Difference between revisions of "Jephs Daring"

68 bytes added ,  3 years ago
residence and profession
m (residence and profession)
|profession={{cat tag|Students of Armedius Academy|Student}}
|residence=Armedius Academy
|books=[[The Rithmatist]]
'''Jephs DarlingDaring''' is a student of [[Armedius Academy]].{{book ref|Rithmatist|1}}
After [[Joel Saxon]] finishes telling [[Michael]] about the [[Melee#1888 Crew-Choi duel|1888 Melee]], he dodges out of the way of a soccer ball. Jephs then comes running by and waves at Michael and Joel before running after the soccer ball.{{book ref|Rithmatist|1}}
Autopatrolled, Editors
