Urithiru gem archive|gem archive]] hidden in the library room of Urithiru. Due to their bond, Renarin iswas able to see visions showing him how to find the gemstones hidden in wall compartments, as well as how the compartments could be opened and the gemstones accessed. {{book ref|sa3|117}}
=== Visions of the Future ===
During the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]], [[Jasnah]] trackstracked Renarin and Glys down toat the Temple of [[Pailiah|Pailiah'Elin]]. This iswas the first time that Glys iswas visible to someone other than Renarin. Jasnah and her spren [[Ivory]] arewere able to verify that his appearance doesdid not match that of a normal [[mistspren]], concludingverifying that he had been corrupted.{{book ref|sa3|115}} Renarin, undergoing a fit, iswas shown visions of what he believesbelieved to be the future. Glys fearsfeared for their safety, as both of them seesaw a sequence of images showing Jasnah killing Renarin with her Shardblade. During the same fit they seesaw Dalinar giving in to [[Odium]] and kneeling before him. Upon seeing this, Glys expressesexpressed his sorrow to Renarin.{{book ref|sa3|117}} Jasnah, however, doesdid not kill Renarin, which bringsbrought him to the realisationrealization that the visions he and Glys seesaw cancould be wrong. {{book ref|sa3|118}}
Later in the battle, Renarin helpshelped the [[Thaylen]] [[Shardbearer]] [[Hrdalm]] fight a [[thunderclast]]. After Renarin and Hrdalm subduesubdued it, Glys showsshowed Renarin how to dispel it using Stormlight.{{book ref|sa3|120}}
When Renarin and Glys approachapproached the ramp to [[Thaylen City]]’s [[Oathgate]] to try and open it, aanother fit strikesstruck him. He and Glys arewere able to see in the ensuing visions that a division of Kholin troops iswas about to arrive through the Oathgate, activated by [[Teft]], now a Knight Radiant.{{book ref|sa3|120}}
During the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]], [[Jasnah]] tracks Renarin and Glys down to the Temple of [[Pailiah|Pailiah'Elin]]. This is the first time that Glys is visible to someone other than Renarin. Jasnah and her spren [[Ivory]] are able to verify that his appearance does not match that of a normal mistspren, concluding that he had been corrupted.{{book ref|sa3|115}} Renarin, undergoing a fit, is shown visions of what he believes to be the future. Glys fears for their safety, as both of them see a sequence of images showing Jasnah killing Renarin with her Shardblade. During the same fit they see Dalinar giving in to [[Odium]] and kneeling before him. Upon seeing this, Glys expresses his sorrow to Renarin.{{book ref|sa3|117}} Jasnah, however, does not kill Renarin, which brings him to the realisation that the visions he and Glys see can be wrong. {{book ref|sa3|118}}
=== Emuli Offensive ===
Later in the battle Renarin helps the [[Thaylen]] [[Shardbearer]] [[Hrdalm]] fight a [[thunderclast]]. After Renarin and Hrdalm subdue it, Glys shows Renarin how to dispel it using Stormlight.{{book ref|sa3|120}}
Around a year later, Renarin and Glys accompanied the army belonging to the [[coalition of monarchs]] as they marched on Odium's forces in [[Emul]]. Dalinar sought out Renarin one evening at the Bridge Four cookfire, and they discussed a recent vision of Glys and Renarin's. Glys expressed to Renarin that he didn't think their visions were necessarily from Odium, though he admitted Odium's desires might be tainting what they saw. He was also worried by the lack of communication from Sja-anat, and he thought she was somewhere close by.{{book ref|sa4|54}}
Glys, having captured the vision as it had come to them, excitedly replayed it so Renarin could describe it to Dalinar. He made sure Renarin mentioned the blackness that showed in the stained glass so Dalinar would know that his proximity to the two of them was a protection from Odium's own future sight. Glys was optimistic regarding their ability to deal with the ingrained fear people had towards those who could see the future, though Renarin was less so. He also prompted Renarin to mention to Dalinar that there were other spren touched by Sja-anat that wished to bond humans, and noted that they needed more pairs like the two of them, as they existed outside of the favor of either men or singers.{{book ref|sa4|54}}
When Renarin and Glys approach the ramp to [[Thaylen City]]’s [[Oathgate]] to try and open it, a fit strikes him. He and Glys are able to see in the ensuing visions that a division of Kholin troops is about to arrive through the Oathgate, activated by [[Teft]], now a Knight Radiant.{{book ref|sa3|120}}
== Trivia ==