Knights Radiant

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The Knights Radiant is an organization that existed sometime between the 'final' desolation and the present day.

The home of the Radiants was the country of Alethela, and the orders are centered in Urithiru.

Orders and Powers

The Radiants were divided into ten different orders, each of which somehow corresponds with one of the Heralds. Each Order had two powers associated with it, and each power was used by two different Orders. The Knights Radiant used Shardblades and Shardplate, which were etched with glyphs and glowed a different color according to the Order they were a part of. Each Radiant is bonded to a spren, and that spren determines the powers and order the Radiant belongs to.

Orders include the Order of Stoneward, the Order of Windrunners, and possibly Dustbringers. Powers include Soulcasting and Surgebinding.


The Windrunners are an order of Radiants who used two primary types of Surgebinding. These were known as the Three Lashings. The glow of their Shardplate is blue.


Soulcasters are both a type of fabrial and a Radiant power. The fabrials were based off of and named after the Radiants who used this power. The ability is derived from using stormlight trapped in gemstones to transform one thing into one of the Ten Essences, depending on what gemstone is used.


The Dustbringers can apparently burn things, mostly combustible items, though occasionally rock.


The glow of their Shardplate is amber. With the combination of topaz and heliodor fixed in metal, one can regrow flesh and bone. The combination is called a Regrowth; however, this may be a kind of fabrial and not a power of the order.


In Vorinism, the fall of the Knights Radiant was called the Recreance.

Vorinism teaches that the Radiants betrayed the people. It is taught that their powers were not real, but elaborate tricks, and that they only pretended to have a holy calling. The "evidence" for this is that the powers cannot be reproduced.

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