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{{anchor|Featured Article}}
== Featured Article: Lasting IntegrityKalak ==
{{image|LastingKalak Integrity InteriorEndsheet.jpegpng|side=right|width=350px300px|TheOfficial interiordepiction of Lasting IntegrityKalak.}}
|I am a blur. A smear on the page. A gaunt stretch of ink, made all the more insubstantial with each passing day.
|No human city would ever have been built this way; even Urithiru needed fields at its base and windows to keep the people from going mad. But Lasting Integrity didn’t follow normal laws of nature.
|[[Adolin]] describing the oddities of Lasting Integrity
'''Kalak''', also known as '''Kelek'Elin''' in [[Vorinism]], is one of the ten [[Herald]]s of the [[Almighty]] on [[Roshar]], and the patron of the [[Order of Willshapers]]. Like all Heralds but [[Taln]], he abandoned the [[Oathpact]] at [[Aharietiam]]. {{nosnippet|Currently, he lives in the [[honorspren]] city of [[Lasting Integrity]], acting as their High Judge. He also leads the [[Sons of Honor]] under the name '''Restares'''. }}
'''Lasting Integrity''' is the [[honorspren]] capital in [[Shadesmar]].
=== GeographyAppearance ===
Though not from [[Alethkar]], Kalak appears Alethi. He's a short man, with thinning, wispy hair, a round face, and a small nose. When he wishes to appear serious, he puts on a set of violet robes; ordinarily, however, he dresses more casually. [[Vorin]] artwork tends to present him as a young man, though in person, he looks more like a city administrator.
The fortress is located in the southern section of the [[Sea of Souls]], nearby to the [[Nexus of Imagination]], the [[Expanse of Vibrance]], and [[Brilliance Eternal]]. There is a known caravan path that runs from [[Nameless]], past Lasting Integrity, and onwards towards the Expanse of Vibrance.
=== Personality ===
Lasting Integrity sits on a cliff overlooking a northern bay that is part of the [[Astral Banks]], the reflection of the country of [[Tukar]]. A large number of people live in the [[Physical Realm]] nearby to Lasting Integrity, with the soul flames being visible from the fortress. South of the fortress is a forest of glass that is filled with [[lifespren]].
|They deserve better than you, son. They deserve better than me. I could never judge them for refusing to bond men. How could I?
Back in the early [[Desolation]]s, he was known for being decisive and authoritative, and he would often be approached whenever problems appeared for counsel. However, as Desolations wore him down, he became terrified of dying and returning to [[Braize]] to be tortured. By [[Aharietiam]], he has vivid, painful memories of the torture that sometimes cause him to briefly lose his grip on reality. When given the choice to abandon the Oathpact, he's aware of and terrified of the consequences. However, by this point his fear of torture far outweighs his sense of duty.
=== Appearance and Layout ===
Lasting Integrity is several hundreds of feet tall, rectangular and made of blue stone. The building is hollow in the middle, with no roof, and stands on its smaller side, pointing upwards into the sky. It is in a highly strategic position, and gives the impression that it has been deliberately fortified. Visitors must cross a bridge to reach the entrance and guards stand watch outside of the walls. The [[honorspren]] do not appreciate people sailing too close to Lasting Integrity.
By the [[True Desolation]], this develops into paranoid and erratic behavior. Kalak vacillates often, and finds making even the simplest decisions difficult. He often follows what the crowd wants instead of his own internal moral compass. He seems to have trouble focusing, or at least paying attention to time, even when others are waiting for him. He believes humans are dangerous; he's unsettled by their presence, with [[Bondsmith]]s, and people associated with them, seeming to provoke the strongest reaction. A visit into a human city makes him jittery to the point where he runs away at the sight of another person. It's likely that he prefers to live in [[Lasting Integrity]] for this reason. Even there, however, unexpected commotion can quickly make him panic. In this state, he is near-insensate, crying, covering his ears and curling on the floor. He recovers extremely quickly, though, and with no outward sign that he's been disturbed.
The outside wall is sheer, with no windows or ornamentation. On top of the fortress are battlements, and a guardrail to prevent people from falling. The internal dimensions of the tower are large enough that someone can stand on the battlements and see the bottom of the fortress without the structures on the walls completely impeding their view.
; [[Lasting IntegrityKalak|Read more!]] · [[:category: exemplary articles|Other exemplary articles]]
Gravity works differently within Lasting Integrity, with each internal wall having its own gravitational 'field' that allows people to treat each internal surface as if they were the ground. When someone changes from one plane to another, their sense of gravity will switch to align with the new surface they are on. There is an upper limit to the gravitational bubbles on each wall, approximately fifteen feet, and passing the edge of this barrier will cause objects to plummet towards the bottom of the fortress. The gravitational anomalies of the fortress are thought to be caused by the longstanding presence of the honorspren in the area, and not by [[Surgebinding]].
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Buildings are constructed on the different internal walls of Lasting Integrity, with walkways of worked stone connecting these structures together. These walkways also extend to the edge of the plane and will end in a dead end when it hits the next wall. Most of the buildings inside Lasting Integrity are only a single story tall. It is uncommon for buildings in the fortress to have windows, with most houses appearing to be completely enclosed.
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Bells toll exactly on the hour and shouting is uncommon in the fortress. Although the honorspren do not require sleep, nor does [[Shadesmar]] have a day and night cycle, Lasting Integrity does have a quiet 'night time' period where there is reduced activity. The spren of the keep will often use this time to catch up with friends and spend time in each other’s homes.
; [[Lasting Integrity|Read more!]] · [[:category: exemplary articles|Other exemplary articles]]
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