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Investiture can be divided into two categories: '''kinetic Investiture''' and '''static''' or '''innate Investiture'''.{{book ref|sa4|89}}{{wob ref|5715}} Kinetic Investiture refers to Investiture actively doing something. When Investiture is kinetic, it can often be detected by various methods, such as [[Allomancy|Allomantic]] [[bronze]] or [[sand (Taldain)|sand from the Dayside of Taldain]].{{wob ref|5715}}{{wob ref|9521}} Static or innate Investiture refers to all Investiture not actively doing something, from the piece of [[Preservation]] in all [[Scadrial|Scadrians]] to [[Feruchemy|Feruchemical]] charge in a metalmind.{{wob ref|5715}}{{wob ref|1072}}{{wob ref|6927}} At least some forms of static Investiture, including [[Lights]] not actively powering anything, can also be detected by [[Taldain]]'s sand, though they affect the sand much more slowly than kinetic Investiture does.{{book ref|sa4|89}} This likely is due to the Light "leaking" from the gem or Radiant it currently resides in and being metabolised by the lichen on the sand, whereas if the Light was in a perfect gemstone, it likely would not be detectable.
Cosmere scholars term the various methods of utilizing Investiture (such as the [[Metallic Arts]], [[Surgebinding]], and [[Awakening]]) '''Invested Arts'''.{{book ref|sa3|part=ars}} Since the Shattering, these can be grouped into three main categories. The most common are those powered directly by the Shards,{{wob ref|4097}} which arise from the interactions between a Shard and the planet they are Invested in.{{wob ref|5269}} Such Invested Arts are capable of far more spectacular results than other Invested Arts.{{wob ref|9385}}{{wob ref|4097}} If a planet does not have a Shard in residence, its inhabitants can still access and use Investiture by the ordinary laws of Realmatics, but, without a Shard to provide additional power, the results are far more limited.{{wob ref|9385}} The last category is the few Invested Arts left over from before the Shattering of Adonalsium,{{wob ref|4097}} of which the only known example is [[Yolen|Yolish]] [[Lightweaving]].