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== Culture ==
{{image|Warbreaker by Phoebe Rothfeld.jpg|Vivenna and Parlin's arrival in T'Telir|side=left|width=300px}}
=== People ===
There are many different peoples and cultures in T’Telir.{{book ref|wb|9}} The most prevalent people are the Hallandren. Other known cultures in T’Telir include Pahn Kahl and Idrian.{{book ref|wb|9}}
T’Telir has no nobility,{{book ref|wb|4}} instead it has a small but very rich class which is almost completely compromised of the most successful merchants, a middle class, and a large peasant class. Hallandren is the only nation on [[Nalthis]] to have a middle class, instead of only a high and low class. Due to this large middle class T’Telir has many features that the rest of the world lacks.{{book ref|wb|5}}
T'Telir is overwhelmingly bright, and the main areas of the city are very beautiful and lush with greenery.{{book ref|wb|25}} Buildings are dyed in all colors here,{{book ref|wb|4}} and the people, all of whom dress in vibrant colors and some of whom even dye their hair,{{book ref|wb|14}} are much the same. D'Denir, huge statues of great warriors holding weapons in various poses, line the walkways and are frequently adorned by the people with brightly colored accessories such as scarves and hats.{{book ref|wb|9}} Many streets in the city are just dirt, not laid with cobblestone, though they have slate sidewalks and are lined with palms and other tropical plants.{{book ref|wb|17}} The streets also have pole-mounted lamps that are lit nightly, requiring an amount of oil only feasible due to the city's proximity to the sea and the trade it brings.{{book ref|wb|25}} However, the slum areas where the Idrians of the city live aren't quite as nice: although still colorful, the colors are muted, the buildings are quite run-down and dirty, and there are many beggars and urchins.{{book ref|wb|31}}
T'TelirOne isof athese veryfeatures wealthyis cityrestaurants.{{book comparedref|wb|5}} toRestaurants [[Bevalis]],are theonly capitalpossible citybecause of Idristhe middle class, andwhich evenis haslarge, somewhatand ofrich, aenough middleto classsupport businesses.{{book ref|wb|95}} T’Telirites often eat lunch at restaurants,{{wobbook ref|6706wb|22}} Theas housesduring inmidday T'Telirit aremakes generallymore muchsense largerto andbuy nicerfood thanrather inthen Idris,return all the way home.{{book ref|wb|1722}} and the cityIt is onea ofcommon thepractice onlyto placeswipe withyour enoughfingers wealthyon peoplethe to support restaurantstablecloth.{{book ref|wb|522}} InLots fact,of enterprising young street boys wander the neighborhoods proclaiming their services, willing to deliver food from restaurants right to people's homes for a fee.{{book ref|wb|17}} The food servedpeople in T'Telir tends to belike spicy food, and their food is often centered around seafood, and seasoned with exotic spices.{{book ref|wb|5}}{{book ref|wb|8}}
|[[Vivenna]]'s first impression of T'Telir{{book ref|wb|9}}
People here like to be together, tending to crowd the same streets.{{book ref|wb|17}} Because of the warm climate, they are comfortable with wearing loose, revealing, and few clothes;{{book ref|wb|25}} their clothes are of all kinds of designs, makes, and colors, all meant to make them stand out, though the overwhelming effect is then that no one stands out.{{book ref|wb|14}} Most natives of the city believe in the [[Iridescent Tones]] and worship the Returned.{{book ref|wb|25}} Timepieces are not common,{{book ref|wb|11}} and punctuality is not a high priority in the city, especially among the Returned.{{book ref|wb|14}} It is also uncommon enough to go fully armed in T'Telir that wearing a sword draws attention.{{book ref|wb|19}} The T’Telirites aren’t fond of carriages, instead preferring palanquins.{{cite}}
People hereT’Telirites like to be together, tending to crowd the same streets.{{book ref|wb|17}} Because of the warm climate, they are comfortable with wearing loose, revealing, and few clothes;{{book ref|wb|259}} their clothes are of all kinds of designs, makes, and colors, all meant to make them stand out, though the overwhelming effect is then that no one stands out.{{book ref|wb|14}} Most natives of the city believe in the [[Iridescent Tones]] and worship the Returned.{{book ref|wb|25}} Timepieces are not common,{{book ref|wb|11}} and punctuality is not a high priority in the city, especially among the Returned.{{book ref|wb|14}} It is also uncommon enough to go fully armed in T'Telir that wearing a sword draws attention.{{book ref|wb|19}} The T’Telirites aren’t fond of carriages, instead preferring palanquins.{{cite}}
T’Telir’s city guard is dressed in blue and gold.{{cite}}
The people in the slums are often dirty and beaten down.{{book ref|wb|31}} Most slums are ruled by people called slumlords,{{book ref|wb|31}} the crime lords of specific slums in the city. The poor in T'Telir take any jobs they can, including prostitution for women{{book ref|wb|31}} and work in the dye fields for men.{{book ref|wb|31}} A lot of people here also beg for money,{{book ref|wb|39}} although this profession isn’t very rewarding in T'Telir.{{book ref|wb|39}} There are also underground fighting matches where men can see people, often Idrians, box eachother to unconsciousness,{{book ref|wb|31}} these matches are often funded by slumlords.{{book ref|wb|31}}
The T’Telirites enjoy music, painting, dance, poetry, sculpture, puppetry, play performance, sandpainting and lots of other ‘lesser’ arts.{{book ref|wb|8}} Weapons are uncommon enough in the city that a sword draws attention. Book ref|wb|19}} Timepieces are not common in T’Telir,{{book ref|wb|11}} and punctuality is not a high priority in the city, especially among the Returned.{{book ref|wb|14}} The T’Telirites are fond of carriages,{{book ref|wb|25}} and use them a lot in the city,{{book ref|wb|25}} although the Returned and their Queen prefer to use palanquins.{{book ref|wb|14}}
The T’Telirites herd livestock such as sheep and cows.{{book ref|wb|1}}{{book ref|wb|16}} they also enjoy many sorts of sealife, such as mussels, fish, and octopi,{{book ref|wb|22}}{{book ref|wb|9}}{{book ref|wb|40}} and many foreign foods.{{book ref|wb|5}} They like their food spicy.{{book ref|wb|4}} The T’Telirites keep their dead in charnel houses.{{book ref|wb|19}}
=== Religion ===
While T’Telir is home to many different cultures,{{book ref|wb|9}} and many different religions, the largest part of the population follows the Iridescent Tones. There are also a number of [[Idris|Idrians]]{{book ref|wb|9}}{{book ref|wb|31}} who follow [[Austrism]].{{book ref|wb|31}} As there are many [[Pahn Kahl]] living in the city. the Pahn Kahl religion is likely practiced as well.
T’Telir contains the [[Court of Gods]], a large walled off plateau.{{book ref|wb|4}}This plateau is the home of the [[Returned]],{{book ref|wb|3}} including the [[God King]].{{book ref|wb|4}} Anyone in the empire who wishes to get a blessing has to send their offerings all the way to T’Telir.{{book ref|wb|3}} If people want to petition to the gods they also need to travel all the way to T’Telir.{{book ref|wb|12}} Both of these things make T’Telir very important to the religion.
T’Telir embodies everything that modern [[Austrism]] preaches against. For example, Austrism preaches that ostentation is forbidden while in T’Telir everyone and everything competes for attention.{{book ref|wb|14}} Another example is that Austrism considers [[breath]] to be a part of the soul,{{book ref|wb|10}} while the T’Telirites trade in breath.{{book ref|wb|39}} This is likely on purpose as Austrism changed significantly after the Manywar, hating everything Hallandren.
During the first three hundred years of the city’s existence the majority of the population followed [[Austrism]],{{book ref|wb|15}} although back then it was very different from modern day [[Austrism]]. During this time the [[Cult of Returned]] likely settled in Hanald, although it wasn’t very large yet. After the [[Manywar]] however the Hallandren people felt that Austre had forsaken them, and left them to Kalad the Usurper. Partly because of this and partly because of Peacegiver stopping the war they started to worship the [[Returned]]. During this time the Cult of Returned grew and evolved into the Iridescent Tones. At the time of the Pahn Kahl rebellion, people are beginning to doubt their gods more and more, seeing them as less divine, weaker, and less wise.{{book ref|wb|16}}
=== Politics and Laws===
|This isn’t about money. It’s about fear. People in the court talk about what '''might''' happen if the Idrians cut off the passes or what '''may''' happen if the Idrians let enemies slip through and besiege T’Telir.
|[[Bebid]] to [[Vasher]]{{book ref|wb|5}}
T'Telir is the capital of Hallandren and contains the [[Court of Gods]], the home to the Returned.{{book ref|wb|4}} Hallandren, which includes T’Telir, is ruled by the [[God King]],{{book ref|wb|3}} although in reality he has very little political power and is more of a figurehead for his priesthood,{{book ref|wb|20}} who actually rule the empire. The God King has the right to undo any decision made by the Court of Gods.{{book ref|wb|50}}
The [[Returned]] have duties and votes on specific matters in the city and the empire.{{book ref|wb|16}} The task of the priesthood is generally to inform the gods of the people’s opinions.{{book ref|wb|16}} The Returned can then make informed decisions, which the priests enforce. In reality the priests handle most of the minor decisions, so that the Returned only vote on the major decisions.{{book ref|wb|50}} This method of government, waiting on debates that must be brought to the gods (who cannot leave the court to be among the people of the city) by the priests, operates much more slowly than Idris' monarchy.{{book ref|wb|1}}
There are specific laws about where begging is allowed and where it isn’t,{{book ref|wb|39}} these rules aren’t taught to beggars though.{{book ref|wb|39}} Hetting into a brawl in the city will get you locked up for a night,{{book ref|wb|prologue}} although hitting a priest means the death sentence.{{book ref|wb|prologue}} Anyone who wants to fish in the waters of T’Telir has to pay a fee.{{book ref|wb|53}}
=== City Guard ===
T’Telir has a strong human garrison, although not terribly large. The city guard also contains many [[lifeless]], usually directed by living humans. It is likely that the city guard also contains many of the support staff that goes along with lifeless soldiers. The city guard has a number of cavalrymen.{{book ref|wb|4}} T’Telir’s living city guard is dressed in bright yellow and blue,{{book ref|wb|prologue}} while the lifeless guards are dressed in purple and gold,{{book ref|wb|31}}
T’Telir is also the location of the entire [[Hallandren]] [[lifeless]] army.{{book ref|wb|4}} This army numbers forty thousand lifeless, fully equipped{{book ref|wb|47}} and ready to respond to any potential invasion. While this army is completely separate of the city guard, it can be called upon to defend the walls. The lifeless soldiers are described as wearing gold and blue,{{book ref|wb|4}} this might be the same as the living human guards, who’s uniforms are described as bright yellow and blue.{{book ref|wb|prologue}}
== Socioeconomic Divide ==
