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(Added that he has a large scar on his leg)
== Appearance and Personality ==
Clubs is described as having a gnarled face with an unhappy expression, similar to a piece of knotted wood. Although he appears to be much older than [[Breeze]], he still seems to be physically fit. He usually displays a grim and pessimistic demeanor, regarding those around him with disapproval.{{book ref|mb1|4}} He walks with a limp due to a past injury that he got in battle, and has a large scar from it.{{book ref|mb1|35}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
He was a Smoker. Burning copper alowed him to form an invisible "cloud" around him that blocked the bronze of [[Seekers]] and [[Mistborne]] alowing pepole near by to use Allomancy without being discovered. It also made him Immune to emotional Allomancy.
== History ==
Before joining [[Kelsier's crew]] Clubs was a soldier in the [[Lord Ruler]]’s army with some command. He was a [[Smoker]]. He was also a successful carpenter and employed several apprentices, some of whom were also Smokers.{{book ref|mb1|2}}At some point in the past he 'adopted' his nephew [[Spook]] after his parents discovered he was a [[Misting]] and abandoned him.{{book ref|mb3|23}} Kelsier's crew used Club's shop as a secret base of operations in Luthadel. Like most Smokers, he was tasked with maintaining a [[coppercloud]] around his shop to protect those inside from prying [[Seeker]]s. After the [[Lord Ruler]] was defeated, Elend appointed Clubs as the general of his armies.{{book ref|mb2|6}} At some point in the past he 'adopted' his nephew [[Spook]] after his parents discovered he was a [[Misting]] and abandoned him.{{book ref|mb3|23}}
Before the [[Battle of Luthadel]], [[Sazed]] tried to teach him about the religion of [[Dadradah]], which focuses on art and craftsmanship. Sazed remarked that the care that Clubs devoted to his carpentry showed his true passion to be art, not warfare. As a token of the Dadradah faith, he also gives Clubs a small wooden disk carved with the image of a brush.{{book ref|mb2|50}} He disliked Captain [[Demoux]] preaching the [[Church of the Survivor]] to his troops.{{book ref|mb2|48}}
He disliked Captain [[Demoux]] preaching the [[Church of the Survivor]] to his troops.{{book ref|mb2|48}}
Clubs came to befriend Breeze. The two often spent time in the evenings conversing and drinking at Keep Venture.
Before the [[Battle of Luthadel]], [[Sazed]] tried to teach him about the religion of [[Dadradah]], which focuses on art and craftsmanship. Sazed remarked that the care that Clubs devoted to his carpentry showed his true passion to be art, not warfare. As a token of the Dadradah faith, he also gives Clubs a small wooden disk carved with the image of a brush.{{book ref|mb2|50}} He disliked Captain [[Demoux]] preaching the [[Church of the Survivor]] to his troops.{{book ref|mb2|48}}
He died during the Battle of Luthadel, killed by a [[koloss]] while saving Breeze.{{book ref|mb2|53}} Later on, Sazed found the wooden disk that he gave Clubs tied to the man's corpse.{{book ref|mb2|54}}
