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The Reliquary by Nabetse Zitro.jpg
World of Origin Canticle
Universe Cosmere

We were the first who died on Canticle. The first to live in this land and devise the designs of flight—based on the ships that brought us here. But then we died and rose as shades. Remembering.

—A shade in the Chorus on Beacon[1]

The Chorus is a term for groups of contained shades on Canticle.[1]

They are kept in a specialized, open glass drum on the largest ships towards the middle of settlements.[2][1] Those in the Chorus are able to be divided among settlements by transferring some of the smoke from their Reliquary, which is done with the founding of any new settlement. They display significant differences from normal shades.


Following the original immigration to Canticle, the first Threnodites to die became shades that would later be known as the Chorus.[1] From there, portions of the Chorus were taken to new settlements in specialized jars.[1] Each Chorus holds the history of those who fled to the planet, and fabricate ships and other objects for those still alive.[3] Occasionally, one can observe the mist of a new shade drifting from someone who died to the Reliquary,[1] given that they were not converted into a Sunheart.


Shades do not remember. We are not shades. We are the Chorus of the people.

—A shade in the Beacon Chorus[1]

Each settlement on Canticle has a Chorus of their own, kept in a specialized containment chamber called a Reliquary--a glass drum with an open top. Despite expressing a desire to kill and absorb the Investiture of the living beings around them, the Chorus are remarkably docile compared to their Threnodite equivalents.[1]


Despite being Threnodite Cognitive Shadows in origin, The Chorus claim that they are not shades, citing their ability to remember as a significant difference.[1] This may be a result of the unique Connection properties between groups of Canticlites. In addition, when a shade is generated, it is often drawn to the Reliquary of the settlement that individual was associated with, and occasionally their likeness is visible within the Chorus.[1] It's unclear if individual shades contribute any knowledge to the Chorus, as the shades functionally act as a single entity once they have be assimilated, generally only speaking as the original immigrants from Threnody.


Arguably the most notable function of the Chorus is the ability to fabricate nearly anything from raw materials after observing relevant blueprints or schematics--the process bearing resemblance to the methods Living Blades use to change shape. Similarly, the length of time it takes for the Chorus to fabricate any given object is influenced by how familiar the shades are with the process.[1]


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