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m (you don't need the text on all the refs, and we use words instead of numerals)
;[[Order of Windrunners]]
:The 1stfirst Order of the Knights Radiant with the ability to bind [[Surgebinding|Surges]] gravity and atmospheric pressure.{{ref|17s|4323|text=Seattle Signing Report 10/14/2013}} The combination of these two Surges resulted in three separate powers which were known as the [[Lashing|Three Lashings]].{{ref|b|twok|prologue}}
;[[Order of Skybreakers]]
:The 2ndsecond Order of the Knights Radiant with the ability to bind [[Surgebinding|Surges]] atmospheric pressure and division.{{ref|17s|4323|text=Seattle Signing Report 10/14/2013}}
;[[Order of Dustbringers]]
:The 3rdthird Order of the Knights Radiant with the ability to bind [[Surgebinding|Surges]] division and friction.{{ref|17s|4323|text=Seattle Signing Report 10/14/2013}} They could apparently burn things.{{ref|b|twok|prelude}}
;[[Order of Edgedancers]]
:The 4thfourth Order of the Knights Radiant with the ability to bind [[Surgebinding|Surges]] friction and growth.{{ref|17s|4323|text=Seattle Signing Report 10/14/2013}}
;[[Order of Lightweavers]]
:The 6thfifth Order of the Knights Radiant with the ability to bind [[Surgebinding|Surges]] light and transformation.{{ref|17s|4323|text=Seattle Signing Report 10/14/2013}} They could create illusions and had the inherent ability to [[Soulcast]].{{ref|[http://www.tor.com/blogs/2013/02/the-title-for-brandon-sandersons-second-stormlight-archive-book-has-been-revealed Release announcement from Tor]}}{{ref|b|twok|c|72}}
;[[Order of Elsecallers]]
:The 6thsixth Order of the Knights Radiant with the ability to bind [[Surgebinding|Surges]] transformation and transportation.{{ref|17s|4323|text=Seattle Signing Report 10/14/2013}} They had the inherent ability to [[Soulcast]].{{ref|b|twok|c|72}}
;[[Order of Stonewards]]
:The 9thninth Order of the Knights Radiant with the ability to bind [[Surgebinding|Surge]] surface tension.{{ref|17s|4323|text=Seattle Signing Report 10/14/2013}}
The Knights Radiant also used [[Shardblade]]s and [[Shardplate]]s, which were etched with glyphs and glowed a different color according to the Order they were a part of. Although this was not true for every Radiant as not all of them were fighters.{{cite}}