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The '''Spiritual Realm''' is the realm of existence in the [[cosmere]] that contains the essence or soul of things. In this Realm, the [[Connection|interconnection]] between objects, people, and ideals are made apparent.{{tes ref|12}}
Everything in the cosmere has a Spiritual aspect, a soul, which represents the idealized form or concept upon which their existence is based.{{tes ref|12}} Among sentient creatures, this soul is sometimes described as a [[Spiritwebspiritweb]]. Several manifestations of [[Investiture]] such as [[Gold#Feruchemical_Use|gold Feruchemy]] and [[Regrowth]] can restore a damaged object or person into the ideal form as dictated by the soul.
== Nature ==
|[[Dalinar]] grabbing the Spiritual Realm to create [[Honor's Perpendicularity]]{{book ref|sa3|119}}
The Spiritual Realm is not a place.{{wob ref|11708}} The Spiritual Realm is made up entirely of [[Investiture]] in the form of [[Spiritwebspiritweb]]s and the [[Connection]]s between them.{{wob ref|8812}}{{wob ref|9280}} As such, time and space are "irrelevant" or "compounded into one" in the Spiritual Realm.{{wob ref|6129}} This timelessness means that the Spiritual Realm breaks causality, but in a controlled way.{{wob ref|9286}}
Because time is irrelevant, an object's Connection to its past as well as its future can be observed from the Spiritual Realm.{{wob ref|6129}} Some beings, like [[Atium#Allomantic_Use|Seers]], [[Moelach]], [[Sak|Sak the Aviar]], and [[Shard]]s can peer into the Spiritual Realm to gain insight into the future, though some methods are more likely to be successful than others and even some Shards have difficulty seeing the future.{{book ref|sa1|75}}{{wob ref|1729}} It is also possible to see into the past of others via similar means.{{msh ref|1|1}}
=== Spiritwebs ===
A person’s Spiritwebspiritweb, closely related to Spiritual DNA,{{wob ref|115}} makes up their presence in the Spiritual Realm. Measuring and quantifying a Spiritwebspiritweb is possible, if difficult, to do.{{wob ref|13361}} Spiritual DNA can be passed from parent to child like regular DNA.{{wob ref|5514}} Identical twins can have different Spiritual DNA, however.{{wob ref|7761}} A person's Spiritwebspiritweb can be damaged either through physical or emotional trauma. This creates "cracks" in the soul. It is easier for Shards to [[Invest]] in people who are damaged in this way, as Investiture can enter the soul through these "cracks". This is why [[Allomancer]]s need to undergo [[Snapping]] in order to awaken their powers, and is implied to be the reason why [[Surgebinder]]s tend to have psychological problems.{{wob ref|5469}} Spiritwebs can be damaged with weapons like Hemalurgic spikes and Shardblades. Those wounds can then be healed with a graft of Investiture. The healing process does leave a permanent wound on a person’sperson's Spiritwebspiritweb.{{wob ref|126}} Investing an object or person for a long period of time will warp and change their Spiritwebspiritweb.{{wob ref|2690}} In humans, this process leads to [[Savant]]ism.{{wob ref|7267}}
=== Properties ===
==== Identity ====
[[Identity]] is a Spiritual attribute related to Spiritwebsspiritwebs.{{wob ref|9431}} Each person’s Identity is as unique as their genetic sequence,{{wob ref|874}} and is tied to the place where someone is born.{{wob ref|4061}} Identity is not altered with general damage to the Spiritwebspiritweb. Instead, someone would have to try and do something with Identity specifically.{{wob ref|9434}} Most magic in the cosmere is keyed to a person’s Identity. Two people both blanking their Identity will almost always allow them to use each other’s Investiture.{{wob ref|1709}} A lack of Identity will make a person more susceptible to many things in the cosmere, including [[soulstamp]]s.{{wob ref|3547}} This does not mean that someone with blank Identity could use any soulstamp, as the soulstamp’s Identity still causes issues.{{wob ref|9435}} Identity can be very useful in things like healing, though it may occur in a roundabout method.{{wob ref|7836}}
==== Fortune ====