User:Lightspen of the Glass Sea/Jeffrey Jeffrey

Lightspen of the Glass Sea/Jeffrey Jeffrey
Residence Beacon
Ethnicity Threnodite
Homeworld Canticle
Universe Cosmere
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Jeffrey Jeffrey is a citizen of the Beacon and an administrator or steward to the Greater Good.[1]

Appearance and Personality

Jeffery Jeffery is a burly man with a bushy black beard and brown eyes. Nomad comments that Jeffery Jeffery looks like a cousin of his, implying he could pass for Azish.[1]


Jeffrey Jeffery is part of the raiding party that steals the Scadrian authorization badge from the Cinder King. The group returns to Beacon and Jeffrey Jeffrey gives a report of the mission to the Greater Good. When Nomad reveals that he could operate the key to get into the Refuge, Jeffrey Jeffrey thinks that getting to the Refuge is Beacon's only hope.

After first search fails, talks casualties with greater good 9/30


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