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(Fixed the link that lead to another character by the name of Megan.)
m (Tweaks)
; [[Mitosis (Epic)|Mitosis]]
: Mitosis, or Lawrence Robert, was able to make exact copies of himself. He split into two, each clone able to replicate itself. There is not a known limit of how many copies of himself he could make. If any copies of Mitosis exist, then he can still live. All the clones are connected and if one is killed they all know it. They can't share memories until they recombine. It was thought that the more copies that were made, the dumber they would get. That was proved false. When a copy was killed, the corpses decomposed into goo. The more clones that were created, the weaker their molecular structure holds together. Music from his oldpre-Calamity rock band before the rise of calamity, Weaponized Cupcakes, was his weakness and caused his copies to disintegrate. As of now, his power is assumed to be unique by the Reckoners. Mitosis came from Babylon Restored, while Prof and Cody had been in Babilar, a part of Babylon Restored, to find David and learn how Steelheart was killed.
; [[Newton]]
; [[Refractionary]]
: Refractionary is a class C illusionist Epic with class B personal invisibility powers. She is skilled and able to create fairly complex visual manifestations. She is not very powerful and her illusions usually shimmer as if light is reflecting off of them. Her weakness is smoke. [[Megan Tarash|Megan]] shot and killed her when [[David]] called Refractionary'sher mobile, causing it to vibrate, givingand give away her location away.
; [[Regalia]]: WithAn majesticEpic with powerful water manipulation abilities, Regalia rules New York. HasShe has the ability to create tendrils from water, manipulate large volumes at once, project an image of herself formed from water, and to remotely view a location through the surface of water. She is featured in [[Firefight]]. Although extremely powerful, Regalia is not considered a High Epic as her powers do not actively protect her from harm.{{tweet ref|385888238621036544|Booksamillion edition has Regalia profile|date=3 Oct 2013}}
; [[Puños de Fuego]]
; [[Armsman]]: Armsman was an Epic in Omaha. The Reckoners were possibly planning to kill him. It is highly unlikely (but possible) that he was a [[High Epic]].
; [[Rtich_(Epic)|Rtich]]: A Russian epic who could control mercury telekinetically, forming it into shields, stairs, walls and rods. Had other powers that were not mentioned in the books.
; [[Georgi|Waterlog]]: An epicEpic who was killed, theirby the Reckoners whose DNA beingwas harvested to make the [[Georgi#Spyril|Spyril]]. Based on the abilities of the Spyril, It can be presumed they were able to teleport water to themselves, based on the abilities of the Spyril.
== Types of Epic ==
; Illusionists
; Dimensionalists
* Dimensionalist Epics commonly possess the power of Essokinesis, or beingthe ableability to manipulate reality. The amount of power given by their Essokinesis differs, sometimes being only able to create realistic illusions, while more powerful Dimensionalists can make their alternate realities real in their own world, an example being [[Megan Tarash|Megan Tarash]] creating rock slides after merging a reality where a rock slide happened into her own world. Their powers, while they may seem very similar to Illusionists', actually summon "shadows" from another reality, which then manifest into the Dimensionalist's world. More powerful Dimensionalists can also summon tears in reality. Walking through one of these rifts temporarily transports you to another dimension.
; Transference Epics