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Fixed some wrong information and wrong English, also added a little bit and removed some unnecessary things. Also moved some things around
(Fixed some wrong information and wrong English, also added a little bit and removed some unnecessary things. Also moved some things around)
'''Alethkar''' is a country in eastern [[Roshar]]. It borders [[Jah Keved]] to the west, the [[Unclaimed Hills]] to the east, and the [[Frostlands]] to the south. Alethkar is the largest country on Roshar, and therefor is the largest and most prominent of the five [[Vorinism|Vorin]] nations, with a population in the hundreds of thousands.{{book ref|sa4|50}} People from Alethkar are known as '''Alethi''', and their royal colors are blue and gold.{{book ref|sa1|69}} In [[Azir]], they are known as the '''Tagarut'''.{{book ref|tsm|26}}
The [[singer]]s' name for Alethkar is '''Avendla''', meaning Land of the Second Advance.{{book ref|sa4|14}} Prior to the [[True Desolation]], the Alethi were engaged in the [[War of Reckoning]] against the [[listeners]].{{book ref|sa1|23}} As of {{rosharan date|1175}} on the Vorin Calander, the vast majority of their territory is under the control of the [[Voidbringer]]s.{{book ref|sa3|120}}
== Etymology ==
The name ''Alethkar'' is of unsure meaning, but it stems from the name of the Silver Kingdom of ''Alethela'', which later became what is now known as Alethkar.{{book ref|sa1|19}}{{map ref|Silver Kingdoms}} The demonym ''Alethi'' is derived from Alethkar.
The term ''Tagarut'', referring to the Alethi, means "Breakers" in Azish. This refers to their destructive nature during their invasions of Azir.{{book ref|tsm|26}} The name ''Avendla'' means ''Land of the Second Advance'' in the ancient Fused language.{{book ref|sa4|14}}
The name ''Avendla'' is Listener for ''Land of the Second Advance''.{{book ref|sa4|14}}
== Geography ==
== History ==
=== Creation ===
The land that would become known as RosharAlethkar was created at an unknown point before the [[Shattering]] by Adonaslium, along with the rest of Roshar and the Rosharan supercontinent, overby [[Adonalsium]] roughly ten- thousand years prior to the Vorin year {{Rosharan date|1174}}.{{wob ref|3953}}{{wob ref|3952}}{{wob ref|1355}}{{book ref|tsm|11}} It is unclear how much the geography of modern-day Alethkar has changed compared to the land at creation.
=== Pre-Human Arrival ===
{{image|Silver Kingdoms.jpg|side=right|width=450px|Map of the Silver Kingdoms}}
Alethkar was founded as [[Alethela]] in the [[Silver Kingdoms]] Epoch, settled by Ashynite emigrants who arrived on Roshar in Shinovar, before eventually expanding outward and conquering the rest of Roshar. They were an extremely militaristic nation which remembered and studied the arts of war so that they would be able to teach it to new generations whenever a Desolation comescame.{{book ref|sa1|19}} Due to this, the Knight's Radiant primarily lived in Alethela, even if their operations were based in [[Urithiru]].{{book ref|sa1|19}} This militarism laid the foundation for modern Alethi militarism and military strength.
Its territory during this era was larger than its current territory, including the [[Unclaimed Hills]] in the Rosharan far east.{{map ref|Silver Kingdoms}}{{map ref|Roshar}}
==== The Rule of Nohadon ====
At some point early in its history, it was ruled over by King [[Nohadon]].{{book ref|sa1|60}}{{book ref|sa1|24}} During one Desolation during his life, they fought for over eleven years and nine-in-ten Alethelan citizens were killed.{{book ref|sa1|60}} [[Eiliz]], [[Tarma]], and [[Sur]], likely sub-divisions of Alethela, fell during this Desolation. They are no longer remembered in modern historical memory by {{rosharan date|1173}}.{{book ref|sa1|60}}
Nohadon wanted to abdicate due to the tragic events of this Desolation, however, he kept his throne and tried to rebuild. Over the decades, he successfully managed to rebuild Alethela into a bustling and colorful place.{{book ref|sa3|103}} Eventually, he went to war with [[Makabakam]] over trade routes, the full effects this had on both kingdoms are unknown.{{book ref|sa3|103}}
==== Further Desolations ====
One of the many Desolations that struck the nation, along with the rest of Roshar, arrived inshortly after the year {{rosharan date|337}} of the Eighth Epoch. This Desolation was heralded by the release of [[Midnight Essence]] in a small settlement in [[Natanatan]].{{book ref|sa1|19}} The length of this Desolation is unknown.
Another Desolation occurred later and ended circa -3333, during an unknown Epoch.
==== The Last Desolation (c.-3332) ====
The Last Desolation was a large scale Desolation whichthat occurred circa -3332, around 4500 years before the arrival of the [[Assassination of Gavilar]]. This Desolation was particularly devasting due to the fact that it happened only a year after the previous Desolation, and thus society was weakened and still recovering. Tired of the Desolations and their torture on Braize, the nine Heralds still on Roshar refused to return to Braize, leaving Taln as the sole Herald on the planet for millennia.{{book ref|sa1|prelude}}{{book ref|sa1|prologue}}
After the Last Desolation, Desolations ceased to ravage the nation. Due to this, society was able to advance much further than ever before, giving them the strength to potentially resist any potential Desolation without complete societal collapse.{{book ref|sa3|119}} The era heralded by the Last Desolation came to be known as the Era of Solitude.{{book ref|sa1|45}}
==== After the Aharietiam ====
At some point before the [[Hierocracy]], and likely before the [[Recreance]],{{wob ref|14106}} the ancestors of the [[Oldblood]]s acted as the monarchs of what would become Alethkar. Little is known about them, but they are known to have been a dynasty, implying that they had ruled for a long time. It is not known how, when, or why, but they eventually lost their authority, but it would be remembered by their descendants for many generations.{{book ref|sa2|51}}{{wob ref|7245}}{{wob ref|14106}}
At some point following Aharietiam, the kingdom splintered apart into many different smaller nations, and would not reunify for centuries following the splintering.{{citebook ref|wok|24}}
They are said to have invaded [[Azir]], under the [[Ulutu Dynasty]], at least five times during this period; with legends stating that they attempted to climb the mountains to gather gemstones and weapons from the sun itself, which bleached their eyes and left them defeated by its majesty. This tale is a complex mixture of truth and legend, that historians struggle to untangle.{{book ref|tsm|26}}
==== The War of Loss (c.{{rosharan date|673}})====
{{for|War of Loss}}
ThisThe Hierocracy lasted until the [[Sunmaker]] led the kingdom in a successful revolt against [[Vorin]] rule circa {{rosharan date|673}}, known as the [[War of Loss]]. FollowingMany hiscities successfulwere reunificationsacked ofand destroyed during this Alethelawar underand the namechaos of Alethkarits aftermath, hewith setKholinar hisbeing eyesone uponof the restfew ofeastern cities to remain Rosharunharmed.{{book ref|obsa2|212}}
After overthrowing the Hierocracy, Vorinism wasSadees split Vorinism into many Devotaries, leaving it heavily decentralized. Furthermore, he stripped ardents hadof their rights to own property and political office stripped away, they were no longer allowed to amass wealth, and they were reduced into being little more than slaves. However, they were stilled allowed to excommunicate people without political consultation.{{book ref|sa3|100}} Furthermore, they had their claims of seeing visions of the future thoroughly debunked, questioning their authority as unquestionable religious figures even further.{{book ref|sa1|36}}
Many cities were sacked and destroyed in this war and the chaos of its aftermath, with Kholinar being one of the few eastern cities to survive.{{book ref|sa2|12}}
This was all done by Sadees in thean attempt to prevent another Hierocracy from rising in the future.{{book ref|sa1|18}}{{book ref|sa1|33}}{{book ref|sa1|36}} The Hierocracy and its fall served to shape modern Vorinism.
After overthrowing the Hierocracy, Vorinism was split into many Devotaries, leaving it heavily decentralized. Furthermore, ardents had their rights to own property and political office stripped away, they were no longer allowed to amass wealth, and they were reduced into being little more than slaves. However, they were stilled allowed to excommunicate people without political consultation.{{book ref|sa3|100}} Furthermore, they had their claims of seeing visions of the future thoroughly debunked, questioning their authority as unquestionable religious figures even further.{{book ref|sa1|36}}
This was all done by Sadees in the attempt to prevent another Hierocracy from rising in the future.{{book ref|sa1|18}}{{book ref|sa1|33}}{{book ref|sa1|36}} The Hierocracy and its fall served to shape modern Vorinism.
Despite its collapse many centuries ago, various groups during the War of Reckoning and the True Desolation, such as the [[Sons of Honor]], still seek for the return of the Hierocracy.{{book ref|sa2|i|12}}{{book ref|sa2|88}}
==== The Rule of the Sunmaker ====
Following his successful reunification of Alethela under the name of Alethkar, he set his eyes upon the rest of Roshar.{{book ref|ob|2}}
His first conquest was over the northern nation of [[Herdaz]], which was successful.{{book ref|sa3|19}} At some point following the occupation of Herdaz, he marched upon [[Azir]],{{book ref|sa3|42}} then under the rule of Prime Aqasix [[Snoxil]].{{book ref|sa3|65}} He successfully conquered the capital city of [[Azimir]], claiming to have come to "civilize" them. With a powerful army stationed in the nation, he instituted a policy of genocide against their people, it is said one of every ten Azish people died under the tyranny of Sadees.{{book ref|sa3|42}}
His first conquest was over the northern nation of [[Herdaz]], which was successful.{{book ref|sa3|19}} At some point following the occupation of Herdaz, he marched upon [[Azir]],{{book ref|sa3|42}} then under the rule of Prime Aqasix [[Snoxil]].{{book ref|sa3|65}} He successfully conquered the capital city of [[Azimir]], claiming to have come to "civilize" them. With a powerful army stationed in the nation, he instituted a policy of genocide against their people, it is said one of every ten Azish people died under the tyranny of Sadees.{{book ref|sa3|42}}
After the Sunmaker's death, his ten sons could not agree on one of their number as his successor. With none of them willing to forego their claim to the throne, they split the kingdom into ten princedoms, which they ruled individually as [[Highprince]]s, with no unifying government. This loss of central government in the empire led to the Azish regaining their independence.{{book ref|ob|19}}
After the Sunmaker's death, his ten sons could not agree on one of their number as his successor. With none of them willing to forego their claim to the throne, they split the kingdom into ten princedoms, which they ruled individually as [[Highprince]]s, with no unifying government. This loss of central government in the empire led to the Azishoccupied territories, such as Azir and Herdaz, regaining their independence.{{book ref|ob|19}}
The legacy of this era would live on, with the Alethi seeing him as a great conquerer and a hero to his people, while many other people across the world saw him as a genocidal tyrant, causing other leaders to be hesitant to trust Dalinar and the Alethi.{{book ref|sa3|42}} However, Alethkar's conquests forged trade routes to other regions including Azir, Herdaz, and Jah Keved; these routes persisted into the modern era, bringing great wealth to the nation.{{book ref|ob|100}}
The legacy of this era would live on, with theSunmaker Alethi seeing him asbecoming a great conquerer and anational hero toin his people,Alethkar while many other people across the world saw him as a genocidal tyrant, causing other leaders even centuries later to be hesitant to trust Dalinar and the Alethi.{{book ref|sa3|42}} However, Alethkar's conquests forged trade routes to other regions including Azir, Herdaz, and Jah Keved; these routes persisted into the modern era, bringing great wealth to the nation.{{book ref|ob|100}}
=== Alethi War of Unification ({{rosharan date|1140}}-{{rosharan date|1163}})===
{{anchor|Alethi War of Unification}}
Several centuries later, in approximately {{Rosharan date|1140}}, [[Gavilar Kholin]]--inspired by the Sunmaker--sought to conquer and unite the highprinces, which he achieved by about {{Rosharan date|1145}}. He was then crowned king and his brother [[Dalinar Kholin]] became highprince to the [[House Kholin|Kholin]] Princedom. However, due to the lineage of each Princedom going back to the Sunmaker and his sons, the Highprinces were loathe to surrender their autonomous power to a supreme ruler. The integrity and unity of Gavilar's kingdom is therefore questionable, as evidenced by the ferocity with which the Highprinces resisted his military approach to unification and continued to strain against his rule. The most severe instance of this was the rebellion in [[Rathalas]], where Gavilar eventually had to send troops led by [[Dalinar]] and [[Torol Sadeas]] in order to quench the revolt, as political means had resulted in a failure. One notable battle during the war was the battle against Brightlord Yezriar.{{book ref|sa3|3}}
==== Brightlord Yezriar ({{rosharan date|1140}})====
One notable battle during the war was the battle against Brightlord Yezriar.{{book ref|sa3|3}}
==== Conquest of Rathalas ({{rosharan date|1141}})====
The conquest was ultimately successful, placing Rathalas under Kholin hegemony, although the rule was not peaceful. The ruling family was enraged by the conquest and the death of Tanalan, and was even further enraged by the loss of Oathbringer, which they demanded be returned to the rightful heir.{{book ref|sa3|36}}
This battle was notable for laying the foundations of the Burning of Rathalas, and with the Kholin family obtaining the Shardblade [[Oathbringer]].{{book ref|sa3|36}}
==== Conquest of Kalanor's Territory ({{rosharan date|1145}}) ====
In {{rosharan date|1145}}, the Kholin army attacked myriad small cities in Kalanor's region in an attempt to undermine his authority and pull him out of hiding, provoking him into a large scale battle in which they could secure a decisive victory.{{book ref|sa3|26}} This strategy was successful, leading to the two armies into a large-scale battle on a large, open plain. This was the largest battle the Kholin army engaged in during the Unification War, and ended in a decisive Kholin victory and the death of Kalanor.{{book ref|sa3|26}}
Kalanor's shards were given to Gavilar by Dalinar, and Kalanor's territory was given to [[Loradar Vamah]], thus it was officially named the [[Vamah princedom]]. This battle marked the official end of the Alethi war of unification, however battles and skirmishes couldwould continue for decades afterward.{{book ref|sa3|26}}
==== Alethi-Herdazian Border Conflict ({{rosharan date|1150}} - {{rosharan date|1154}}) ====
This conflict led to the deaths of many on both sides, and defined the modern Alethi-Herdazian Border.{{book ref|sa4|16}}
==== Conquest of the Akak Reshi ({{rosharan date|1155}}) ====
At some point in {{rosharan date|1155}}, Dalinar Kholin led a military conquest of the [[Reshi]] island of [[Akak]].{{book ref|sa3|52}} The conquest was ultimately successful as he destroyed the Akak Reshi, and claimed the island for Alethkar.{{book ref|sa1|56}}
==== Alethi-Veden Border Conflict ({{rosharan date|1155}} - ???)====
Around {{rosharan date|1155}}, a war broke out at the border between Alethkar and Jah Keved. Dalinar Kholin also acted as one of the major generals in this conflict as well.{{book ref|sa3|52}} Part of the motivation for the conflict was Jah Keved taking land from Alethkar in around {{rosharan date|1143}}.{{book ref|sa3|66}}
==== Burning of Rathalas ({{rosharan date|1163}}) ====
{{image|The Rift by greatunknown.png|side=right|width=400px|The burning of Rathalas}}
In {{rosharan date|1163}}, due to increasing hostilities and calls for rebellion in Rathalas, led by Brightlord Tanalan's son, also named [[Tanalan]],{{book ref|sa3|36}}{{book ref|sa3|49}} Gavilar Kholin sent his brother, Dalinar Kholin, and Torol Sadeas back to the Rift in order to quell them. Dalinar attempted to peacefully negotiate, offering Tanalan the position of Highprince if he surrendered. His offer was refused and his contingent, including himself, were struck by a landslide orchestrated by Tanalan, killing all of his men and leaving him injured, but alive.{{book ref|sa3|71}}
Enraged, Dalinar slaughtered his ambushers, and ordered his surviving men (stationed outside of the Rift) to douse the city in oil and set it alight, as to slaughter all of its people and leave the city in ruins. Panicked at what Dalinar ordered, his wife, [[Evi]], went into the city in secret and attempted to negotiate with Tanalan herself, in order to prevent the massacre from being carried out. Tanalan came to agree, and decided to send out a plea for surrender.
When messengers were sent out waving a flag of surrender, he ordered them shot dead, and demanded that the burning be continued without any deferment.{{book ref|sa3|75}} The attack went through at night, and the attack left all inhabitants of the city dead with the exception of Tanalan and his family, who Dalinar killed without hesitation. However, itTanalan soon camerevealed outto Kholin that his wife Evi was in the city during the burning, and was killed in the fire.{{book ref|sa3|75}}
The guilt of killing Evi and thousands of innocents weighed heavily on Dalinar's mind, and ultimately led to his seeking of the Nightwatcher and fundamental change as a person, and in the manner he runs his political office as Highprince.
{{for|Wastescum skirmishes}}
A collection of skirmishes in the northern sectionPrincedoms of Alethkar which occurred some time before {{rosharan date|1166}}, and some time after the crowning of Gavilar in {{rosharan date|1145}}.{{book ref|sa1|16}} The skirmishes were against groups of [[Reshi]] raiders who thought they could take advantage atof the instability of Alethkar early after the crowning of [[Gavilar Kholin]].{{book ref|sa1|16}} It can be reasonably assumed that the attempt to repel the raiders was successful.
Soldiers for the battle were brought in from across the Sadeas Princedom, and presumably beyond, including various darkeyes in [[Hearthstone]].{{book ref|sa1|16}} The Reshi forces notably did not have any Shardblades.{{book ref|sa1|16}}
This conflict did not fully dissuade the Reshi from engaging in border assaults, and they are known to have stillattempted beto attempting toraid takeAlethi Alethkarterritories as late as {{rosharan date|1173|8}}.{{book ref|sa1|18}}
=== Early Interactions with the Parshendi ({{rosharan date|1166}} - {{rosharan date|1167}}) ===
Gavilar metmade withcontact the Parshendi in {{rosharan date|1166|4}} and was instantly fascinated by them. The Parshendi exploration that underwent first contact was led by [[Eshonai]], who became a very important figure in Alethi-Parshendi relations.{{book ref|sa3|prologue}}{{book ref|sa2|i|4}}{{book ref|sa1|45}}{{book ref|sa4|48}}
{{image|Reluctant Villain by Art Dem.jpg|side=left|width=300px|Szeth arriving to kill Gavilar}}
==== Battle of the Side Carry ({{rosharan date|1173|8|5|3}}) ====
During an attack on the Tower led by Sadeas, Bridge Four attempted a strategy that they believed would protect them from Parshendi attack by carrying their bridge on the side. This strategy successfully protected themselvesthems, but focused Parshendi attack on other bridge crews, causing a large amount to fall. This disrupted the attack, and led to a large amount of deaths, of both trained soldiers and bridgemen. Over two-hundred bridgemen perished in the attack.{{book ref|sa1|32}}{{book ref|sa1|34}}
This ultimately dealt a crippling blow to Sadeas's army, and led to the execution of Captain [[Lamaril]] for allowing the disaster to take place. Kaladin was also punished by being strung up in the coming highstorm and left for death, as a punishment for the actions of his crew.{{book ref|sa1|32}}{{book ref|sa1|34}}
=== Music ===
Music is seen as a feminine art, and is thus primarily only persued by women and ardents.{{book ref|sa1|3}}{{book ref|sa1|57}}{{book ref|sa2|55}} Alethi music makes a heavy use of flutes and string instruments made of a fine wood,{{book ref|sa1|57}}{{book ref|sa1|33}}{{book ref|sa3|84}} and tend to dislike percussion.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}}{{book ref|sa4|prologue}}{{wob ref|12290}} Battle hymns make use of brass-like instruments.{{wob ref|12290}}
They make use of bows to play stringed instruments.{{book ref|sa1|33}} The Alethi may also practice a sort of throat-singing.{{wob ref|14654}} They are known to sing various forms of Vorin hymns.{{book ref|sa3|i|5}}
Drums are popular amongst the lower-class, darkeyed population. Due to this, lighteyes typically associate drums exclusively with darkeyes, and therefore interpret them as base instruments.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} Their flutes are played vertically, not horizontally.{{book ref|sa1|57}}
The Alethi may practice a sort of throat-singing.{{wob ref|14654}} They are known to often sing various forms of Vorin hymns.{{book ref|sa3|i|5}}
Drums are popular amongst the lower-class, darkeyed population. Due to this, lighteyes typically associate drums exclusively with darkeyes, and therefore interpret them as base instruments.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}}
Their flutes are played vertically, not horizontally.{{book ref|sa1|57}}
Music is seen as a feminine art, and is thus primarily only persued by women and ardents.{{book ref|sa1|3}}{{book ref|sa1|57}}{{book ref|sa2|55}}
It is common for music to be played at lighteyed feasts.{{book ref|sa1|22}}{{book ref|sa3|19}}{{book ref|sa4|prologue}}
Alethkar and Jah Keved have closely aligned fashion styles, enough so for Liafor to market to them using the same fashion folios.{{file ref|Contemporary Male Fashion.jpg|Contemporary Male Fashion Folio Page}}
{{image|Contemporary_Male_Fashion.jpg|side=left|width=250px|Contemporary Male Fashion}}
==== Masculine Fashion ====
