Frugal Wizard Multiverse

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This article's title is uncanonical and a fan created one, because an official term or name has not been made yet.

The Frugal Wizard Multiverse is an unnamed multiverse that is the setting for The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England, any potential Frugal Wizard sequels, and possibly other stories. Cecil G. Bagsworth III, an interdimensional wizard, is the editor of the Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians series and A Night of Blacker Darkness, implying that the worlds of those books are accessible from the dimensions of Frugal Wizard and therefore part of this multiverse. The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England was not written with any intentional connections to the Reckoners Multiverse, but connections might be added through The Apocalypse Guard.[1]


Each dimension is theorized to have infinitely many "downstream" dimensions that shared history up to a point but then branched off. While time passes in all dimensions roughly the same, some dimensions may lag behind in their progress, making them seem like older history relative to the upstream dimension.[2] A dimension can be linked to one of its downstream dimensions with a dimensional portal. With this portal, objects and people from an upstream dimension can travel downstream, and they can return, but objects and people from downstream cannot travel upstream.[3] This is because the nature of upstream dimensions is different, possessing more of what Frugal Wizard Inc. calls substance. Logna, however, calls it poison.[4]

Higher Upstream Dimensions

The existence of dimensions further upstream from the known ones has been hypothesized, but not confirmed because of the difficulty in sending anything upstream and the lack of visitors from such a dimension.[3]

Dimension of Frugal Wizard Inc.

The furthest upstream known dimension is the one from which Frugal Wizard Inc. operates. Dimensional travel was first discovered in the late twenty-first century, and has since entered the twenty-second century. Technology has progressed in other areas as well, with medical nanites and body augments becoming common.

Downstream Dimensions

The dimensions sold to dimensional tourists are one level downstream from the one where Frugal Wizard Inc. operates.

Further Downstream

A dimensional portal can be opened from a downstream dimension to go even further downstream, although Frugal Wizard Inc. says such dimensions are unstable.[3] Logna, Woden, and the wights come from a dimension far downstream.[5]


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