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(Add Dawnshard information and add the Sleepless under worldhoppers)
{{image|Arcanum Unbounded.jpg|The cover of ''[[Arcanum Unbounded]]'', featuring [[Khriss]]|side=right|width=300px}}
|[[Hoid]] on pre-[[Shattering]] [[Yolen]].{{book ref|wb|32}}
At some point, the [[Dawnshard]]s were used to create the cosmere.{{book ref|sa3.5|19}}
The first humans lived on [[Yolen]] and were created by Adonalsium.{{wob ref|5702}}{{msh ref|3|2}} Yolen was also home to [[dragon (cosmere)|dragons]] and [[Sho Del]].{{wob ref|9676}} At some point, a poorly-understood and parasitic ecosystem hostile to humans, known as [[fainlife]], began to develop on Yolen. It began to spread and overtake the landscape, though the other inhabitants eventually learned how to keep it in check.{{wob ref|7825}} Plants and land overtaken by fainlife retain their shape, but turn bone-white and spill red liquid when crushed or snapped.{{wob ref|9518}} Information about fainlife remains accessible enough in the modern cosmere that [[Khriss]] was able to mention it to cosmere-aware people without need for explanation.{{au ref|Scadrial}} Prior to the Shattering, Yolen's technology was likely pre-industrial.{{wob ref|9882}}
|[[Khriss]] on the original [[Vessel]]s{{msh ref|3|2}}
Eventually, a group of people that opposed Adonalsium came together and plotted its destruction.{{wob ref|4078}}{{wob ref|2539}} They created a weapon,{{wob ref|5602}} which was expended in its use;{{wob ref|2246}} though remnants of it are the cause of [[Hoid]]'s immortality.{{wob ref|10439}} TheThis group consisted ofincluded people of all three sapient species on [[Yolen]]: humans., [[dragon (cosmere)|dragons]], and [[Sho Del]].{{wob ref|9676}} PossiblyTo byachieve usingtheir thatgoal, they created a weapon,{{wob inref|5602}} that utilized the [[Dawnshard]]s.{{book ref|sa3.5|19}} In an event known as the [[Shattering of Adonalsium]], thatthe groupweapon ofwas people managedused to destroy"undo" Adonalsium,{{book andref|sa3.5|19}} splitspliting it into the sixteen [[Shard]]s.;{{msh Byref|3|2}} doingthe soweapon was expended in the process,{{wob theyref|2246}} becamethough remnants of it exist in the firstPhysical VesselsRealm and are responsible for Hoid's immortality.{{wob ref|10439}} As part of the Shattering, sixteen of the people who had opposed Adonalsium took up the new Shards and became the first Vessels.{{msh ref|3|2}} There was some sort of force or property of the cosmere that caused Adonalsium to shatter into the sixteen Shards that it did,{{wob ref|9956}} and the distribution of the Shards to the Vessels was not random.{{wob ref|5490}} The Shattering occurred on Yolen, though there is some "weirdness" with regard to Yolen and location,{{wob ref|11602}} and occurred all at once.{{wob ref|1292}} As a result of the Shattering, all Investiture in the cosmere became aligned with one of the sixteen Shards.{{wob ref|8605}}
Hoid was loosely involved in the plot to Shatter Adonsalsium and was present at the Shattering.{{wob ref|10868}}{{wob ref|6470}} He also had the opportunity to take a Shard, but turned it down.{{wob ref|3337}} He and [[Frost]] both knew the original Vessels personally.{{epigraph ref|sa1|23}}{{book ref|sa2|epilogue}}
|[[Hoid]] on [[Odium]] in [[Letters#The First Letter|his letter]] to [[Frost]]{{epigraph ref|sa1|22}}{{epigraph ref|sa1|23}}
Soon after the Shattering, or possibly even beforehand, the Vessel of Odium, Rayse, decided he wanted to become the strongest being in the cosmere.{{wob ref|6685}} However, Odium is, by its nature, selfish and Rayse did not want the intent of an additional Shard to make him into something else, so he instead decided to destroy the other Shards so that there would be no one left to challenge him.{{wob ref|6685}}{{wob ref|4130}} To do so, he developed a way to [[Splinter]] a Shard's power, which also results in the death of its Vessel.{{epigraph ref|sa1|22}}
=== Other Notable Worldhoppers ===
{{for|:Category:Worldhoppers|a complete list of worldhoppers|Category:Worldhoppers}}
Most, if not all, of the [[Five Scholars]] of Nalthis were worldhoppers and are well-regarded by the cosmere-aware scholarly community as pioneers of the study of Investiture and Realmatic Theory.{{wob ref|1548}} After learning from one of the Scholars, [[Vasher]], [[Vivenna]] became a worldhopper as well.{{wob ref|8511}} The [[dragon (cosmere)|dragon]] [[Frost]] is extremely knowledgeable about the cosmere, but is not actually a worldhopper, as he has not left [[Yolen]].{{wob ref|3679}} The [[Sleepless]] are present on several planets across the cosmere, though most have chosen to settle on Roshar and only the Rosharan ones are capable of imitating humans.{{wob ref|12657}}{{wob ref|14312}} Additionally, there are several [[kandra]] from [[Scadrial]] who have become worldhoppers,{{wob ref|5990}} likely to help [[Sazed]] figure out the dynamics of the cosmere.
In addition, there is a thriving interplanetary trade system, the quality of which depends on the planets involved—Nalthis is easy to get to and even has customs for travelers to go through; Sel is incredibly dangerous due to the power of Devotion and Dominion being stuck in the Cognitive Realm; Roshar can be welcoming or dangerous, depending on the era; and Scadrial was relatively easy to access and had a stable mercantile system before [[Kelsier]] destroyed the [[Pits of Hathsin]] and rendered [[Ruin's Perpendicularity]] unusable for transferring between the Physical and Cognitive Realms.{{wob ref|9501}}{{msh ref|2|1}} [[Felt]] was involved in trade through the Pits of Hathsin.{{wob ref|11812}}