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Cobb arrived and told them that Alanik’s request had been denied, and that his hands were tied. He told them that he couldn’t officially order them to go, but heavily hinted that he wanted them to anyway.{{book ref|sf2|6}} Alanik and Skyward Flight hurried to the hangar, and Alanik found that her ship had been taken apart to be studied. The maintenance crews tried to stop them, but Jorgen said they had been given emergency orders to scramble. They went to their fighters, FM showing Alanik the basic controls of the unfamiliar fighter. They flew upwards, Alanik managing with difficulty. After interlocking with light lances and preparing to hyperjump, Jeshua radioed them and warned them that if they left, they would be considered deserters. At Jorgen’s go-ahead, Alanik teleported them to ReDawn.{{book ref|sf2|7}} They arrived just outside Hollow, and Alanik explained the nature of ReDawn and its trees to them. As they neared the Superiority transport where Alanik’s people were being held, Skyward Flight engaged the numerous Unity pilots. The transport fled and Skyward Flight worked together to bring it down, Nedd using his IMP and Kimmalyn taking out the pilot, while Alanik and Arturo grabbed the transport with their lightlances.{{book ref|sf2|8}}
Alanik hyperjumped the transport to the Independence base, and the Indenepdnece prisoners unloaded, the pilots entering their fighters. Quilan’s fighters arrived, and Skyward Flight and the Independence pilots held. More Unity reinforcements arrived however, and Alanik decided that they should retreat to [[Wandering Leaf]], a floating platform with automatic turrets. Skyward Flight used their taynix to teleport them and the Independence pilots underneath the turrets, while Alanik dueled with Quilan.{{book ref|sf2|10}} Upon trying to land on Wandering Leaf she was forced to eject out of her plane, landing on the platform with her parachute.{{book ref|sf2|1011}}
=== On Wandering Leaf ===
Alanik met with the Independence pilots, including [[Gilaf|her brother]] and [[Inin|Rinakin’s daughter]]. Because of Wandering Leaf’s effective turrets, Alanik and the others were then safe from Unity attacks. Jorgen tuned his radio to a broadcast from Nanalis to the UrDail population, and Rinakin’s voice came on, allying himself and Independence with Unity. He then told Alanik to turn herself in.{{book ref|sf2|11}} Many memmbers of Skyward Flight had doubts about rescuing Rinakin after the message, but both Alanik and Inin strongly argued that Unity was forcing Rinakin to agree with them. Alanik introduced the human and Independence pilots to each other, and explore the Superiority shuttle. Inside they find a blue and green taynix with the power to inhibit cytonics. Afterward, Alanik talks with Arturo alone. Arturo bluntly asked Alanik if she would betray them, to which she said that she won’t.{{book ref|sf2|12}}
Alanik got to know Skyward Flight better, chatting cytonically with Jorgen. When they began talking about their romantic relationship, Alanik was confused about how embarrassed they got about the subject. FM decided that they needed to retrieve Rig from Detritus{{book ref|sf2|13}}, and her and Alanik hyperjumped there. They convince him to help, and found that Detritus’ leaders have been negotiating with the Superiority and will likely hand over their taynix.{{book ref|sf2|14}} They returned to Wandering leaf, where FM and Jorgen got into an argument about the taynix. Alanik and the others test out the platform’s cytonic inhibitor using the new blue and green slug. After their test is successful, Rig repairs Alanik’s starfighter.{{book ref|Sf2|15}} Arturo talked with Alanik more, asking about why she fights so strongly against the Superiority. After figuring out how to work Wandering Leaf’s weapons system that used giant mindblades, Alanik and the others discussed how to rescue Rinakin.{{book ref|sf2|17}}
== Notes ==
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